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 Sages of Realmslore
 On Elven tales

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seter Posted - 02 May 2012 : 23:51:20
I am currently RPing an elven character that seeks to spread elven knowledge, especially to another elven character which has lost her memories.

I have already told her the tale of Araushnee's fall and the Crown Wars. But I was wondering if there are more memorable and foundation-wise stories you guys would recommend.
I also seek for stories about Sehanine herself and the Veiled Choir.

Thanks in advance!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Seter Posted - 05 May 2012 : 23:22:59
I would say both legends and historical stories.
Basically my character is trying to teach the "lost" Elf. Again I especially seek for things about Sehanine as well.
Lord Karsus Posted - 03 May 2012 : 20:40:30
-Legends, or kind of historical stories? In terms of the latter, a DC whatever history check would yield whatever kind of details about actual historical events.
Markustay Posted - 03 May 2012 : 18:18:54
The Complete Book of Elves has some interesting Elven folklore. Its core, rather then FR, but still very useable.
Seter Posted - 03 May 2012 : 06:40:12
Yes, I have.
I am just looking to see if people could point out any tales that would be considered highlights.
Hoondatha Posted - 03 May 2012 : 01:26:54
Have you read Elaine Cunningham's novel Evermeet: Island of Elves? It's almost entirely exactly that: stories and myths of the elves of Faerun from their earliest days to the present.

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