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 Sages of Realmslore
 Need information on druids (anything)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DrakeDreldragon Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 08:17:21

Im new to this forum at the moment, so im not sure if this is where i should post this, but here goes.

Could anybody please help with some information on druids? I know basicly nothing, and i need allot of information. Like, how they live, how many druids live in a grove, their basic hierachy, gods, how someone trains to be a druid, relationships between druids. Everything. Is that possible? It would be a HUGE help. Ive been looking all over the net for weeks and found NOTHING. All ive got is the small amount of information in the Masters of the Wild book, which isnt much. Please help!!!

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 28 Sep 2018 : 13:51:04
Acolyte DrakeDreldragon,

I hope that book is coming along well...

Here is some great information on Druids both in and out of D&D, for the new year, and new editions of D&D:

Best regards,

Originally posted by DrakeDreldragon

Im new to this forum at the moment, so im not sure if this is where i should post this, but here goes.

Could anybody please help with some information on druids? I know basicly nothing, and i need allot of information. Like, how they live, how many druids live in a grove, their basic hierachy, gods, how someone trains to be a druid, relationships between druids. Everything. Is that possible? It would be a HUGE help. Ive been looking all over the net for weeks and found NOTHING. All ive got is the small amount of information in the Masters of the Wild book, which isnt much. Please help!!!


Bookwyrm Posted - 19 Dec 2003 : 17:33:41
Well, the title of this thread contains the word anything, so I'd imagine he meant it.

However, if Sage has been his usually through self, he'll be chewing for at least a few days.
The Sage Posted - 19 Dec 2003 : 11:48:28
You are right zemd. Being specific would help, considering all the third-party products that have pretty much presented a myriad of different interpretations on the Druid character class.

I really don't think he'll need anything else for a while though. He seemed happy with what I sent him...judging from his ethereal mail message...

zemd Posted - 19 Dec 2003 : 10:16:37
It depends on what you want. Really D&D orientated or it can come from any source?
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 18 Dec 2003 : 22:57:59
also the Monster Manual is a tome that will provide u with info on druids
The Sage Posted - 18 Dec 2003 : 06:07:12
No there hasn' least within the FR that is...

Bookwyrm Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 17:34:04
Hmm, druid-focused novel? That hasn't really been done yet, has it? Not as a real plot, anyway.
The Sage Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 13:01:09
You're welcome...

If you need anymore information, just pose your questions here. I'm sure someone here will respond...

DrakeDreldragon Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 12:44:04
thank you again.

see, its for writing a novel... so i need as much information as possible.

The Sage Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 12:38:01
First of all, welcome to Candlekeep DrakeDreldragon. I always enjoying meeting another new scribe from the distant land of Australia.

Now as to your 'small' quandary -

I'm sending you a file (via email) chock full of nice juicy information on the Druid character class. I know it will answer everything you need to know about this particular class.


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