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 Need Info about Turmish and Alaghon

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Samael Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 18:52:55
Hi Guys,

I am a new member of Candlekeep, having seen is birth when I was member of the FR mailing list.

I am starting a campaign in Turmish and other then the simple Vilhon reach second edition book I dont have a lot of information..

If you can point me to any source of information it will be really great.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 28 Sep 2018 : 13:38:43
Acolyte Samael,

Good morning. The Vilhon Reach campaign expansion is still the most comprehensive material out there about that region. There is also some material in the Sea of Fallen Stars campaign expansion as well.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Samael

Hi Guys,

I am a new member of Candlekeep, having seen is birth when I was member of the FR mailing list.

I am starting a campaign in Turmish and other then the simple Vilhon reach second edition book I dont have a lot of information..

If you can point me to any source of information it will be really great.


Faraer Posted - 15 Dec 2003 : 22:03:18
The Turmish "Everwinking Eye" coverage, which was condensed for The Vilhon Reach, is in Polyhedron #96, 98, 101, 103-108.
Hymn Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 21:44:36
You might want to check out this link

Ifo on Alaghon can be found right after the general info on Turmish.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 14 Dec 2003 : 20:01:38
Other then the information presented in the FRCS, there is liitle more in published game products. However, if you can lay your hands on a (digital) copy of a series of articles by Ed Greenwood in Polyhedron Magazine, you'll have some more material to work on.

I don't recall the numbers of the magazines of the top of my head, but a search through the library here or over there will probably give you the required information.

Snippets about the nation can be found in the various entries in the 2nd edition Gods books (F&F, P&P, DD) for instance under Nobanion. An there is a novel set in Turmish: The Jewel of Turmish by Mel Odom
Other than that, I'm not familiar with products detailing much of Turmish.

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