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 Sages of Realmslore
 House Dhuurniv and the Warblade

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fundin Posted - 16 Mar 2011 : 05:37:00
I'm guessing that at least a portion of this topic has been addressed in other posts. However, if you will all indulge me, I wanted to ask a few questions to try to tie everything together in my mind.
Is there a novel or any other source material other than the Shadowdale module that provide more information about the Warblade and it's acquisition by the Drow House of Dhuurniv? I've looked for a couple of evenings and I can't find anything. My understanding is that the Drow found the blade after the fall of Maerimydra and somehow spirited it up to the surface to aid in a trade to restore an uneasy peace with Ilsevele Miritar. How did House Dhuurniv acquire the Warblade? Does this all assume that an adventuring party were able to avoid being captured or killed by the army of Kurgoth and the plans of House T'sarran? Or did the Drow remove the blade before the city fell?
I guess the last question that I wanted to ask, is there any novel or supplemental material that tells about what happens in Myth Drannor after the events of the "Final Gate"?
Thanks to any and all.

Mod Edit: Shifted to a more appropriate shelf.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wrigley Posted - 10 May 2012 : 15:54:32
Originally posted by Thieran
While some other pieces of lore contradict your theory (see particularly what Lost Empires of Faerūn tells us about the whereabouts of the Warblade), there is now an answer by Eric Boyd himself, found in this scroll: (see particularly my post from 29 Mar 2012, 12:46:29)

It make sense. I made some changes in the developement in my realms so I presumed the city is still under occupation. Now I rewieved the book and you and Eric are right.

FYI: I made my heroes step in while city was under siege by Kurgoth and helped them drows unite to defend it. More over they cleaned Irea's supporting cultists and so Irea never arrived back to the city (and now hold a grudge against my heroes).
Thieran Posted - 07 May 2012 : 06:37:53
Originally posted by Wrigley
As far as I can tell House Dhuurniv led drow forces in Twisted Tower in time of their retreat and therefore got their hands on Warblade just as it was captured. From that time, since the house lost favor of Loth and was shunned from Maerimydra, matron mother of the house held this prize and waited for better days (In time of Shadowdale: The Scourging of the Land, Maerimydra is occupied by Kurgoth's army and so it is not possible that blade was there). It is also possible that Azmaer Dhuurniv, mummified leader of Twisted Tower has had the blade whole time and only handed it over once Druurniv sisters arrived. (he never left undergroud levels of Twisted Tower)

While some other pieces of lore contradict your theory (see particularly what Lost Empires of Faerūn tells us about the whereabouts of the Warblade), there is now an answer by Eric Boyd himself, found in this scroll: (see particularly my post from 29 Mar 2012, 12:46:29)
Wrigley Posted - 06 May 2012 : 23:59:38
Originally posted by Fundin

I'm guessing that at least a portion of this topic has been addressed in other posts. However, if you will all indulge me, I wanted to ask a few questions to try to tie everything together in my mind.
Is there a novel or any other source material other than the Shadowdale module that provide more information about the Warblade and it's acquisition by the Drow House of Dhuurniv? I've looked for a couple of evenings and I can't find anything. My understanding is that the Drow found the blade after the fall of Maerimydra and somehow spirited it up to the surface to aid in a trade to restore an uneasy peace with Ilsevele Miritar. How did House Dhuurniv acquire the Warblade? Does this all assume that an adventuring party were able to avoid being captured or killed by the army of Kurgoth and the plans of House T'sarran? Or did the Drow remove the blade before the city fell?
I guess the last question that I wanted to ask, is there any novel or supplemental material that tells about what happens in Myth Drannor after the events of the "Final Gate"?
Thanks to any and all.

Mod Edit: Shifted to a more appropriate shelf.

As far as I can tell House Dhuurniv led drow forces in Twisted Tower in time of their retreat and therefore got their hands on Warblade just as it was captured. From that time, since the house lost favor of Loth and was shunned from Maerimydra, matron mother of the house held this prize and waited for better days (In time of Shadowdale: The Scourging of the Land, Maerimydra is occupied by Kurgoth's army and so it is not possible that blade was there). It is also possible that Azmaer Dhuurniv, mummified leader of Twisted Tower has had the blade whole time and only handed it over once Druurniv sisters arrived. (he never left undergroud levels of Twisted Tower)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Mar 2011 : 11:21:37
Originally posted by Fundin

Perhaps 'tis not the place to ask, but where might I find the stats or a template for a spectral harpist? Is it in the MoF or some other source?

Code of the Harpers.
Fundin Posted - 29 Mar 2011 : 05:33:22
Perhaps 'tis not the place to ask, but where might I find the stats or a template for a spectral harpist? Is it in the MoF or some other source?
Thieran Posted - 27 Mar 2011 : 22:44:50
Originally posted by Fundin

Thieran, again many thanks! I read with great interest the scroll that you linked to. Just out of curiousity, did you ever receive an answer to you inquiries from either Eric Boyd or Richard Baker? You've given me much to think about. I'm intrigued by both prospects. Either one is certainly worth exploring.

Again, you're very welcome. Richard Baker had told me that I should ask Eric Boyd, who unfortunately hasn't posted anything in his scroll here at the Keep since; and neither have I heard anything from him via e-mail.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Since they drug his body down there, it makes him sound dead... But I think it'd be fun to make him something similar to a spectral harpist, bound to guard the blade until it returns to Myth Drannor.

I agree that it sounds as if he was already dead when they took him to Maerimydra, but then again we can't be sure. Even then, I am sure the drow knew many twisted ways to "make use" of his corpse...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Mar 2011 : 22:32:04
Originally posted by Zireael

Originally posted by Thieran

My pleasure. I myself thought about integrating Lord Orym Hawksong into the plot, who was dragged to Maerimydra alongside the Warblade (source: Cormanthyr: EoE, I think). He could be undead - evil and/or guarding the sword -, in stasis or whatever.

Great idea!

Since they drug his body down there, it makes him sound dead... But I think it'd be fun to make him something similar to a spectral harpist, bound to guard the blade until it returns to Myth Drannor.
Fundin Posted - 27 Mar 2011 : 19:54:36
Thieran, again many thanks! I read with great interest the scroll that you linked to. Just out of curiousity, did you ever receive an answer to you inquiries from either Eric Boyd or Richard Baker? You've given me much to think about. I'm intrigued by both prospects. Either one is certainly worth exploring.
Zireael Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 11:52:50
Originally posted by Thieran

My pleasure. I myself thought about integrating Lord Orym Hawksong into the plot, who was dragged to Maerimydra alongside the Warblade (source: Cormanthyr: EoE, I think). He could be undead - evil and/or guarding the sword -, in stasis or whatever.

Great idea!
Thieran Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 09:18:00
My pleasure. I myself thought about integrating Lord Orym Hawksong into the plot, who was dragged to Maerimydra alongside the Warblade (sources: Cormanthyr: EoE and LEoF, as quoted by Daviot above). He could be undead - evil and/or guarding the sword -, in stasis or whatever.

1. I had somehow missed Daviot's quote from LEoF.
2. Cormanthyr: EoE (which can be downloaded for free from the WotC website), page 35 states in the entry for the Year of Shadows Fleeting (-331 DR): "The Soldier's Blade is lost during this great battle, captured by the drow in their slaying of Lord Orym Hawksong during the fall of the Twisted Tower. The blade and the body of Lord Orym are taken down into the Underdark as spoils of war by the fleeing drow."
3. Here is another scroll discussing the topic which might interest you, Fundin:
Fundin Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 02:52:31
Thank you Thieran. My apologies, I was not trying to be-labor the topic. I'm a little bit embarassed to admit that I read your earlier inquiries on this very subject shortly after my last post. I guess that it's the Scribe's intention that we all might find our own end to the story.

I kind of like Althen Artren's line of thinking. I have given some thought to presenting the adventurers in our world with the "opportunity" to happen upon agents for the House Dhuurniv while they are removing the Warblade from the CotSQ. I just haven't worked out all of the particulars, thus the reason for my research.

My thanks to you both.
althen artren Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 20:53:19
Before the mention of the Warblade in Shadowdale, the only other mention of it
is a unfilled plot hook in LEoF. Before that it was claimed by the Drow of Maerimydra
and taken down into their city as a war trophy.

Homebrew, I had it in a secret level underneath the Temple of Lolth helping power
a bunch of their magic traps and such by acting as a power source.

to my knowledge Volo has never made mention in any of his works.
Thieran Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 16:10:16
I tried to find out more about exactly this topic (for similar reasons) from Eric Boyd himself (and, after not having received a reply from Mr Boyd for some time, from Richard Baker, who referred me back to Eric Boyd), see the discussion in this scroll:
I tried e-mailing Mr Boyd a couple of times but I have never heard back from him (which is absolutely fine, just thought it was worth mentioning).
Fundin Posted - 19 Mar 2011 : 03:42:19
No...the Warblade. I knew that the Crown blade was in the keeping of the new ruler of Myth Drannor, in the form of a scepter I think. But I was wondering about the circumstances surrounding the return of the Warblade. We are playing a relatively low level campaign at this time (9th to 11th levels). Soon enough I thought to run the group through the CotSQ.
In our world Myth Drannor has yet to be refounded. The players are thinking of questing for the Warblade as a first step towards that goal. I was looking for information about its disposition before the return to the surface in Shadowdale.
Lady Fellshot Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 22:40:38
Umm... Are you referring to the Warblade or the crownblade (the one used to determine the coronals)? IIRC the hunt for the warblade was a PC adventure hook that hadn't been filled and Ilsevele Miritar was handed the Crownblade by the Srinshee at the end of The Final Gate.
althen artren Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 19:37:37
No SF dragon has given you all the books that might have info on the
War blade in them. BELIEVE ME, I have searched as many books as I
could for info on Myth Drannor, since my next game was going to be
the elves reclaiming it.
Daviot Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 05:35:49
I quote from page 158 of Lost Empires of Faerūn:
"When Lord Orym Hawksong fell in battle at the siege of the Twisted Tower in the Year of Shadows Fleeting (-331 DR)...the drow managed to paralyze [the dancing] blade with magic, and both the great hero and his arcane sword were lost in the darkness beneath the Twisted Tower."

As for how it got into the hands of House Dhuurniv, or how it was returned to the resettled Myth Drannor (as per the epilogue of the Final Gate), I don't know of any specific sources that explicitly spell it out. However, its appearance in the 3.5 Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land module probably implies that a party of adventurers (Dalesmen, elves, or otherwise) retrieve(d) the blade and return(ed) it to the elves.
Fundin Posted - 18 Mar 2011 : 03:20:55
Many thanks. I shall continue my quest.
sfdragon Posted - 16 Mar 2011 : 06:55:42
the tomes you seek are few and far in between.
ask around and you will see....

seek amongst the scribes Lost empires of FAerun

or amongst the elders, cormanthyr : empire of elves

Volo might have crafted a tale or too... but for sure I can not say......

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