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 Druidic convergence

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ralderick Hallowshaw Posted - 25 Oct 2010 : 17:35:07
Well met fellow scribes,
according to the subject, I have a question concerning this particular rite (described in MoF p. 49) which takes place on the shores of the Lake of Steam during the Feast of the Moon.

Is this rite described or cited elsewhere in canon lore?

Is it Lake of Steam-specific?

Does it deal with different faiths related to druids (like Silvanus, Mielikki, Malar, etc...)?

The description suggest a mix of hunt, visions and metamorphosis, which represents, to me, a good cue for adventures.

Can anyone tell me more?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alisttair Posted - 25 Nov 2010 : 13:51:05
I don't recall off hand reading about it elsewhere. But definately you can use it as a hook for an adventure regardless of faith (you can put in different tweaks based on the specific deity the character worships, with more hunt for a druid of Malar for example). If it's for your campaign and there is a Druid PC, find a way to make incorporate the whole group into participating in the rite.
Alisttair Posted - 25 Nov 2010 : 13:49:35
I don't recall off hand reading about it elsewhere. But definately you can use it as a hook for an adventure regardless of faith (you can put in different tweaks based on the specific deity the character worships, with more hunt for a druid of Malar for example). If it's for your campaign and there is a Druid PC, find a way to make incorporate the whole group into participating in the rite.
Alisttair Posted - 25 Nov 2010 : 13:33:38
I don't recall off hand reading about it elsewhere. But definately you can use it as a hook for an adventure regardless of faith (you can put in different tweaks based on the specific deity the character worships, with more hunt for a druid of Malar for example). If it's for your campaign and there is a Druid PC, find a way to make incorporate the whole group into participating in the rite.

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