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 Sages of Realmslore

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cleric Generic Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 08:07:47
Greetings, sages!

I've searhed high and low for lore regarding the banished archdevil Gargauth, but haven't found much beyond what is printed in Faiths and Pantheons and Lords of Darkness (the Knights of the Shield).

Appart from that, I hear his lair is probably in/under 'Pelerevan', which doesn't ring any bells...

What collected wisdom do the wise men/women here possess on the foul beast?

Cheers in advance!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 16:31:07
Gargauth, as Gargoth, first saw print in Ed Greenwood's "Nine Hells revisited" in DRAGON #91. He's mentioned in a few other places including FOR4 The Code of the Harpers. But Powers & Pantheons is the main source.

Also, Bloodwalk, by James P. Davis, has some nifty Gargauth-based tidbits as well.
Cleric Generic Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 16:11:41
Good stuff, as usual, ladies and gents.

Gargauth is currently lined up as the BBEG in the campaign I'm running, and inspired as much by Heath Ledger's Joker as anything else (he was driven mad by his exile from Hell and subsequent stranding on Toril). But the more tasty bits of lore I can sample from, the better.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 15:52:15
He's got about 4 pages in Powers & Pantheons, the second book of the 2E deity trilogy.
Brimstone Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 12:15:38
Cult of the Dragon IIRC.
Gang Falconhand Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 10:58:17
Gargauth was formerly the 'Treasurer' of the Nine Hells.

The ruins of Peleveran (where Gargauth was trapped) are partially within the Landrise in The Shaar.

I forget where I got this information from, but it is canon.

My last campaign revolved around Gargauth and I explained his betrayal of the other Archdevils by saying that he and Graz'zt fed each other information which led to the defeat of certain rival Archdevils and Demon Princes in the Blood War. Due to the structure of the Nine Hells, Gargauth was punished and banished by Asmodeus, but the Abyss by definition has no hard and fast rules with which to punish Graz'zt so he remains a Demon Prince. This bit is not canon btw.
Ergdusch Posted - 11 Nov 2009 : 08:41:18
I recall that he was mentioned in one of Eds 'Nine Hells' articles. I can't remember which issue it was in though.

Just recalled the very helpful DragonDex - 'The Hells revisited', issue 91, page 30.

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