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 Sages of Realmslore
 Question for Doug Niles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 18 Jul 2009 : 19:14:56
Hi Doug,

I always wondered why the Bloodstone Land Modules were never converted into novels. I can never get enough info on the famous adventuring band and their epic adventure. The more questions that are answered about them the more I want to learn. For example, Gareth's mighty sword and how in the heck did he acquire it? Was Kane a grandmaster monk when he met the party? Does the wizard Emerlyn know Elminster or Vanderghast. How did the group form?

I for one would love to see this but does the fact that the Seven's epic adventures happened in the past prevent this? Or is the interest not there? What gives?

Mod Edit: Found this scroll floating in the ether.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 26 Jul 2009 : 08:16:51
Turns out the address I have is no longer valid.

Jordanz, I'd recommend contacting the good folks over at the -- like Trampas "DragonHelm" Whiteman. He might have a new and updated address for Doug that you can use.
jordanz Posted - 26 Jul 2009 : 04:57:52
Thanks Sage you are truly all knowing :)
The Sage Posted - 24 Jul 2009 : 01:16:37
I've got his email address buried in my archives somewhere. I'll send it to you.
jordanz Posted - 23 Jul 2009 : 22:31:58
Thanks, but I could never find an email address...
The Sage Posted - 19 Jul 2009 : 01:21:09
Jordanz, Doug Niles doesn't have a profile here at Candlekeep. Nor is he a regular visiting scribe, unfortunately. I've tried contacting him in the past about joining up, but he told me his [then] current online commitments were pretty much occupying most of his time.

You'd likely be better off contacting Doug directly via email.

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