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 Sages of Realmslore
 Bane & Cyric portfolios

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Auzoros Posted - 28 Jun 2009 : 06:23:40
In my personal quest to formulate a Spellplague prevention plan I stumbled across this oddity in Faiths and Pantheons…Bane has the portfolio of strife. Now I know that Cyric gained that portfolio from Bane in the conclusion of ToT and he still has it per FRCS 3.0. Is there an error here?

If not, how did Bane reclaim the portfolio of strife from Cyric?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Auzoros Posted - 28 Jun 2009 : 08:49:18
Thanks Sage...I thought as much. Strife seems to fit Cyric better being of CE alignment anyways.
The Sage Posted - 28 Jun 2009 : 07:16:19
It's an error in F&P. They probably copied the info from the FRCS.

Bane used to have 'Strife,' but he lost it to Cyric back when he died. Now that Bane is back alive, he has yet to reclaim the portfolio of 'Strife' from Cyric.

Which was confirmed by Sean K Reynolds back in '02:-

"I think I figured it out. Here's the sequence.The designer for Bane must have used the pre-errata version (understandable, as the errata didn't come out until after this book was designed).


So no, Bane does not have strife as part of his portfolio, Cyric does."

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