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 Sages of Realmslore
 Dwarven Questions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ijkay Posted - 03 Jun 2009 : 21:31:12
I have a bunch of questions related to dwarves within the Realms that I'd like to pose to the sages of the Keep. Like many I have outstanding questions within Ed's Q&A forum so I'd thought I'd ask here first prior to adding to the mountain.

First off some parameters. I've decided I don't care for 4E or the 4E Realms setting. So I am looking for answers based on Core knowledge prior to the Spell Plague. If a 4E soure ever sneaks in some relevant historical knowledge I would be interested in that. I am also asking them as if the Dwarven portion of the 'reduction of deities' does not occur.

So first off: In what source is the first appearance of the dwarves recorded as being within the Yehimal Mountain range? I had thought it was FR11 but can't find it there. So Demihuman Dieties?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hoondatha Posted - 05 Jun 2009 : 22:19:36
Grand History of the Realms, for one. It gives approximate dates for the migration from the central dwarfhome into Faerun, Zakhara, and Kara-tur and later migrations. It starts in an entry for -16000 DR.
ijkay Posted - 05 Jun 2009 : 21:07:55
As I thought.

Next up:

Other then Dwarves Deep, Demihuman Deities, 3rd Ed Campaign Setting and Races of Faerun are there any other sources which hint at how Dwarves emerged from/arrived at Faerun?

The Sage Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 01:21:03
I do believe the 'Yehimal Mountain reference' in the write-up for the Dwarven Pantheon in Demihuman Deities was among the first mentions.
Markustay Posted - 03 Jun 2009 : 21:49:20
I think it may have been in Steven Schend's Lands of Intrigue timeline, or perhaps the related material.

I thought that came up in regards to the empire of Shanatar.

Edit: I just did quick pdf search, and didn't find it in there. If it's in DD, then that is most-likely the first place it is mentioned.

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