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 Sages of Realmslore
 Portal mentioned in 'Lost Library of Cormanthyr'

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ergdusch Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 13:16:12
Hi folks!

In my attempt to collect as much lore on Cormyr I started reading Lost Library of Cormanthyr. The first part of the book takes place in Cormyr, while it later plays in Waterdeep.

Now, to come to the point of my post, the protagonist(s) use a portal to get from Hillsfar (not Cormyr) to some undetailed location near Waterdeep. Not much info regarding that portal is given in the book except that

- it is located somewhere in the Dragonspine (not Stormhorn) Mountains.
- further traveling (by boat/ship) is needed to reach the final destination of Waterdeep.
- the portal requires a password.

Does any wise Sage of Candlekeep have any further information regarding this portal?

Thanks in advance, Ergdusch

Edit note:
The words in italics have been changed. For explenation ssee the next post.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 16:09:03
I have to correct my initial post.

I have the book at hand now and I doublechecked the book references. Aparently my memory of the book has been clouded by weariness. The portal is not in the Stormhorn Mountains, as I thought but in the Dragonspine Mountains. It therefore is not located in Cormyr, as I claimed earlier but in the Moonsea Region. My apologies for any inconvenience I might have caused.

Anyhow, my interest in this particular portal has not deminished. Therefore I will give further references from the novel:

- To quote from p. 170: "The last week had been spent nearly nonstop traveling [from somewhere shortly north of Hillsfar] to the warded area in the Dragonspine Mountains where they had used a gateway there to make the jump to Waterdeep."
- And further: "The gateway was a closely guarded secret of Piergeiron's, and the command word they had been given only worked once each way[...]"
- On p.172 it reads: "When Copert's Conquest, the ship they had taken from the other end of the dimensional gate,[...]"

So, does that spark any memories of yours?

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