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 Map of Candlekeep?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aina Grey Posted - 26 Dec 2008 : 17:30:51
is there an official or unofficial map of Candlekeep somewhere?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 27 Dec 2008 : 23:48:40
I'd imagine Ed would have to address those questions himself. Maybe the Lady Hooded One could pass them along to him...
Aina Grey Posted - 27 Dec 2008 : 15:22:01
another question: according to AN INTRODUCTION TO CANDLEKEEP

by Ed Greenwood, 2004

"However, even the awestruck visitor cannot help but notice the major features of the place, which are these: frowning stone fortress walls, enclosing a cobbled courtyard that slopes sharply down from the seaward or western side to the gates, with several small buildings built along the inner sides of the south wall, and a great mass of twenty or more interlinked towers rising in the north half of the walls. "

so if Candlekeep is built upon an inclined plane, are there like terraces that the buildings are erected upon? how would that work with the Court of Air?


"The Emerald Door was only a few paces away now, and the old monk who must be its Keeper was smiling at him, faintly.

That smile broadened when Theldrant suddenly stopped and spun around, looking at the endless Sea of Swords, then at the modest stone bulk of the temple to Oghma the Binder, and then along the row of solid, squat stone buildings back to the gate, and the grass-girt hills of Faerūn beyond. The dark shadows of forests sprawled in their far reaches, and beyond were the hazy purple outlines of distant mountains. "

how can you see the Sea of Swords (west) from the Emerald Door (somewhere on the north side) when
a) the sea side (west) is uphill
b) there“s a huge wall blocking the sight

Aina Grey Posted - 26 Dec 2008 : 21:34:08
I should have said "a map according to the descriptions of Ed Greenwood", which the BG one doesn“t follow in the least, but well, I`m gonna check the old threads
Lord Karsus Posted - 26 Dec 2008 : 21:10:18
-Do a quick search on any search engine for 'Candlekeep Map' will net you a map from the Baldur's Gate game. I recently went looking for one, having to map out an abandoned library that my players in of of my games are currently exploring.
Fillow Posted - 26 Dec 2008 : 17:41:04
Have a look at these topics. This question has already been asked. or

Hoping you will find answers (I have to admit thaht I did not read these ones).

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