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 At the risk of sounding like an utter moron...

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Markustay Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 02:43:55
Does anyone know where I got my Avatar from?

I know I got it from one of the 3e D&D sourcebooks, but now I can't find it at all, and I erased the original art from my hardrive like an idiot. I'm going through ALL that art on the WotC site, but I'm just not seeing it (thats where I got it the first time around).

Thanks --- Mark
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Glaurach Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 04:54:37
Just lucky I think.

Having learned so much lore from you scribes, I am happy to give a little help.

That mythal city is why I choose this user name. On the other hand, I could provide another name as a town, if you needed it.

Nice to meet you all and sorry for my poor English.
Brimstone Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 21:02:11
-With Myth in front of it to boot!

Markustay Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 20:27:17
Yes, it certainly was, and welcome to the forums.

I was going to name a town after you on my next map in honor of your most excellent research skilz, but I realize there already is one named that.
wannabesuperman Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 20:14:22
Nice first post, Glaurach.
Markustay Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 16:20:23
You know... I didn't even bother to check that one.

Not only was it in one of those adventure "Expedition to..." books (which I didn't really look too hard at), but I just didn't bother with that one because I assumed it was all-Drow (as the DotU book is).

My bad, and my thanks.
Fillow Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 12:22:47
Congrats Glaurach !
And welcome to the keep.
Glaurach Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 06:17:07
¡mExpedition to the Demonweb Pits¡n

It's the picture of jaunter prestige class.

The artist is Eric Deschamps.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 04:51:12
-All I know is M:tG has some very good artwork, and most of the more interesting avatars there were M:tG ones, back when I was selecting avatars. I know you and a bunch of others had hundreds more added, so. At that point, though, mine had already become iconic. I don't want to change mine.
Markustay Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 04:23:34
LOL - I named it that - it's not really from any of the K-T books, he just looked like a Monk to me.

In fact, if you look at the Avatar list at WotC you'll see I gave a bunch of them with silly names - 'She-Hulk' is one of my favorites.

I think that annoyed the heck out them - the mod who posted them was asking for any help in identifying the art and posting the correct names. I didn't really do it on purpose - a lot of the art I downloaded in bunches and it only had numbers assigned without any identifiers, so I guessed at the ones I couldn't figure out.

And , of course, my sense of humour comes back and bites me in the ass.

Anyhow, it might be MtG - I grabbed art from everywhere, including a bunch of old stuff (that WotC had the rights to) off of Caldwell's and Elmore's sites. I could have sworn it was from one of the principle core books in 3e, but I checked them all several times. unless I just missed it, which is entirely possible.

Or it could have been something I had in a book that wasn't put on their site (they are missing a bunch of books, and pieces of art from just about all of them), in which case I'll never find it again unless I just happen to come across it.

Either way, I found my original, so it's all good.
Fillow Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 19:23:15
In the "site content" forum I found this thread :
There, Mark said :
Originally posted by Markustay

I'm growing a little bored with mine - I picked him because he actually looks just like me, but now I want something 'spiffier'.

I have a cool one in mind - one I made for the WotC forums (as part of a package of 400 I put together for them), but I don't use it over there. It would be more appropriate for here, I think.

Any chance I could get this uploaded for myself? I would have E-Mailed Alaundo directly, but it seems my mail server was full, and deleted all of my old mail, so I no longer have the address.

If it is possible, then I would 'clean it up a bit' from that original I did for WotC - the shape is really weird.

Is it the current avatar ? a Shou scholar ? I hope it could be a hint fot you Mark.
I went to this adress but it has been deleted ! Beshaba is not so far...
Fillow Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 18:32:15
We might begin with wondering what we can see in this avatar.
A bald & bearded scribe/ cleric / monk reading a scroll in front of a map on the wall. Does it remind something to someone ?
Nothing in my mind ! Sorry Mark.
Lord Karsus Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 18:03:26
Markustay Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 14:11:50
Welll, after going through every piece of artwork listed in WotC's downloads/Maps section - some books twice - I still couldn't find it.

But I was able to find a copy of the original on my computer. Its still bothering the heck out of me that I don't know where it's from, but I least I have a copy to work with now.

Thanks everyone.
Brimstone Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 13:38:54
-Just a hunch, check your AGHotR. The solid one not the pdf. If you have already looked in it then please disregard.

Markustay Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 05:04:56
Yup, I made mine here (and customized it a bit), and I also did the version at WotC (I did about half the FR avatars over there).

And I have all the art of every Avatar I have ever made EXCEPT that one.

Ah, well... I'll keep looking....
scererar Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 05:01:45
I don't know why, but I recall when you asked Alaundo to custom your avatar. it was in a thread here talking about avatars, or site content...
Brimstone Posted - 22 Nov 2008 : 03:51:47
-Did you check the avatar's on the WotC site. I know I have been looking at alot of avatars lately.


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