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 Sages of Realmslore
 The Crown Wars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
amusicalweapon Posted - 18 Nov 2008 : 20:11:44
Hey all, I'm new to the board and thought this would be a good place to ask some questions.

I plan on doing a Neverwinter Nights module based on the Crown Wars starting the year the first one began. I have pretty much all the info on how it started but I need some other information which will make it that much more authentic:

*Maps during the years of the Crown Wars: Does anyone have any or know where I can find one? Were there any at all back then?

*Notable NPC's during that time? I know some but stats and such will be helpful as well if possible to get.

*The names of the different elves in elf. I know sounds like a dumb question but, this would be helpful. Also the kingdoms controlled, by each type, names of NPC's, and how to say various titles in elf. I think Coranal is a title? (sp)

Anyways, thanks a lot to all that reply!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vangelor Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 08:56:48
*The names of the different elves in elf.

These can be gleaned from various sources, but I can see no harm in answering this bit here:

Tel'Quessir = "the People", "elves"

Ar'Tel'Quessir - sun elves

Teu'Tel'Quessir - moon elves

Sy'Tel'Quessir - green elves (there is at this point in history no distinction between "wood elves" and "wild elves")

Ssri'Tel'Quessir - dark elves

Alu'Tel'Quessir - sea elves

Ly'Tel'Quessir - lythari

Aril'Tel'Quessir - avariel
Brimstone Posted - 18 Nov 2008 : 23:23:25
-Sage to the rescue. You need a cape or something.

The Sage Posted - 18 Nov 2008 : 23:00:27
See also, Elaine Cunningham's Evermeet novel, Demihuman Deities, Races of Faerūn, Lost Empires of Faerūn, Grand History of the Realms, and the Fall of Myth Drannor adventure module. Note, both Cormanthyr and the aforementioned adventure module are available as free PDF downloads at WotC.
Fillow Posted - 18 Nov 2008 : 20:29:28
I'm not an elf specialist. Dagnirion, among other scribes, should be able to answer your questions at the moment.
But I just can tell you that you might find information about those wars in Cormanthyr, Great History of the Realms and in the Dagnirion Elves of Faerūn project .

EDIT : And welcome to the keep amusicalweapon !

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