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 Sages of Realmslore
 Wendonai and Malkizid

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Ifthir Posted - 03 Nov 2008 : 00:26:08
As I read through Lost Empires of Faerun and the Last Mythal and Lady Penitent series, I can't help but believe Lolth played Wendonai and Malkizid against the elves to show Corellon how easily seduced his worshippers were.

Basically you have Wendonai likely beginning to corrupt the Ilythiiri as early as -11,500 and Malkizid corrupting the Vyshaan lords in -10,900. Is it conceivable to think both were pawns used by Lolth to draw the worship of the elves from Corellon and the Seldarine to her?

Were Wendonai and Malkizid aware of each other's machinations or loyalties and/or were these two rivals of a sort? I found it quite the nice parallel to see Malkizid trying to fight the elves of the surface in the Last Mythal series, around the same time that Wendonai was fighting the dark-elves (drow) in the Lady Penitent series. Which, of course, correspond with Lolth's new divine status and the changes that occur at the end of these epic series. Anyone have any thoughts on these subjects?
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Lord Karsus Posted - 03 Nov 2008 : 04:33:29
Originally posted by Ifthir

Were Wendonai and Malkizid aware of each other's machinations or loyalties and/or were these two rivals of a sort?

-Of course. While much of it took place "off-screen", and is implied, what two high-ranking individuals trying to gain favor from the same boss don't plot against each other in some shape, manner, or fashion?
Ifthir Posted - 03 Nov 2008 : 02:31:19
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

That having been said, I was really disappointed in Wendonai's appearance in the Lady Penitent series. His descriptions up to this point had sounded like the description of a charismatic and charming villain that could twist the desires of those listening to him towards his goals and not theirs. In the Lady Penitent series, he comes across as a rather blunt, intimidating brute.

Agreed 100%, I expected Wendonai to be more of that sibilant voice in the shadows of dark magic, rather than some hammer looking for the proverbial nail.

Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

One big difference between Malkzid and Wendonai, though, is that Malkzid originally was a powerful Solar that was guiding the Vyshaan.

This is actually what got me thinking about the whole connection between the two in the first place. You have this fallen solar and this fallen goddess looking to corrupt, and one of the first minions Lolth finds is Wendonai. To some degree, I imagine he would have tried to show Lolth that a fallen solar can't teach a balor anything about corruption
KnightErrantJR Posted - 03 Nov 2008 : 02:05:19
Back before we knew anything about 4E or a time jump in the setting, I remember reading about Wendonai and really, really hoping that he would have some impact in the setting, whether it was to cause problems for the drow or surface elves or the Old Empires.

That having been said, I was really disappointed in Wendonai's appearance in the Lady Penitent series. His descriptions up to this point had sounded like the description of a charismatic and charming villain that could twist the desires of those listening to him towards his goals and not theirs. In the Lady Penitent series, he comes across as a rather blunt, intimidating brute.

To top it all off, in Lost Empires its seems to be strongly implied that Wendonai is no longer under Lolth's command, and yet, he shows up as pretty much being Lolth's pawn yet again, with no mention of his own plots and plans in the Old Empires. I just felt like he was downgraded to a generic demonic brute instead of a twisted mastermind in his own rite.

One big difference between Malkzid and Wendonai, though, is that Malkzid originally was a powerful Solar that was guiding the Vyshaan. Speaking of potential, I really liked the idea that he was a Solar that was so absorbed with making his charges successful, that he started turning a blind eye to their excesses and became corrupted in that manner.

While I do think that Malkzid's plot was a bit simple in the Last Mythal series, I didn't feel like Malkzid was markedly different in his portrayal than he was in his description. In other words, he could have come up with a better plot, but I didn't feel like I was reading some character that didn't match his description from the sourcebooks at all, the way I felt Wendonai was changed.

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