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 Sages of Realmslore
 Female Pirate Captains in the Sea of Fallen Stars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dalor Darden Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 03:13:14
I am looking for any and all reference to named female Pirate Captains upon the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Not only their name, but their dates of pirate activity and their fates as well.

Any references are appreciated!
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Nov 2008 : 01:12:18
Originally posted by Markustay
I can see the Ixinos women welcoming them with open arms...

... get your mind out of the gutter.

Well, you know the Ixinosan women don't favor men all that much...

Just sayin' is all...
Markustay Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 16:33:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

It's been several years since I read that book, but as I recall, the author made a point of dropping in as muxh existing Realmslore as he could.

It's the only book I know of with appearances of Khelben, Dove, Alias and Dragonbait, Drizzt, Halasater, etc, etc....

In fact, if read as just a fun little story, and not as Realmslore, its not really half-bad, as long as you erect a VERY powerful anti-pun shield before reading.

Edit: There is a bit more in the Dramatis Personae in the back of the book, and it does give you an 'in', of sorts.

From Once Arpound the Realms
Catlindra Serpentar: Born in Impiltur to merchant parents, she used her inheritance to found an adventuring company after a doppleganger slew her mother.

The Company of the Catlash: female adventuring band founded by Catlindra Serpentar. Originally from the Vilhon Reach, they have chosen a wandering life and are not likely to throw it away in exchange for any of the many handsome princes that cross their paths.

So, although she is from Impiltur, she founded the group in the Vilhon Reach, which puts us in proximity of the Ixinosan Amazons. I'm thinking the original group may have had more members from there (perhaps she found several women who were tired of the mercenary life of the She-Wolves), but over time the membership changed so that perhaps only one or two are still xinosan (the ones Wooly mentioned weren't fully fleshed-out).

Also, it would be pretty easy to affiliate them with there, as a sort-of 'home base', if you will (for when they are in the area and are just looking for a place to 'crash' for a few weeks). I can see the Ixinos women welcoming them with open arms...

... get your mind out of the gutter.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 15:00:28
Originally posted by Markustay

Didn't know they were in the RoMD box, Wooly - thanks for the heads-up - I thought they were something created for that novel (they seemed just 'wacky enough' to be a good fit. One of these days I'm going to have to actual read some of the material that came in that box.

To be honest, I'd forgotten about all about them, and couldn't have named any all-female groups if I wanted to. But as soon as I saw the name of them, I remembered exactly where they were described -- just not any of the details.

It's been several years since I read that book, but as I recall, the author made a point of dropping in as muxh existing Realmslore as he could.
Markustay Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 08:02:29
LOL - thats the problem with these projects - they tend to keep growing and growing and growing...

Didn't know they were in the RoMD box, Wooly - thanks for the heads-up - I thought they were something created for that novel (they seemed just 'wacky enough' to be a good fit).

One of these days I'm going to have to actual read some of the material that came in that box.
Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 06:28:25
Thanks for the tips guys!

Man, page after page after page of this material is pouring from my brain. I think I may ver well have to save this compilation of possible Ixinosan sailors for another time...there is so much that if I don't stop at some point I'll have a dang hundred page manuscript...and that in ten point font!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Nov 2008 : 05:22:35
Originally posted by Markustay

I found them - they're called the Company of the Catlash, and they are specifically referred to (several times, in fact) as 'Amazons'.

I'll send the four pages with info to you via E-Mail, DD.

The leader doesn't appear to have come from Ixinos, though, because she specifically mentions growing up with her father - her mother was killed by a Doppleganger, which is why she makes it a point to hunt them.

It does say the father went nuts (after his wife's death), and it doesn't say where all this happened, so you can probably still spin it to your advantage.

The Company of the Catlash is described in detail in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set, starting on page 72. Most of them are from Sembia and the Dales. All but two or three of them have a birth place explicitly stated, and none of them has a background that could easily be translated into including Ixinos.

That said, there's nothing that says you can't have them go from Myth Drannor to Ixinos -- it's just extremely unlikely that any of them are from there.

Another alternative would be to kill off one or more of them and replace them with members from Ixinos.
Markustay Posted - 01 Nov 2008 : 23:14:24
I found them - they're called the Company of the Catlash, and they are specifically referred to (several times, in fact) as 'Amazons'.

I'll send the four pages with info to you via E-Mail, DD.

The leader doesn't appear to have come from Ixinos, though, because she specifically mentions growing up with her father - her mother was killed by a Doppleganger, which is why she makes it a point to hunt them.

It does say the father went nuts (after his wife's death), and it doesn't say where all this happened, so you can probably still spin it to your advantage.
Markustay Posted - 01 Nov 2008 : 07:18:01
"Lords of Light!"

Okay... we weren't 100% crazy, Dalor - there was a an all-female mercenary company mentioned, but it was in the chapter on Myth Drannor (I think), which I haven't re-read - I just finished the part where they enter the Hordelands, because I wanted to milk what little bit of lore from it I could, and there was something mentioned about that earlier scene, so I'm about to re-read that section now (and you owe me for this, because this novel is PAINFUL).

I did manage to find acouple of tidbits in kara-Tur though - I'm glad I went to the end, no matter how much it hurts. Gaining a couple of new locales for the map makes it all worth it.

Anyhow, I'll check back in to this thread tomorrow with the info - those gals sound like they'd be right up Ixinos' alley.
sfdragon Posted - 29 Oct 2008 : 18:20:19
Demon Dogs!!!
Dalor Darden Posted - 29 Oct 2008 : 17:24:44
Originally posted by Markustay

Found it and NO, there is no female Pirate Captain.

And damn you all to hell for making me read that chapter again, Dalor.

There was a half-Elf in the crew of a ship docked at Hillsfar (ugh), and the pirate had a pegleg and a hook, and was named Ahab and was looking for a Banshee he referred to as the "'Great White Wail'.

Double Ugh. <we need a vomitting smiley>

Oh... and the ship - in the Dragonreach - was bringing slaves to Zakhara! I would just guess that they were to be transferred overland at some point, but the book specifically stated "...slaves for the coast of Zakhara." Which implies the ship was headed for their coast somehow... I guess he was hoping that canal would be complete.

Why does that book seem worse with every reading?


Perhaps I was thinking of the Moonsea supplement?
Markustay Posted - 29 Oct 2008 : 16:50:34
Found it and NO, there is no female Pirate Captain.

And damn you all to hell for making me read that chapter again, Dalor.

There was a half-Elf in the crew of a ship docked at Hillsfar (ugh), and the pirate had a pegleg and a hook, and was named Ahab and was looking for a Banshee he referred to as the "'Great White Wail'.

Double Ugh. <we need a vomitting smiley>

Oh... and the ship - in the Dragonreach - was bringing slaves to Zakhara! I would just guess that they were to be transferred overland at some point, but the book specifically stated "...slaves for the coast of Zakhara." Which implies the ship was headed for their coast somehow... I guess he was hoping that canal would be complete.

Why does that book seem worse with every reading?
Dalor Darden Posted - 29 Oct 2008 : 15:01:52
Originally posted by Markustay

Yes - and I even found The Episode.

Thundarr STILL rocks!

On Topic: I wish I could find my copy of OAtR - anyone else have it handy? I seem to recall Volo traveling down the Dragonreach from the Moonsea (or was it TO the Moonsea?), and he was beset by pirates, and I could have sworn the captain was female.

I have the same memory actually...but only from reading a friends copy of Once Around the Realms...I don't own that myself.

Markustay Posted - 29 Oct 2008 : 05:56:24
Yes - and I even found The Episode.

Thundarr STILL rocks!

On Topic: I wish I could find my copy of OAtR - anyone else have it handy? I seem to recall Volo traveling down the Dragonreach from the Moonsea (or was it TO the Moonsea?), and he was beset by pirates, and I could have sworn the captain was female.

sfdragon Posted - 27 Oct 2008 : 07:24:31
Originally posted by Markustay

I have a 'Pirate Queen' operating down in the Chultan Penninsula named Black Pearl, and she's basically a knock-off of Bêlit.

The name, believe it or not, did not originate with PotC and Jonny Depp - I got it from an episode of Thundarr, IIRC.

I know of a few other canon ones in some of Schend's stuff, but thats outside of the SoFS.

Edit: I'm almost positive there is another one operating in the Dragonreach, but I think it was in Once Around the Realms, and I can't find that book ATM (I probably hid it from myself to keep from referencing it).

as in thundarr the barbarian ????

Markustay Posted - 27 Oct 2008 : 07:04:46
I have a 'Pirate Queen' operating down in the Chultan Penninsula named Black Pearl, and she's basically a knock-off of Bêlit.

The name, believe it or not, did not originate with PotC and Jonny Depp - I got it from an episode of Thundarr, IIRC.

I know of a few other canon ones in some of Schend's stuff, but thats outside of the SoFS.

Edit: I'm almost positive there is another one operating in the Dragonreach, but I think it was in Once Around the Realms, and I can't find that book ATM (I probably hid it from myself to keep from referencing it).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2008 : 04:07:57
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I am looking for any and all reference to named female Pirate Captains upon the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Not only their name, but their dates of pirate activity and their fates as well.

Any references are appreciated!

I have a non-canon pirate hunter I created, for the backstory of my second Lord of Waterdeep, Aerys Vellimar...

Solia Torange was the leader of an all-female adventuring group, the Company of the Singing Raven. They had their own ship, the Raven's Kiss, and were members of the Cormyrian Freesails. Nothing is known about what happened to the ship after Aerys fell overboard during a storm (I never decided on it), but I'd imagine the ship was lost in the storm. Some members other than Aerys may have survived, though. Calling the current year 1374, the ship was lost in about 1360.

Since I basically disregarded the ship after Aerys fell off, its fate isn't cast in stone. I've no problem with you deciding to do something else with it.

Did Aerys have any children, sisters or such?

If she fell off...was the party on the ship at the time?

I like the name and am putting together a listing of Pirate Hunters that could be decended from Ixinosans...or BE Ixinosans.

Any more information would be great!

Aerys has a daughter, Liara. Aerys, her husband Jazrik, Liara, and Aerys's parents all live in Waterdeep now. Aerys is a Lord of Waterdeep, runs an undersea reclamation business (recovering cargo and such from shipwrecks), and is grooming her daughter to take over the business. The entire tale is in Volume VI of the Candlekeep Compendium.

Aerys herself was born in Selgaunt, and is a water genasi.

Her adventuring company was on the ship when she fell overboard. Any or all of them could have survived, and any or all of them could be from Ixinos. It's likely, though, that at least one party member is from Cormyr, since they were part of the Freesails.
Dalor Darden Posted - 27 Oct 2008 : 00:41:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I am looking for any and all reference to named female Pirate Captains upon the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Not only their name, but their dates of pirate activity and their fates as well.

Any references are appreciated!

I have a non-canon pirate hunter I created, for the backstory of my second Lord of Waterdeep, Aerys Vellimar...

Solia Torange was the leader of an all-female adventuring group, the Company of the Singing Raven. They had their own ship, the Raven's Kiss, and were members of the Cormyrian Freesails. Nothing is known about what happened to the ship after Aerys fell overboard during a storm (I never decided on it), but I'd imagine the ship was lost in the storm. Some members other than Aerys may have survived, though. Calling the current year 1374, the ship was lost in about 1360.

Since I basically disregarded the ship after Aerys fell off, its fate isn't cast in stone. I've no problem with you deciding to do something else with it.

Did Aerys have any children, sisters or such?

If she fell off...was the party on the ship at the time?

I like the name and am putting together a listing of Pirate Hunters that could be decended from Ixinosans...or BE Ixinosans.

Any more information would be great!
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 02:57:35
Aye! Downloaded the books a bit ago and I can tell already that my Ixinos write-up will benefit alot!
Hoondatha Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 01:25:35
Pirates of the Fallen Stars is what you want. Wooly linked to the pdf in your other thread. In the history of the pirates section there are several notable female pirates who ruled, or schemed to rule, the Dragonisle. Many of them ended badly. All the dates and names are in the book.
Kamuraki Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 07:13:17
I don't really have anything useful to add to this topic besides...

Yar harr harr, me buckos. Tis always a fine day when ye have an excuse to talk like a pirate.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 06:20:44
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I am looking for any and all reference to named female Pirate Captains upon the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Not only their name, but their dates of pirate activity and their fates as well.

Any references are appreciated!

I have a non-canon pirate hunter I created, for the backstory of my second Lord of Waterdeep, Aerys Vellimar...

Solia Torange was the leader of an all-female adventuring group, the Company of the Singing Raven. They had their own ship, the Raven's Kiss, and were members of the Cormyrian Freesails. Nothing is known about what happened to the ship after Aerys fell overboard during a storm (I never decided on it), but I'd imagine the ship was lost in the storm. Some members other than Aerys may have survived, though. Calling the current year 1374, the ship was lost in about 1360.

Since I basically disregarded the ship after Aerys fell off, its fate isn't cast in stone. I've no problem with you deciding to do something else with it.
Dalor Darden Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 06:15:26
Alas, I don't have this book...

Is there any information you could share about them?
Fillow Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 05:14:18
Laershala of the Emerald Eyes, from Pirate of the fallen Stars , p.11, is another...
scererar Posted - 22 Oct 2008 : 04:14:23
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I am looking for any and all reference to named female Pirate Captains upon the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Not only their name, but their dates of pirate activity and their fates as well.

Any references are appreciated!

Azla - pages 71-72 of the Pirates of the fallen stars sourcebook, is one.

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