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 Sages of Realmslore

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Archistratege Posted - 04 Apr 2010 : 19:49:56
Hail again Sages of the Keep,

You have aided me much in the past, and I hope you can do so again.

I am currently seeking information about Secomber anno 1373+ DR. Some months ago there existed a Secomber page called 'NightLive' on the web, but it appears that said page has now been removed. Though I managed to siphon much information before that happened, there are some parts that are still missing. I remember the page had a downloadable .zip file available for the public - detailing much of Secomber itself - and I would very much like to get my hands on that file, or on a reference to any place that contains the same information.

Is any of you able to aid me with this?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 29 Sep 2015 : 06:57:40
Ed's latest book "Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms" incorporates the law and order information on Secomber that featured in his 2005 thread. That's about all the recently published information.

-- George Krashos
savedbygrace Posted - 29 Sep 2015 : 05:32:20
Hi folks,
Digging up the old again, if these realms can really get old that is. Anyhow, I am looking to see if anyone knows if Secomber has gotten any attention over the years to the point of expanding upon its limited information? If so, which novels or source books do I need to read, or rather, just post that info so I don't have to divert from my current task, please?
Also, What realms year was that release?
Any "official" maps from source books floating around?
Faraer Posted - 05 Apr 2010 : 02:13:59
Very true about the focus of the Volo's Guides (too often missed, leading to overestimation of the sourcebook coverage of the Heartlands). My browser crashed when I tried to view that PDF, though.
The Sage Posted - 05 Apr 2010 : 01:41:04
I *might* have that stuff saved somewhere in the TB cache for online Realms material. I'll have to look though, to be sure.

Additionally, see Ed's compiled replies also, via the "So Saith Ed" link in my signature below. The most detailed bits are in the '05 replies and they relate mostly to law and order in Secomber. Try a search in the file for "Secomber". You'll come to the relevant sections much more quickly.
Archistratege Posted - 05 Apr 2010 : 01:24:06
Aye, I do. However, Volo's guide focuses on the taverns of the Sword Coast, and while certainly interesting, it is not excatly what I am looking for.
Nightlive's page may not be official realmslore, but it is very well done, and details most of the town including NPCsand organisations of the city.
That being said, the busy adventurer can never have too many reviews of Faerun's taverns. It is an important thing, knowing where to best spend one's hard earned gold.
Faraer Posted - 05 Apr 2010 : 00:21:03
Do you have Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast, Archistratege? That's the main Secomber source.
Archistratege Posted - 05 Apr 2010 : 00:03:21
It would appear I have solved this problem myself. I contacted the administrator of NightLive, and he updated the site, returning some of the links to working state again. Among them a link to a .pdf file detailing the city of Secomber. The website itself still remains somewhat damaged, but I will notify the admin of this, and it may be repaired in the near future.

For those interested, this is a link to the Secomber .pdf file:

And this is a link to the Secomber website itself:

A great thanks to the creator of that page - he certainly put a lot of effort into making Secomber become alive and very vibrant.
Jakk Posted - 04 Apr 2010 : 21:55:31
It looks like the page is still there, but all the download links (to fonts and the PDF about Secomber) are dead. I'm interested in this information too, if anyone else has it.

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