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TheMadMage Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 15:29:52
My question is, lorewise, are mummies sentient? In the sense that they can be like lichs? It seems that they are more like powerful zombies, but can a dark god's priest become a lich and retain his abilities and mind?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 22:56:53
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead is the book you need to check out. Great stuff in there about this. It's for Ravenloft, but 97.6% of the info translates to the Realms.
TheMadMage Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 20:24:45
So can a mummy be created through magic? You would think, atleast technically, it would be possible. Hssthak was a sarruhk mummy with no divine aid (sorcerer and archmage I believe). Is there any lore on how he became a mummy even though he is no priest?
Markustay Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 18:45:24
Thats a very interesting take on a mummy - normally they are the 'stay at home' types.

Also, the whole reason why mummies were supposedly created with positve energy (back in 1e/2e) was because they were created by priesthoods rather then necromancers. The whole thing becomes a bit muddled when you consider many of the priesthoods actually worship 'evil' gods (and yet, used positive energy).

I guess you could say a mummy is just a divine lich... except that their are priestly liches according to Van Ritchen's Guide to lich, which further confuses the issue (what is the need for both mummies and clerical liches?)

And just like vampires and liches, greater ones can control lesser ones. IIRC, liches can also control lesser vamps, so I am not sure what happens when a lich tries to control a mummy (or vice-versa). I think liches should be able to control lesser (non-sentient) mummies but not the greater variety, and mummies would not be able to control any lich (unless the lich was VERY new, and the mummy VERY ancient). That would be my ruling. Back in 1e/2e, this was probably all up to a HD thing.

If I were to create my own set of RPG rules (which I am always working on but will never finish), I would just have it where the only difference is that a lich is self-created, and a greater mummy is created by acolytes. Both would be considered 'ancient dead' for simplicity's sake. The process of undeath would lead to certain differences in self-governance (because undead created by others will always have some form of controls put in place), but this could be overcome as well (the canopic jars could work as phylactories).
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 18:14:09
The Mummy I'm talking about was actually a Lawful Neutral guardian of what remained of his civilization. He used his magic to go about the world in the guise of a living man for short jaunts after scrying out certain things he desired to protect (as in bring back to his hold).

My party, never realizing he was a Mummy, actually sought him out at one point to find out information they needed. Only time the party actually interacted directly with him...but he often followed along their path to pick up things he desired.
Markustay Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 17:01:37
There are (at least) two types - lesser and greater. Lesser mummies are like uber-zombies.

Greater mummies are sometimes called 'Ancient dead', and are very much like liches. Van Ritchen's Guide to the Ancient dead is probably THE most comprehensive source for mummies. There are various types, and the main (sole?) difference is that in older editions, mummies were brought back using positive energy. Liches (and other undead) are brought back through negative energy.

That means that there really should be absolutely no difference between liches and greater mummies in 3e (not familiar enough with 4e to make that call). If you wanted to maintain some difference in 3e, I would borrow from Eberron and call the mummies 'undying' instead (although mechanically, I am still not sure there is a difference - my knowledge of EB-specific mechanics is also sparse).
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Nov 2012 : 16:31:15
I don't know what the "official" take on this is; but I have had a Mummy in my campaign who was both a priest and a wizard...and very much CHOSE to be a Mummy as a means of prolonging his "life" beyond his mortality.

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