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 Realm Shaking Spells

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Xar Zarath Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 13:35:22
I know this has been done before but just post some of your most favourite or idea of the most powerful/destructive/sneaky and utterly dangerous spells there are both arcane or divine if you are inclined that way. Homebrews are also accepted!

Just a quick question, does anyone know what spell Elminster used in Elminster:Making of A Mage to destroy the slaver-sorcerers castle hideout? I vaguely remember it being called Towersfall or some such...
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Masked Mage Posted - 25 Jan 2013 : 04:38:09
Originally posted by Markustay

I thought the Ritual of Umaking is what Kevin Landwaster did in the Thomas Covenant books.

Nevermind - just checked - that was the Ritual of Desecration (which seems to be the same thing anyway).

In some source somewhere it named a few level 10+ spells, like Tsumai (IIRC) and others. Can't remeber where I read it though - it was a long time ago. It wasn't Netheril either - that would be the obvious place to look. It was an intro to something else....

Dwarven Runes were also very powerful - potent enough to destroy an entire city.

The was the Ruins of Myth Drannor talking about Create Mythal. The others were: Hurricane, Slaying wind (which I assume is the source of Tolodine's Killing Wind), tidal wave, shape mountain (possible source of Proctive's Move Mountain), and wild magic tempest. I remember because I wrote up a description for wild magic tempest once.
Markustay Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 18:06:42
Actually, I was just re-reading Elminster's Ecologies: the High Moor the other day, and while I know the druid narrator is terribly misinformed about what happened, he also isn't all that far off the mark (he blamed Netheril and others - he never heard of the Crown wars, I suspect).

However, going by the damage wrought, and the damage that persists (burning swamps, wild magic and dead magic zones, rivers that flow up, etc) it appears to me that what they did there was similar to both what happened during the ToT and when Shade (shadow) Magic touched Arcane (Weave) magic in WotAW. I would hazard to guess what they did was rip a HUGE hole in the Weave, and it repaired itself (or someone - like the Chosen and Magisters - helped it), and what we are seeing is the 'scars' of that tearing. Sections of the High Moor are not unlike Plaguescarred lands (or Eberron's Mourneland).

Now, I am not saying the Aryvaandar (sp?) used Shadow magic - in fact, back then the Shadow Weave shouldn't have even existed - but I wouldn't put it past them to find something similar (lolth is getting a demon-Weave, is she not?)

So what happened there may not have been so much a single spell (even though thats the way history recorded it), but rather, the types of magic brought to bear against the Miyeritar elves (who probably had the equivalent of Mythals protecting their cities).

I had planned to include some of this in something I was working on - we shall see - but if not, I'll write an article for CK instead (and hopefully someday we will get the CKC back up-and-running).
Thauranil Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 17:40:43
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Originally posted by Thauranil

I think the Killing Storms of Aryvandaar are the coolest destructive spells.

I don't know that spell.. can you elaborate?

It was basically a high magic ritual that unleashed horrific storms on your enemies which would completely destroy them and also blight their lands forevermore. The Dark Disaster of Miyeritar is the best example of it.
vorpalanvil Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 09:08:30
Mordenkainen's disjunction from 1st, 2ed. Kind of like dispel magic on steroids, cocaine and pcp. And dispel magic in AD&D is CRAZY powerful! As a side note, my old DM and I always joked about having and all d&d reference based death metal band called "Power word kill". Mordenkainen's disjunction was to be the title of our 20 minute instrumental.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 20:02:46
Originally posted by Thauranil

I think the Killing Storms of Aryvandaar are the coolest destructive spells.

I don't know that spell.. can you elaborate?
Dalor Darden Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 19:45:52
The Sword of Babette Maelstrom XP Value: 1,000,000 GP Value: 10,000,000 "Babette's formidable weapon is a long sword +5, +10 vs. regenerating creatures, and +15 vs. dragons. Once a year, the sword can: -Cause an explosion, 200-foot radius, 200d100 (200-20,000) points of damage. -Create a sphere of force, as per the wall of force spell; and dispel magic at the 45th level."
Thauranil Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 18:27:38
I think the Killing Storms of Aryvandaar are the coolest destructive spells.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 14:39:22
Originally posted by Kentinal

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I'm just wondering how 10,000d6 is damage is lame...

Using a nifty little die roller on my computer, I just rolled 10,000d6 damage, for a total of 35354. If something can stand up to that, my PCs will be heading -- at the greatest possible speed -- to a location far, far away.

Well if you divide by 5 for structure point damage a well built castle will not be fully destroyed.

On the Other hand pulling a Sun into a planet clearly would tend to do much damage. *G*

Ok see your point. Them it must have been 100kd6 then, for it did destroy the planet/game world!
Kentinal Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 14:35:29
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I'm just wondering how 10,000d6 is damage is lame...

Using a nifty little die roller on my computer, I just rolled 10,000d6 damage, for a total of 35354. If something can stand up to that, my PCs will be heading -- at the greatest possible speed -- to a location far, far away.

Well if you divide by 5 for structure point damage a well built castle will not be fully destroyed.

On the Other hand pulling a Sun into a planet clearly would tend to do much damage. *G*
Nicolai Withander Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 14:31:14
He he... What I meant was, that it is lame to bring such a spell into a game. IMO!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 14:20:52
I'm just wondering how 10,000d6 is damage is lame...

Using a nifty little die roller on my computer, I just rolled 10,000d6 damage, for a total of 35354. If something can stand up to that, my PCs will be heading -- at the greatest possible speed -- to a location far, far away.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 14:04:26
Originally posted by Light

Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Don't remember the name or from whence it came, but I have once read about an epic spell that pulled the sun into the ground. It needed 100 spell casters and it took 100 days, but in the end it yielded something like 10.000d6. Pretty lame.

And it didn't destroy the world?

Ohh yes! Complete annihilation!
Light Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 08:19:12
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Don't remember the name or from whence it came, but I have once read about an epic spell that pulled the sun into the ground. It needed 100 spell casters and it took 100 days, but in the end it yielded something like 10.000d6. Pretty lame.

And it didn't destroy the world?
Nicolai Withander Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 10:22:42
Don't remember the name or from whence it came, but I have once read about an epic spell that pulled the sun into the ground. It needed 100 spell casters and it took 100 days, but in the end it yielded something like 10.000d6. Pretty lame.
Markustay Posted - 23 Jul 2012 : 06:43:32
I thought the Ritual of Umaking is what Kevin Landwaster did in the Thomas Covenant books.

Nevermind - just checked - that was the Ritual of Desecration (which seems to be the same thing anyway).

In some source somewhere it named a few level 10+ spells, like Tsumai (IIRC) and others. Can't remeber where I read it though - it was a long time ago. It wasn't Netheril either - that would be the obvious place to look. It was an intro to something else....

Dwarven Runes were also very powerful - potent enough to destroy an entire city.
Dennis Posted - 23 Jul 2012 : 06:27:09
Yes, yes. I got my facts mixed up. [Edited it already.]

Anyway, here's the reference from Undead, p. 342:


Malark somehow missed the instant it appeared, but the lich held a thick, musty-smelling book bound in flaking black leather.

Malark swallowed. "Is that really it?"

Szass Tam smiled. "Yes. The boldest, most brilliant arcane treatise ever written, penned by an unknown genius at the dawn of time and unearthed by Fastrin the Delver when Netheril was young."
Xar Zarath Posted - 23 Jul 2012 : 06:13:07
Fastrin did not develope the Ritual of Unmaking, he found the book that detailed the ritual and what was needed. The book was supposedly written during the beginning of creation or something along those lines, possibly made by Sarrukh archmages.
Dennis Posted - 23 Jul 2012 : 04:27:55
Originally posted by Portella

What wa the ritual of unmaking?

It's a grand spell developed by an unknown wizard, whose notes were discovered by Fastrin the Delver, and, centuries after, somehow reached Szass Tam and Druxus Rhym. It is anchored on the Prime Material Plane, but also draws energy from (some unknown) planes. It is powered by the Dread Rings. Its purpose is to destroy the entire world and 'renew' it according to whatever Szass Tam wants. It wasn't successfully cast...yet, because of a number of heroes and foes alike who were brave enough to openly oppose Szass Tam. But if Szass Tam finally finds a way to perform it without serious interruption, the results would be...catastrophic.

For more details, you may read The Haunted Lands trilogy by Richard Lee Byers. [The omnibus edition is also available.]
Portella Posted - 21 Jul 2012 : 18:46:28
What wa the ritual of unmaking?
Dennis Posted - 20 Jul 2012 : 02:08:45
A lot...Where to start?

Shadowstorm - which devoured Ordulin, and would have done the same to all Sembian cities if Cale and Co. hadn't stopped it in time.

Karsus's Avatar- which caused Netheril's (literal) collapse.

Vhostym's Rain of Fire - (as noted above)

The phaerimm's lifedrain - which siphoned all manner of life energy. Slow, but very effective.

The Rage - rampaging dragons. [You get the picture.]

Szass Tam's Ritual of Unmaking - which would either nuke Faerun or the whole multiverse.
Barastir Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 20:45:32
Well, I think the High Magic spell that devastated Miyeritar and created the High Moor would be one of the most powerful destructive spells of all time. And the ritual that created Evermeet and caused the Sundering, even if the destruction was unintentional.
Eilserus Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 20:13:53
Tolodine's Killing Wind. Think that's the right name. Was a level 10 super-powered cloudkill from the Arcane Age Netheril set. 2E ruleset.
Gary Dallison Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 16:53:42
I find the most destructive epic magic in existence is "The DM Doesnt Want to Run the Campaign Anymore". That causes the annihilation of an entire universe of possibilities which then have to be created anew when a different DM is found.
_Jarlaxle_ Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 16:39:28
Vhostyms annihilation sphere seemed pretty dangerous to me.

But in the end most powerfull or destructive depends on the situation and what you want to accomplish.

If you want to hit a country Rain of Fire is very devestating because it destroys all vegetation (farmland) and will kill every commoner in a two mile radius.
Gateing in hordes of demons will cause a lot of havoc and destruction too.
Having infinite wishes is very powerfull for example
But also some minor spells could be world shattering if they help you to free an imprisoned powerfull beeing which longs for revenge
xaeyruudh Posted - 19 Jul 2012 : 15:16:15
Back in 2e, disintegrate didn't cause damage... it disintegrated one entire creature, regardless of size, or a 10 ft cube of nonliving material. I think I remember seeing some 2e "spell shape" ability that would make that 1000 cubic feet in any shape... the example I remember was collapsing 100 ft long section of castle parapet by disintegrating a small block under the whole length, but I can't find it now. Maybe that didn't come along until 3e. Disintegrate has a lot of potential for drama, though, regardless of edition.

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