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vorpalanvil Posted - 24 Jul 2012 : 09:31:48
I presume that if you are on here then you know that there are no published maps of the city of Neverwinter. I currently am running a campaign set in 1360DR and the party had chosen this city as a base of operations. I have with mild success created a rough map of the city based references from my vast AD&D and 2NDED library. To the point, has anyone else attempted this feat of foolishness? Please help.
"I'm a busy man, places to go, monsters to kill!"
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Veritas Posted - 08 Aug 2012 : 22:55:20
I always modelled it after Neverwinter Nights. The original DOS version on AOL.
BEAST Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 21:20:26
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

The whole world got cracked...

They should do a Cracked/Mad mag cover with a drow.
Dalor Darden Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 20:12:37
ROFLMAO..."Fae-runs" hehehehe

The whole world got cracked...
Fellfire Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 19:29:34
That's bad. Funny, but bad.
Markustay Posted - 27 Jul 2012 : 06:18:02
So if those are ass-cracks, and Drow are squeezing out of them...

No wonder they went back to being brown.

EDIT: I think Toril's got the 'Fae-runs'.
BEAST Posted - 27 Jul 2012 : 05:18:14
Originally posted by Markustay

Why do all the 4e maps have to have an 'ass crack'?
Originally posted by Brimstone

Cause every city needs a "ass crack" from the Nine Hells.

Where else are all these drow gonna come up from, in this little "Rise of the Underdark" meta-campaign thingy they've been talking about this summer?
Delwa Posted - 26 Jul 2012 : 23:28:07
Originally posted by vorpalanvil

Thanks everyone. Especially Delwa, that is exactly what I'm looking for.

You're quite welcome! Glad to be of service.
vorpalanvil Posted - 26 Jul 2012 : 22:47:49
Thanks everyone. Especially Delwa, that is exactly what I'm looking for.
Delwa Posted - 25 Jul 2012 : 02:42:07
Markustay, that last link is awesome.
Vorpalanvil, I also have this in my bookmarks.
Hope it's of use.
Brimstone Posted - 25 Jul 2012 : 01:01:27
Cause every city needs a "ass crack" from the Nine Hells.
Markustay Posted - 24 Jul 2012 : 21:39:35
If you wanted something generic you could make your own, and also a bit more manageable then the canon one in the 4e Neverwinter source, try THIS.

EDIT: it aso only took me about 5 seconds to Google THIS.

Personally, I used the first one. Why do all the 4e maps have to have an 'ass crack'?
sfdragon Posted - 24 Jul 2012 : 21:26:04
the closest thing that you could use is the description of the city from the various lore sections.

The only other map you could use would be to take what you can from Obsidian's NWN2.
BEAST Posted - 24 Jul 2012 : 20:35:09
Originally posted by vorpalanvil

I presume that if you are on here then you know that there are no published maps of the city of Neverwinter.

I'm pretty sure there's a full-color, multi-page, map of the rebuilt (c. 1479 DR) city of Neverwinter in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. You can see <thumbnails> here (scroll to pages 2 & 3).

And there's a very simplified map viewable online <here> in The Road to RAS's Neverwinter Saga (p. 24).

I don't know if those would be of any use to you, because I don't know if the city looked anything like that a century earlier.

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