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 Sages of Realmslore
 Order of the Shooting Star

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dansonata Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 14:24:55
Hello all.

I've been searching for sometime for a Mystra group called Order of the Shooting Star.
I could find little about them (Candlekeep (]) and Wiki(])) and now I beg for your help.

Do you know where I can find more about these guys?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Knight of the Gate Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 01:37:16
Roger that; I'll post there and link to it here.
The Sage Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 01:33:51
Ah, okay.

Well, you're free to post homebrew stuff on either the Running the Realms or Adventuring shelf.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 00:44:32
Actually, it's not canon, but home brew; I just know how you like to keep the shelves tidy 'round here.
The Sage Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 00:12:06
So long as it's not a lengthy piece of text, and the source is properly quoted, there's no harm in you posting it in this scroll.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 21:50:33
I'll get it typed up and posted tomorrow, since I got PM-ed by a couple others who wanted my notes.

EDIT: Sage, Wooly; should this go to a new thread?
dansonata Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 17:56:02
Knight, anything else you have about it would be appreciated!
Knight of the Gate Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 20:29:04
Glad to hear it helped! I have some other hb on the subject if you'd like.
dansonata Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:41:12
@Dennis, did that! Let's see if I can get an answer.

@Knight of the Gate, that helps a lot and fits perfectly on what I was expecting!
Knight of the Gate Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:35:28
Champions of Valor contains a bit of info and 3E info for running such a PC (substitution levels and feats).

In my long running, high-level game, I had a PC who was a member of the order, so I fleshed it out a bit; the order was founded by the now-legendary ranger Steelmoon (actually Dove using magic to assume male form) and is based out of the Great Dale (being a good place to not only keep an eye on Narfelli and Ramavuran ruins, but also not too distant from Thay and it's myriad magical abominations), the group is small in number, and lacks a formal chain of command. The senior members (chosen by acclaim and occasionally a sign from Mystra) form a 'Star Council' on a yearly basis to do long-range planning, but members otherwise are not given much direction or micromanaged in any way. Acceptance into the order is through a master-apprentice training program (think Jedi-padawan) and elevation of an apprentice is at the sole discretion of the master.

That's all I recall, as I'm away from my notes, and of course, it's all home-brew anyway.
Dennis Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:29:31

I suggest you bring this query to Ed's thread, and hope it doesn't get drowned in the Sea of Eternal Queries that has continued to grow and expand in years.
dansonata Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:22:48
Thanks, guys!

All I could find about it was:

"The Church of Mystra sponsored an order of rangers, known as the Order of the Shooting Star. These rangers received spells from Mystra and served as long-range scouts and spies for the church, also dealing with magical threats that imposed upon the natural order of things, such as unloosed tanar'ri and baatezu as well as creatures born of irresponsible wizardly experimentation."
Dennis Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:21:17

Wiki is not always updated.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:14:11
Did a Wiki search and found nothing. If something doesn't show up on Wiki then it doesn't exist...same goes for the Jedi Archives. Unless of course someone hacked Wiki to remove the information. But who would do such a thing? And why?
Dennis Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 15:04:43

It was mentioned, albeit briefly, in one (or two) of the pre-SP novels. Unfortunately, I can't recall which novel(s) exactly.

Didn't MT or Azuth discuss this in the not so distant past? My memory's a blur at the moment.
The Sage Posted - 17 Jan 2012 : 14:56:58
I don't immediately recall there being much more on the Order, aside from a brief tidbit in 2e's Faiths & Avatars.

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