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 Sages of Realmslore
 A lot of question about the Faery and Evermeet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
quentdm Posted - 04 Jul 2009 : 22:01:51
My character is a fey warlock gnome going to become an evermeet warlock.
I would like to know more about Prince satyr Hyrsam, the Evermeet Spirits which my character have to make a pact with and the Grand Mage Breithel Olithir .

Prince Satyr Hyrsam :
Where do he live ?
What is his personnality/alignment
What could he expect my character to do in exchange of the power he grants to him ?

Breithel Olithir
What gender is he, I read here he is a male, but I read somewhere else she is a female.
What are his/her personnality/alignment

Evermeet spirits
What are their personnalities/alignment
What could they expect my character to do in exchange of the power they grant to him ?
How may I contact them to make a pact with em ?

Thanks a lot in advance
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SeeDiGi Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 03:35:21
The Elven book has info on Evermeet and maybe has info about those spirits. I dont know.
quentdm Posted - 12 Jul 2009 : 16:25:59
thanks a lot for your link, Markustay. I share your point of view about the 4th ed... sad sad sad...
Markustay Posted - 12 Jul 2009 : 15:50:26
I am completely unfamiliar with either character. I doubt there is any more then what is in those two sources.

4e is rather light on lore (ATM), so don't expect anything else for Hyrsam (Hire Sam? Why? Because he helped Frodo? )

As for the other guy, you can ask Rich Baker directly in This Thread at WotC. He'd be the person to ask, and he frequents that thread often, and answers many questions for folks.
quentdm Posted - 12 Jul 2009 : 12:06:55
No one can tell me more ?
quentdm Posted - 06 Jul 2009 : 09:25:25
Thank you for your answers and all apologies for my previous post which is very very bad written. I swear, I'll edit it when I finished this one. I should precise that those characters may appear in the FR world after the spellplague.

According to the Manual of the planes, Hyrsam is an Archfey, yes, but nothing more about him in ths book.

For Breithel Olithir, in France, this is very difficult to find FR novels... I'm not even sure to find it french translated, so if you could at least give me your feelings about this character, this would already be great and very nice.
The Sage Posted - 05 Jul 2009 : 07:05:20
Isn't Hyrsam an archfey and satyr prince of the Feywild -- from 4e Manual of the Planes?

As for Breithel Olithir, see Rich Baker's Forsaken House novel.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Jul 2009 : 04:23:32
I've no idea where the names "Satyr Hyrsam" or "Breithel Olithir" come from... Those aren't names I recognize, and I don't see them in Elves of Evermeet or in the 4E FRCG.

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