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 Sages of Realmslore
 House Alenuath

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Herkles Posted - 14 Mar 2009 : 01:20:40
hello, I have a lore question. In Elves of Evermeet, it mentions an elven house by the name of Alenuath, yet it mentions it is a silver elf and yet at the same time a gold elf house. I am wondering, what subrace is it? sun or moon?

Here is the quote that I am referring to. Thanks for any help I can get.

"The members of this Silver elf house are scattered throughout Evermeet, for they are hunters, rangers, and loners. These are unusual qualities for the gregarious Gold elves."
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 13:51:15
Originally posted by Herkles

darn, that is one of the few novels I have been really wanting to get, I can't seem to find it anywhere at my book stores.

Try eBay (as Fillow suggests),,, or Amazon.

I've got three copies, myself. One hardcover, one signed paperback, and one unsigned paperback.
Fillow Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 13:08:38
why don't you try this :

There are a lot of used books sellers in the the web.
You just have to be patient to find it at the right price (the amount that you agree to give) , in the right way to do it ( I mean the legal releases only !)
Herkles Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 12:52:56
darn, that is one of the few novels I have been really wanting to get, I can't seem to find it anywhere at my book stores.
Fillow Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 12:51:16
I confirm that Ruith is written about few times in Evermeet novel. The fortress city forces are involved in the story if I correctly remember

EDIT : So is the Alenuath clan !
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 05:15:48
Originally posted by Herkles

I see, I thought the concept of sun elves that were known for rangers and adventures in the mainland was a neat idea. Since this is about sun elven nobles, can anyone tell me about the nobles of the city of Ruith? Elves of Evermeet doesn't give much help there, but then again it mentions all the nobles at the capital.

Elves of Evermeet is the best source, unfortunately. There might be mentions in the Last Mythal trilogy or in the novel Evermeet, but I'm not recalling anything.
Herkles Posted - 15 Mar 2009 : 03:28:13
I see, I thought the concept of sun elves that were known for rangers and adventures in the mainland was a neat idea. Since this is about sun elven nobles, can anyone tell me about the nobles of the city of Ruith? Elves of Evermeet doesn't give much help there, but then again it mentions all the nobles at the capital.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Mar 2009 : 04:54:46
I'd assume that the Gold reference was supposed to be Silver. The description also mentions Silver elf servants, which seems more likely (to me) for a Silver house. Even more importantly, page 101 of the same book describes Shanyrria Alenuath, an NPC bladesinger -- and she's specifically described as being a Silver elf.
Kuje Posted - 14 Mar 2009 : 02:29:23
Hmmm, good question. Maybe go ask Ed? That house isn't one of the houses that existed, or was detailed, in the Cormanthor sourcebook, which I was using to see if it had more info.

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