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 Sages of Realmslore
 The Scrolls Ardentym

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nicolai Withander Posted - 25 Jan 2009 : 19:33:17
I know I have asked this before, but I got no answers, so here I go angain.

Does anyone have any info on their current location. Im trying to set up something for the group im Dm'ing and need the info!

So please any info would be very nice!!!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 11 Feb 2009 : 10:08:55
I found a quote by Steven Schend, the author of Fall of Myth Dranor, on the Scrolls:

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Originally posted by El Magnifico Uno

The Scrolls Ardentym... "These scrolls constitute a military tactical text on spellcasting in combat and they also record a number of unique spells for the Akh'faer"... 38 pages of vellum that take a group of high nages over 500 years to write?... Anymore light that can be shed on this?... After 5 centuries of work, one can draw two conclusions -
A) They were really lazy mages...
B) It's a terribly powerful item...
Given that the correct answer is "B", was there anymore development to this idea? Or is it just a red herring for DMs to play with?

Not so much lazy as meticulous, anal-retentive, and picky.
500 years is only a lifetime for an think of the Ardentym as the Oxford English Dictionary crossed with the Army training manual: It took some time to get all the spells right; then it took longer to figure out the best ways to use them in combat tactically; then it took longer to systematically teach the Akh'faer these spells. Even when done so for the public good, mages are stingy with their secrets, which might be another reason it took so long.

As for any other lore, I'm afraid that's all I can think of at present. If any more rattles loose, I'll let you know.

However that might help...
Quale Posted - 02 Feb 2009 : 21:50:26
other than the Fall of Myth Drannor, think this is the only other mention

so it's your choice, most likely Myth Drannor or Hellgate Keep

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