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 Sages of Realmslore
 Malatra: The Living Jungle

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Razz Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 02:04:49
Big question, where can I acquire access to all the information on Malatra, the one the RPGA did those years ago? Is it a free download, a purchased download, an eBay purchase, or are they practically impossible to come upon?

Thanks to those that can assist with this.
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Brimstone Posted - 30 Jul 2016 : 14:45:32
Originally posted by Markustay

Great Find!

apotheot Posted - 30 Jul 2016 : 12:15:31
To use a massive Head Shrinker spell on this Thread. I too am looking for some of this yet. I have *MOST* in some form or another, but there are several things I am still missing. If anyone is able to help, or just has questions about the setting (I'm becoming a sage on the issue) feel free to PM me.
Lord Karsus Posted - 09 Dec 2008 : 03:58:50
-Check out the Kara-Tur Re-Dux, then.
MirrorMirror Posted - 09 Dec 2008 : 01:41:23
Exotic areas of the Realms such as Malatra were always my favorite places to set adventures in. I would like to learn more about the areas of Malatra that are outside of the Living Jungle region such as Ranguri,Marabaya,Jambu Dweepam,and Mahasarpa.I would be interested in any information or ideas that anyone has on this region of Toril.
Markustay Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 17:58:48
Great Find!
Lord Karsus Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 17:52:46
-One more source for good Malatra information, again, not knowing what everyone has and what they don't have:
Lord Karsus Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 05:02:57
-I just discovered this webpage:" target="_blank">

-I don't know what information that it contains that you already have access to, but...There you go.
Lord Karsus Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 21:27:04
-Oh well, then.
Markustay Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 09:20:11
Ah, Okay... Thanks.

I'm going to have to find me a game too, Sage - I'm starting to go through withdrawal (especially with all this talk about it going on).

Originally posted by Dagnirion

-And, hey, if you have more Malatra stuff, anything specific I should know for the Jungle Barbarian? I made it, and it's done and everything, but it's a little bland. Anything Malatra-like that's interesting that can be injected into it? I mean, I know about the land, sure, and gave everything the old once-over, but...

I haven't really developed the concept much beyond knowing where they live, and that they are barbarians.

Considering what I've done with the place, and that both Kuong and Laothan are fairly civilized (by their own standards, not T'u or Shou's), that class will be mostly for the Purang tribes, if you want to take a look at them in the K-T book - but there really isn't much there beyond naming the five tribes and their corresponding villages. They like to raid each other and just about everyone else, but I don't think you can get any class abilites out of that (except maybe something like the Rogue's Hide in Shadows). I think they use blowguns as well, so maybe something akin to the Ranger's bow skills would be in order (they are sneaky little bastards).

The class could also work for the true savages existing in the Living Jungle on the high plateau, but until the Spellplague hits that entire region it's still completely unknown to everyone outside of it (I got to bring that memory-dampening field and get that region into the swing of things).

I think we both pretty much have the same stuff about that setting, though, so if you want to look at the classes from there you might get a few ideas. Their tech is so low though they make the Purang look like the Jetsons.

I was thinking about dipping into the Dark Sun rules eventually for some cool weapons and what-not for people without metals (Athas was great for that). I think some of that would be usable in Malatra.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 05:43:52
Originally posted by Markustay

I don't play Cygnar, but I do have a unit of Arcane Gun Mages.

I just LOVE those guys.

I play Cryx, but I have a few units of each of the others just for show, because they are awesome.

I'm unfamiliar with the Pathfinder ability though - I haven't played in over two years, and no-one I came up against ever used Mercs.

My new Stormsmiths did so well for me that they have just earned a permanent spot in any Warmachine game I play. They drop -- on a skill roll, not an attack! -- a POW 10 lightning bolt anywhere within 10 inches. You don't need LOS, and it's not an attack -- so it ignores Stealth and cover. And it causes Disruption! And that's just one guy -- if you can position them correctly, you can get more brutal with them. Oh, and they are 12 point solos.

Pathfinder is another version of ignoring rough terrain and obstacles.
Lord Karsus Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 05:07:08
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Pathfinder is a generic term, though...

-Yeah. All a 'pathfinder' is is a fancy name for explorer/adventurer/et al. Mind you, it does sound more intellectual, though.

-And, hey, if you have more Malatra stuff, anything specific I should know for the Jungle Barbarian? I made it, and it's done and everything, but it's a little bland. Anything Malatra-like that's interesting that can be injected into it? I mean, I know about the land, sure, and gave everything the old once-over, but...
The Sage Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 04:40:48
I've really got to get me next Warmachine game going.
Markustay Posted - 10 Nov 2008 : 03:37:45
I don't play Cygnar, but I do have a unit of Arcane Gun Mages.

I just LOVE those guys.

I play Cryx, but I have a few units of each of the others just for show, because they are awesome.

I'm unfamiliar with the Pathfinder ability though - I haven't played in over two years, and no-one I came up against ever used Mercs.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Nov 2008 : 23:16:57
Originally posted by Markustay

I did find a website or three, but all the files were either taken down, or the links were all broken.

I had one guy who said he still had all his stuff packed away somewhere and he'd try to dig it out, but he never got back to me.

As an interesting endnote on the conversation, I did discover that the Living Jungle had a kit - and later a PrC - called 'The Pathfinder'.

The people over at Paizo are all screaming "Foul!" because WotC has a 'Pathfinder' epic path (IIRC) in their rulebooks, which only premiered a few months before Paizo's own Pathfinder setting.

It seems WotC/TSR used the term FIRST.

Score one for Wizbro.... finally.

Pathfinder is a generic term, though. Hells, I was playing Warmachine today, and my opponent used a mercenary unit that had the Pathfinder ability. (Croe's Cutthroats; four of them fell to chain lightning cast by Commander Adept Nemo and channeled thru a Lancer, and the remaining two were killed by Arcane Tempest Gun Mages. I lost one Gun Mage in the exchange. )
Markustay Posted - 09 Nov 2008 : 18:53:49
I did find a website or three, but all the files were either taken down, or the links were all broken.

I had one guy who said he still had all his stuff packed away somewhere and he'd try to dig it out, but he never got back to me.

As an interesting endnote on the conversation, I did discover that the Living Jungle had a kit - and later a PrC - called 'The Pathfinder'.

The people over at Paizo are all screaming "Foul!" because WotC has a 'Pathfinder' epic path (IIRC) in their rulebooks, which only premiered a few months before Paizo's own Pathfinder setting.

It seems WotC/TSR used the term FIRST.

Score one for Wizbro.... finally.
Razz Posted - 09 Nov 2008 : 18:15:45
Darn, that sucks big time. There's gotta be a way to somehow collect that information before it's lost for all time. You'd figure there'd be a website or someone has those files leftover somewhere.

Lord Karsus Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 22:40:11
Originally posted by Markustay

Its sad to think that all of that might be gone forever - even the guys that were in charge of it don't seem to have any of it laying aound anymore.

-That means, it's up to us to remake it all as we see fit, then. Not a bad trade-off.

-Mind you, between the two of us, there's enough projects to keep everyone busy for a long time, but I'm just saying...
Markustay Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 21:22:12
The PDF is EXCELLENT, and was worth it's download a hundred times over...

But there is still quite a bit that was further fleshed-out in Polyhedron Articles and RPGA adventures that are no longer available.

Its sad to think that all of that might be gone forever - even the guys that were in charge of it don't seem to have any of it laying aound anymore.
Lord Karsus Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 20:15:57
Originally posted by Markustay

Good Luck.

I've been trying to get a hold of the Malatra Campaign material for over a year - most of it appeared in issues of Polyhedron, which are nearly impossible to find, and the few official adventures that were released for it seem to have disapeared off the face of the earth.

I've even contacted old RPGA members who no longer have the files.

-I'm sure you already have it, but the above PDF is actually pretty decent, in being an introduction and explanation of the jungle.
Markustay Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 19:51:53
Good Luck.

I've been trying to get a hold of the Malatra Campaign material for over a year - most of it appeared in issues of Polyhedron, which are nearly impossible to find, and the few official adventures that were released for it seem to have disapeared off the face of the earth.

I've even contacted old RPGA members who no longer have the files.
Lord Karsus Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 17:17:12
Originally posted by Na-Gang

Awesome! Any idea where to get any of the Living Jungle adventures?

-Doing a basic search for 'Malatra the Living Jungle' netted me the above link, and one adventure, 'The Sickness'. As for anything else, you've got me.
Na-Gang Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 07:39:42
Awesome! Any idea where to get any of the Living Jungle adventures?
Lord Karsus Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 02:55:05
-Try this:]

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