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 Sages of Realmslore
 Ashanath info, please

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 00:14:12
Will someone tell me, please: which books and/or modules feature a detailed map of Ashanath?

I have some specific questions about the region, too:

1. Is there an established caravan path ("road" would probably be an exaggeration) between Two Stars and Kront?

2. What sort of shipping is available on Lake Ashane for those who would like to transport trade goods along the western shore (assuming that they haven't got their own circle of Red Wizards to just make it all dry land)?

3. Where is the Citadel of Weeping Ghosts vis-a-vis Kront, and is Ashanath well-described in the novel about the same?

If some scholars are able to answer any or all of these questions this week, their assistance would be gratefully appreciated.

(Yes, the PCs in my game are finally leaving Thesk, having stalled long enough to make it impossible for them to actually catch up to the Tuigan whom they intend to "punish" ... unless some fool uses magic to close the gap!)

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shilo99 Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 15:45:48
Hi again Jamallo,

Unapproachable East is probably best latter day source (summarised below)
UA, p125: "the Golden Way. This well-maintained
road starts in Telflamm, crosses the River Flam, and
then passes through Phent, Phsant, Tammar, and Two Stars,
skirting the northern side of the Thesk Mountains before it
dead-ends at the River Mulsantir, between Lake Ashane and
Lake Mulsantir. From there, travelers and their cargo take
ferries across the water to Mulsantir, in Rashemen, and continue
along the Golden Way through Rashemen and the Endless
Wastes all the way to distant Kara-Tur."

So, this answers two of your questions:
1. So road between Two Stars & Kront is a very good caravan path.

2. Some shipping on Lake Ashane: ferries transporting caravans (and from p174 it appears caravans cross the frozen river Mulsantir in winter). Also fisherfolk hawk their wares every day in Kront. Few/no red Wizards or their influence on Lake Ashane: they'd have to get through their Rashemi nemeses first.

UA, p131:
"About twenty miles north of Kront, on the shores of the lake,
lie the ruins of a great city. Known locally as the City of Weeping
Ghosts, this place was once Shandaular, capital of the petty
Nar realm of Ashanath. The Nentyarch of ancient Tharos destroyed
Shandaular almost two thousand years ago, the final
step in the unification of ancient Narfell. The place is haunted
by many dangerous undead, including at least one nightshade."

Haven't read the novel, so can't say how it decribes Ashanath.
Hope this helps,
Khaelieth Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 12:22:38
There's something in Unapproachable East as well, I think
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 02:17:11
Thanks. I have Dreams, so I can start there.

The Sage Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 01:47:13
The only maps I immediately recall for Ashanath are in The Bloodstone Lands and Dreams of the Red Wizards. They're not very detailed, though.

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