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 Sages of Realmslore
 Goliaths of Faerun

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Razz Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 18:00:39
I enjoyed the articles about the new races developed by WotC place in the Realms, and I didn't know a goliath was officially taken into the Realms via the Depths of Madness novel. That's pretty cool.

Where was the goliath from and did the novel reveal anything about goliath culture and society in the Realms?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Razz Posted - 06 Nov 2012 : 03:38:39
Originally posted by Brian R. James

For additional info on Goliaths of the Realms, check out Monument of the Ancients in Dungeon 170. There you'll find lore on the goliath hunters of Mount Akoro (in the Moonsea North) which corroborate the Netheril connection established by Erik/Tom's work.

I remember reading that and noticing the exact origin story given was the one they originally wrote for that web article.
Brian R. James Posted - 19 Oct 2012 : 17:28:12
For additional info on Goliaths of the Realms, check out Monument of the Ancients in Dungeon 170. There you'll find lore on the goliath hunters of Mount Akoro (in the Moonsea North) which corroborate the Netheril connection established by Erik/Tom's work.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 18 Oct 2012 : 22:39:30
Check out Tom Costa and my article on the subject, from this link (under the one titled Gargan the Dispossessed, which is the name of the Goliath in tr novel):

More later!

Dennis Posted - 18 Oct 2012 : 01:32:48

What the available resources could tell, it looks like there's none. Though the possibility sounds intriguing.
Duneth Despana Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 23:27:33
If there is a tie between the Netherese and the Goliath, then mayhaps the Goliath of Undermountain heed back from the days of the Sargauth Enclave?
KnightErrantJR Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 17:44:36
As far as actual "canon" information on goliaths in the Realms, the Expedition to UnderMountain adventure also mentions a settlement in the depths of UnderMountain, the Murkstones, which has a small population of goliaths, along with some other underdark races.

The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 01:26:26
Originally posted by The Sage

Erik's Depths of Madness does indeed reveal a little about both Gargan's [the goliath featured in the novel] home village and goliath society in general.
Given the location of Negarath in Depths, as in Anauroch, and Twilight and Gargan's visit to the goliath village later, I would speculate that the goliath village in Depths, was likely located near mountains somewhere in or around Anauroch -- which is also a suggested goliath location in Champions of Valor.

It's possible Erik may have been considering the goliath details from CoV when writing Depths. And the proximity of a fallen Netherese enclave somewhere near the location of a goliath village, was simply too intriguing to ignore.
The Sage Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 01:23:42

Several locations around the Realms are referenced on pg. 17 of Champions of Valor as places for inserting goliaths into an FR campaign. The section also offers suggestions for how goliaths came to be, in the Realms.
Hawkins Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 19:37:56
I also believe that Goliaths are mentions in the 3.5 supplement Champions of Valor. I have it, but I have not read through it yet, I just think I remembering seeing them on the Table of Contents. Actually, I just went to WotC's Champions of Valor excerpts page <>, and Goliaths are listed in the Table of Contents under Races from Other Supplements.
Ateth Istarlin Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 15:45:34
Thanks KnightErrantJR,
Thats great stuff! & should help me out no end
KnightErrantJR Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 15:18:47
I started this scroll a while back. None of its official, mind you, but I tried to make it as true to what I could glean as possible:,of,Stone,in
Ateth Istarlin Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 10:28:01
But where would you place them in the Realms?
(I'm interested in using them as both PC's & NPC's)
The Sage Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 04:06:38
Goliaths were a new race introduced into the D&D core rules in Races of Stone. There's a brief overview about them here on the WotC site.
Aewrik Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 03:32:10
Oh? What are the goliaths?
The Sage Posted - 12 Oct 2007 : 00:48:30
Erik's Depths of Madness does indeed reveal a little about both Gargan's [the goliath featured in the novel] home village and goliath society in general.

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