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 Sages of Realmslore
 Ravens Bluff -- The Meaning of the Name

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
webmanus Posted - 06 Nov 2005 : 08:54:58
Hi folks,

I would like to know what the meaning of the name Ravens Bluff. I have translated it to "Korpens klippa" (Swedish), that is, "The Rock/Cliff of the Raven". But, maybe that is wrong, as it is called "Ravens Bluff" and not called "Raven's Bluff". Furthermore, a bluff can be so many different things ... bluff like in bluffing when you play poker, a kind of lake, or a rock.

So, do you know the meaning of "Ravens Bluff"?

Best regards,
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
webmanus Posted - 20 Nov 2005 : 08:03:09
OK, thanks BlackAce.

BlackAce Posted - 15 Nov 2005 : 08:36:12
Hi folks,

I would like to know what the meaning of the name Ravens Bluff. I have translated it to "Korpens klippa" (Swedish), that is, "The Rock/Cliff of the Raven". But, maybe that is wrong, as it is called "Ravens Bluff" and not called "Raven's Bluff". Furthermore, a bluff can be so many different things ... bluff like in bluffing when you play poker, a kind of lake, or a rock.

So, do you know the meaning of "Ravens Bluff"?

Bluff in this context means hills. More specifically steep hills with Mountain pretentions.

"Berg" fits nicely.
eomer Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 05:30:19
Thank you for the answer. I'am doing almost the same thing ;)
Trying to translate names of the places into Russian :)
webmanus Posted - 07 Nov 2005 : 19:19:32
By the way, maybe, a more appropriate translation to Swedish could be "Korpklippan" ... for those among us who play in Swedish.
webmanus Posted - 07 Nov 2005 : 19:13:14
Sorry Eomer. I am not a translator. As we (the players and I) play in Swedish, we use the names of places (among other) in Swedish. I try to translate everything to Swedish, and, if I make a poor translatation, I still think that it is better when playing in Swedish.
eomer Posted - 07 Nov 2005 : 09:06:39
One more translator! :)
Can I ask you some questions?
Do you translate geographic names with a meaning? Nicknames?

I'am translating FR into Russian.
webmanus Posted - 06 Nov 2005 : 11:57:16
OK, thanks. I will also take a look at that book. Thanks.
The Sage Posted - 06 Nov 2005 : 09:31:59
The name "Ravens Bluff" refers to the many watchful ravens who reside in this region, as well as the the fact that the city lies along part of a "hilly" riverbank.

The 2e City of Ravens Bluff tome explains this in some detail. It's available as a free download at WotC, here:-

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