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 Turn based

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nokom Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 00:43:52
Is there anyway I can find some sort of mod or something to make nwn turn based? I need it to be much like classic D&D. I am going to try to make a greyhawk adventure just like it would be if playing P&P. Thanks :)
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 00:59:06
Originally posted by Nokom

The closest thing I have the the spelljammer set thingy. Its turn based. Is there anyway *I* could maybe make it turnbased? If so I would love to know how!

Can't help you with that, sorry. I know little to nothing about making modules and the like, I just play them. You should probably ask your question on the Bioware NWN boards, there would be a lot more scripting experts there than here.

Hope this helps.
Nokom Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 00:52:39
The closest thing I have the the spelljammer set thingy. Its turn based. Is there anyway *I* could maybe make it turnbased? If so I would love to know how!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 00:46:48
Originally posted by Nokom

Is there anyway I can find some sort of mod or something to make nwn turn based? I need it to be much like classic D&D. I am going to try to make a greyhawk adventure just like it would be if playing P&P. Thanks :)

I've never heard of any such thing, myself, and I frequent the NWN community.

Also, there's really no reason to make NWN turn-based to begin with, IMO. A pnp game has to be turn-based or else it would be nigh-unmanageable. A CRPG on the other hand doesn't need turns.

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