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 BG1 Characters who appear in BG2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alexis Merlin Posted - 07 Mar 2003 : 22:35:21
Hi all,

Just wondered if we could get together a list of the BG1 characters who pop up in BG2...and where they appear. (I mean aside from the obvious NPC's who are listed in the manual)

So far I have found the following (bear in mind I have only just started Chapter 4)....

Ajantis: Found murdered at the start of the Windspear Hills.

Branwen(possibly): Mourning in the graveyard (I think it might be her because she looks similar and mentions about her fallen comrades being 'warrior-born' which was something she was fond of saying in BG1...)

Tiax: Imprisoned in Spellhold

Xzar: Near Harper Stronghold in the Docks

Montaron: In the Harper Stronghold in the Docks

Garrick: Outside the Order of the Radiant Heart

That's all I've found at the moment...

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:36:57
I miss Xan, he was by far my favorite.
The Defence Minister Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 22:16:38
You've pretty much got them all I think.

Tazok is in the Windspear Hills and Sarevok is in Throne of Bhaal

Korgan is a reincarnation of Kaigan.

Echon Posted - 08 Mar 2003 : 08:36:05
Coran: Forest of Tethyr.

Safana: Forest of Tethyr.

Quayle: Circus tent in Waukeen's Promenade.

Faldorn: Druid grove near Trademeet.

Khalid: found dead in Irenicus' dungeon.

Xan: makes an appearence in the tutorial.

I am not wholly sure if that is Branwen in the graveyard. Secondly, I cannot remember if there are any appearing in Throne of Bhaal.


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