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 BG I & II: Most Challenging Battle

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Echon Posted - 09 Feb 2003 : 22:03:50
Which fight has made you reload the most times? Which opponent left you sitting in front your computer, sweating and frustrated, in a futile attempt to gain victory?

There are several difficult fights in both BG I & II (especially if you decide to go for some of them at too early a level). Of course, there are ways to easily solve these by taking advantage of bugs or abusing the AI. But which honest and fair battle has caused you the most problems?

In BG I, defeating Drizzt without cheating was probably the most challeging. I found that there are two lame ways to do it: kill him with bows from a place he cannot reach (the isle in the lake) or backstab him with a thief with 15-20 potions of invisibility. Both are boring. Defeating him in honest battle is a different story entirely. Even with two strong, hasted, protected, yada yada fighters with ACs near -10 and THAC0s near 0, he would still hit nearly everytime (at least thrice in a round) and would only get hit him every 4th or 5th attack. Magic is useless and he seems to protected from all sorts of missiles. It turned out that the key was tons of summoned monsters that could keep him concentrated (some might argue that this is abusing the AI as well).

The second battle I want to mention is against the demon in Ulgoth's Beard. I took me a while to discover that the paralyzation and death gaze was dispelable - previously I reloaded everytime my characters fell victim to the gaze. I know a lot of people have had trouble with figuring that the cultists had to be killed before the demon could, luckily this caused me no trouble. Beyond all this, the demon is quite a powerful opponent even against a maxed out and well equipped party.

Compared to these two examples, defeating Sarevok was hardly a challenge (even though the expansion pack is supposed to strengthen him). I carefully took my time to enact my revenge upon all his companions before bringing him down.

In BG II, the most difficult fights initially were the dragons. However, it did not take long to figure out how to deal with them (once more summoned critters were the solution and this time some of them were actually useful in combat as well) and I ended up defeating most of them without even taking damage.

To keep this the length of this post down, I shall detail to you what is most difficult fight of all. And to the potential surprise of some of those familiar with both games (and both expansion packs), this fight is not the end battle of Throne of Bhaal against Melissan (which turns out to be quite easy as well).
After completing Throne of Bhaal, a lot of fans complained about the battles against the Five being too easy. Their requests were heard and a guy from BioWare did new and far more challenging versions of the battles - and others as well. One of Five is Abazigal, a blue-dragon bhaal spawn. Normally you only get to fight him and a few wimpy frost salamanders. With the fix installed, you get to fight Abazigal the kensai, blue dragon, quasi-god, munchkin super villain with special Bhaal avatar powers, an addition blue/purple dragon which is nearly as strong, four small dragons and the aforementioned salamanders. In addition to the dragons being masters of melee combat, imagine them flinging wizard and cleric spells right and left (even the small ones). Agazigal and his lady companion are both protected with contingency, chain contingency and other unload-a-dozen-spells-at-the-same-time-triggers and what not. In addition to their ordinary dragon powers (wing buffet, tail slab), they have been granted other wicked abilities. Abazigal unloads a couple of imprisonments (which in BG ignore most spell protections and magic resistance) and another nasty high-level spells. I even experienced him wing buffet my entire party, cast heal and enter the fight completely healed six times in the same fight. Makes it kind of difficult to keep your players alive. The solution was to bring him to near dead and unleash every single power at the same time to bring him down before he could repeat the trick.

That is it for now.

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:38:34
Hands down, Irenicus. His magic jacked up ALL my characters regardless of any protections or armor.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 16 Sep 2003 : 18:23:09
Originally posted by MuadDib

I will look into it soon...

I have never played mods and wouldn't even how to go about gettting it to work...

I haven't got a copy of my game with me, but will look into getting one

They all have install instructions but if you have problems the give me a personal email and I will help you,Once you've done it you will see its not hard.I even made a couple of mods myself but before I finished tweaking them for bugs I lost my hard drive and many hours worth of work that I had put in during a year and a half.I may try again someday but only after Weimer finishes Icewind Gate so I can
use the Improved Infinity Engine and 3e rules.see 1st.for great WeiDU mods and 2nd link is Weimer's mods.,
MuadDib Posted - 15 Sep 2003 : 06:43:34
I will look into it soon...

I have never played mods and wouldn't even how to go about gettting it to work...

I haven't got a copy of my game with me, but will look into getting one
William of Waterdeep Posted - 14 Sep 2003 : 16:45:39
Originally posted by MuadDib

Yeah, and you can trap him at the top and go ack to pocket plane and rest up, but I mean straight fight, with no advantages and fight him like i play on hardest level where he has a 200% damage bonus. He becomes really hard then...when his dragon breath does 200 damage...

And his father Abazigal is quite somethign too, although his human part is much easier to defeat..

Have you ever played the mod add on for BG called "Dark Side of The Swordcoast",If you haven't you should.There is a young dragon close to Nashkal and hes tough,I seemed to always lose one party member to him.>>>>>> Try it and see what you think!!!!! If you have played it, then what did you think??!!!
MuadDib Posted - 14 Sep 2003 : 06:38:32
Yeah, and you can trap him at the top and go ack to pocket plane and rest up, but I mean straight fight, with no advantages and fight him like i play on hardest level where he has a 200% damage bonus. He becomes really hard then...when his dragon breath does 200 damage...

And his father Abazigal is quite somethign too, although his human part is much easier to defeat..
Cyric Posted - 13 Sep 2003 : 14:43:34
I dont know why evrybodey keeps saying he was so tough if you killed him in his human shape at the left he would be styck at the colums
MuadDib Posted - 13 Sep 2003 : 12:03:01
Well if we are including ToB, then I would have to say that Draconis is that hardest SOB in the game....he is so damn near impossible its unreal...
William of Waterdeep Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 21:59:35
I never attacked the Silver Dragon.I only killed the Evil dragons but I do agree with demons being more fun.Like in Watcher's Keep.I liked to explore the keep but the mazes got on my nerves.
Cyric Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 20:32:16
The shadowdragon was in all the weakest and the strongest i would say was adon the silver or ws she a gold dont remember, but any way i think its moore fun fighting demons then dragons.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 17:55:40
I didn't say Dragons were hard!!!!My character never died on me in a battle till the mind flayers under the sewer of the Temple district.I guess Its hard for me to believe that I am the only one to witness one of the npc dissappear before thier eyes from the Shadow Dragon's magic.I think it used finger of death.
If you want a real dragon battle then download the mod for BG. try some that make the other dragons harder in BG2
Cyric Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 14:00:43
Taking out the dragons wasent that hard i would say my minsc caracter had that sword that did doubel damage to the dragons and with him and a coupel of spell reamovers and they where dead so fast. the most dificoult i would say was the last battel in the abyss vrs that bitch i dont rember her name but she was tough.
MuadDib Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 06:28:31
hmmm, hardest dragon I think was Firkraag before I learnt how to kill him, but yeah, shadow was hard, and so is the dragon in there is limited space to kill him in..
William of Waterdeep Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 23:21:39
Which Dragon was the toughest for you?
To me the Shadow Dragon,Can't remember the name but seemed like if Viconia was in the party then she was the target for the dragon's first attack and the attack always destroyed her.Oh,talking about being upset.
MuadDib Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 14:18:05
And also in ToB, the fact that the monsters you fight around Melissan are harder that she is...
Thais Paradox Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 13:39:28
Has anyone mentioned the fact that in BGII, the first battle with Irenicus (Tree of Life) was a *lot* harder than the second one (Abyss)?
If not, I just did......:P
William of Waterdeep Posted - 10 Sep 2003 : 08:24:36
I guess The Demon for me in BGToSC,but with DSoTSC mod the shade lord.
BG2 was Kangaxx for me but was a good lesson on the need for magic scolls.I played with TDD mod in BG2 also but Kangaxx was my biggest reload.The thought of killing the Silver Dragon never entered my mind,I was thinking of Bashing evil Drow heads.

Edain Shadowstar Posted - 17 Aug 2003 : 07:59:25
Well, being a good guy, no I never killed the Silver Dragon, Adalon, in the Underdark so I cannot comment. However, after I figured out however to deal with them dragons were not really all that challenging. When it comes to dragons spells are you friends, since when meleeing a dragon can shred your charcters long before they can even nick the dragon. I always found three or four Lower Resistances, followed by lots of single target spells (i.e. Magic Missile, Flame Arrow, Comet) work very well. Also, certain cleric spells are very useful, especially Holy Smite (unless you are evil), three of which can drop a dragon to Badly Injured.

Kangaxx was easy as pie with Keldorn, Daystar, and a scroll of Protection from Magic or Undead. Use Sunray to waste kangaxx the Lich and then use a scrol of Protection on your main melee, give him a haste (or boots of speed) and a good powerful weapon (Carsomyr works exceptionally well) and have him wail away on Kangaxx while your party huddles near the exit.

The Twisted Rune was easy, all except for the vampire. That annoying guy could drain four levels a hit, so he was the only one who was paricularly lethal if you engaged him in melee. The beholder was easy since i went and splurged on a Shield of Balduran which reflected it's rays. The female mage who summoned the pit fiend was her own worst enemy (I would usually save her for last, cast Prot. from Evil on my entire party and let the demon beat her to near death then slay the fiend and her for lots of experience). The others were cake.

Really, even Bodhi and Irenicus were rather disappointing as far as difficultly. The only real challenges were in Throne of Bhaal if you ask me.
Therinon the great Bard Posted - 08 Aug 2003 : 02:28:47

Did nobody else struggle with the silver dragon in underdark (BG2)?? I beat all the other dragons first time, but got crippled the first couple of times i fought the silver dragon In the end had to settle for getting a couple of good hits in, running out side the cave, resting, then back in for more. I had to repeat this about 6 times til the dragon had used up all its healing magic.
I know you don't have to fight the silver dragon (and maybe many of you didn't), but i killed it to find out the result of the armour that the tanner in the bridge district had begun. For all of you that didn't choose to do this, only do it for the fight with the dragon - the resulting armour really isn't worth the trouble but the xp and challenge rating of the dragon is both profitable and challenging.
Kangaxx proved tough, but the tips about protections form undead and abjuration were useful tips. Thank you, the ring is a nice prize
The twisted rune didn't cause me too many problems. Here is a useful tip on how to beat them with ease...
Once inside, open the hidden wall door directly behind you and stash your weaker characters in the little alcove behind it. Press all your tougher characters (fighters and clerics... etc...) against the back wall in a line. Don't cast any preparation spells at this point - no summonings or protections or the twisted rune party don't appear and you end up stuck with no way out. Take the fastest of your fighters away from the wall towards the main room. As soon as you begin to see the line of flames moving to the centre of the room retreat back again. Shangalar apears and speaks to you as you are retreating. Once dialogue window closes, carry on retreating until you get to the back wall. At this point get your clerics and mages to rip off a couple of party affecting protections (protect from evil, fear, cast bless...etc...) Shangalar will enter the small room you are in on his own. I found it almost impossible to beat him when his pals apear and help him so this is a good way of getting him on his own. He will undoubtably once in sight of you cast a timestop and then stroll on close to your party. This is a good thing... you need him close to that back wall so as not to get his allies interferingonce his time stop is done, or once he is close to you if he didn't use timestop, get your fighter characters to surround him and pummel him with the best magical weapons you are armed with. Simultaneously, as the fighters move around Shangalar, have your mage begin a spell to remove his protections. (Khelben's Warding Whip and Pierce Magic are best) Note: if he is invisible, you will have to cast a spell to dispell the illusion like True Seeing, before you can cast removal spells on him. Once his protections are removed he'll die very quickly. Once he is down, you can huddle your party back together by the back wall again and prepare for the other battles with more protection spells and summonings. You can summon and enable protections once Shangalar has appeared, just never do it before that happens. Now with more protections cast, semd a quick character with high magic resistance towards the main room slowly. Time to lure out the beholder. Once you catch a glimpse of the beholder retreat once more and lure him into the clutches of your party huddled together in the small room. Once lured, take him out quickly with a heavy assault of magical weapons. If Revanak wanders into the battle, ignore him and concentrate all your fire power on the beholder. Once it is down, you can dispatch Revanak with ease using a couple of fighters. Shangalar and the beholder, Vaxall are worth 64,000 xp if you get them both (total of 70,000 xp if you got Revanak also) The other two twisted rune members are only worth 14,500 together. I was not that desperate for xp so i cast group protection from evil and summoned a pit fiend into the centre of the big room where it could obviously could see the two remaining members and the pit fiend kills them if you give it enough time. No doubt they would be easy enough to kill if you charged in there and focused all your attacks on Shyressa, but i was on the phone by that point and summoned the pit fiend to fight for me while i talked.
The Exile Posted - 02 Aug 2003 : 23:03:25
Bg2:Kangaxx the demilich
Bg2 Tob:Demigorgon

Ohh ohh i forgot draconis in Tob.
Salabasha Posted - 28 Jul 2003 : 16:48:48
Care to share this secret strategy for killing dragons? For the 2nd Baldur's Gate, which I didn't get a chance to finish, would have had to been 1) That big ass black dragon in the cemetary (where wolfs are suppose to be) that didn't want to die and 2) Those 5 golems, the big one being impervious to basically all forms of attacks, that were in that castle that you had to rescue.
As for the 1st one, although I can hardly remember it, would have had to been 1) Killing the peasent folk and then getting my ass wiped by those damn Flaming Fist (I think that is what they were called). Um, Drittz was also hard.
Sirendel dro ahm Posted - 24 Jul 2003 : 05:25:09
first time I played bg 2 I played a cavalier in the paladin kits.
Which gave me a massive advantage when facing demonic/draconic foe's
also I found that laying traps around dragons which I know could be percieved as pretty lame worked very well as it dealt alot of damage before any protective magics could be applied but buy far the most effective thing against these big fellas is your mage with dispel magic, pierce magic and lower resistence.
also if you dont mind losing some reputation points lich's are useless against the slayer, just keep your party out of harms way.
you only have to pop down the nearest temple or do a good deed to redeem yourself.My paladin probably wouldn't agree with my tactics though.Sarevok in bg1 was a walk in the park with a shadowed thief in the forground whilst my bard, cleric and mage all fired dispell magic into the area finally coax him out with a fire ball and watch you fighers tear him asunder.
But to answer your question the deamon in urgoths beard was toughest in BG1 and the demigorgon was my toughest in BG2
branmakmuffin Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:19:28
Sage of Perth:
I find myself agreeing with a lot of the opinions here, it seems nearly everyone had the same difficulties. The Dragons were definitely one of the more challenging aspects of the game - determining an effective strategy took several re-loads on my account.
Good learning...

I don't know what your "secret strategy" is for beating dragons, but mine is the same as a lot of other folks: protection spells, Lower Resistance, Doom, spell triggers, strength potions and Haste up the wazoo.
The Sage Posted - 28 May 2003 : 07:56:17
I find myself agreeing with a lot of the opinions here, it seems nearly everyone had the same difficulties. The Dragons were definitely one of the more challenging aspects of the game - determining an effective strategy took several re-loads on my account.

Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs

Zaknafein Posted - 27 May 2003 : 22:54:46
Battles are obviously a lot more easier when you get ToB and the exp cap is moved to 40. Or you could just d/l the patch
Minardil Posted - 24 May 2003 : 18:24:20
Well, BG 1 didn't have any fights (except Drizzt, but I wouldn't kill him even if I could) that would be difficult, but Durlag's Tower is one place I have never finished (this is more due the puzzles than monsters). Oh, and the werewolf island of expansion si pretty tough too, if all those 10 werewolves attack you before you van position your party right (and you can't use fireballs in this fight due small area).

In BG 2, I didn't find anything really difficult. Kangaxx went down with Spell Immunity (Abjuration), Twistes Rune went in one try (expect Nalia died), dragons went with one try, Irenicus was no match...

In ToB, only buffed up Abazigal was hard, but still he was dead in one try. Demogorgon was TOUGH, but I got him down also. Hmph. No demigod is match to ME!
Zaknafein Posted - 23 May 2003 : 03:05:19
personally i thought everything in BG1 wasnt challenging.

BG2? hmmm. dragons werent too tough, just cast protections to boot on your warriors and mages firing away in the back. but yeah, the twisted rune door in the Bridge District was VERY hard. you had to fight Shangalar (or something) and his goons, who he immediately summons, and some female mage.

the payoff was ok, some sweet staff if i can remember
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 23:54:35
Demigoron...I knew I overlooked something. Yes, that fight was pretty tough too. Oh, and I always set the game to max difficulty the first run through. I'm NOT bragging, just properly illustrating where I come from.
branmakmuffin Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 23:41:37
Edain Shadowstar:
In The Throne of Bhaal the patched version of Abazigal owns all. He was terrible, and probably takes the cake for toughest fight. I tell ya, that dragon/demi-god was insanely powered up. Fun though, very fun.

Ever since I figured out the "secret strategy" for beating dragons, I've beaten every dragon first time I tried, including the patched Abazigal (and HoW and IwD II). I only play on normal difficulty, though. I'm sure he's 20 handfuls on higher difficulty levels. Abazigal's son is tougher than Abazigal. The first time I played, it took me about 20 tries to kills his son, but only about 5 to kill him.

Kangaax is lame. Either he cheaply Imprisons everyone, or you cheaply beat him with Prot. from Undead.

Imprison is a lame spell. Lame, lame, lame. Prot. from Undead is a lame scroll. Lame, lame, lame.

The patched Demogorgon is pretty rugged. I've never beaten him in one try.
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 21:39:38
In Baldur's Gate it was definately Drizzt. I remember actually beating him honestly (the first tiem I beat him) took me forever to figure out. Basically had to give up, beat the game, and come back with my better equipped fighters. Still scuked.

In Tales of the Sword Coast the Cult Demon guy...can't remember his exact namely. Alone, he was almost as bad as Sarevok, but with him coming back three times (I killed the other cultists during his fights) it really sucked.

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn had quite a few tough fights. Both dragons and demiliches hurt a lot, until I figured out how to defeat them with ease. I remember beating Kangaxx without Protection from Magic, I hate, hate, hate imprisonment. The Twisted Rune was tough, but I did it in one try, the first time at least.

In The Throne of Bhaal the patched version of Abazigal owns all. He was terrible, and probably takes the cake for toughest fight. I tell ya, that dragon/demi-god was insanely powered up. Fun though, very fun.
Eternal_Dreadlord Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 17:01:36
in BGII it is no doubt the battle against the Twisted Rune.

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