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 Is Throne of Bhaal worth buying?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ranin Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 03:44:43
Hey all Iīve always been behind with pc technology, so I buy mostly older games. Anyway, I saw that the characterīs, format etc. isīnt much different in ToB from SoA, and I didīnt want to get something that is repetitive, so iīm looking for some experienced help. Thanks.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 09:21:34
Wild mages are enough reason to buy!
DDH_101 Posted - 14 Oct 2005 : 02:38:35
One word: YES!

It's extremely fun to be such a powerful character, but not a real munchkin that you dominate everything.

Also, there's improvements in the game (ex. like tab key reveals items on ground or chests that can be opened) that makes BG much more enjoyable.
khorne Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 19:11:56
Is it worth buying? Oh yea it is!!!!!
MuadDib Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 15:52:01
In short, hell yeah!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 05:08:08
Yes! The amount of power that get thrown around (by your PC and others) is cheesy at times, but undeniably fun.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 04:38:30
Yeah, it really does tie up a lot of loose ends.. and the romance quests get kind of strange as well. But all in all, it is really fun to go through both adventures back to back.

Arivia Posted - 11 Oct 2005 : 03:47:57
Yes, it's definitely worth it.

Not for the character differences(although there are some), but for the story. Take a party straight through SoA and then through it for the best time.

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