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Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 15:27:55
I seem to be stuck. So I must be missing something obvious. I'm in Athkatla(?)and can't do any more. Balthazar's palace is locked, door in graveyard tomb is locked, and can't get to the other two Bhallspawn, even though their location is on the map. What did I do wrong??
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:35:44
I miss the Wild Mage class! Off toppic xD
Echon Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 15:51:38
A script is supposed to create the beholder in the dungeon when the rod is assembled. Apparently it failed.

I have had so many wierd bugs while playing SoA & ToB. Such as dragons not going hostile when attacked...

Kitira Gildragon Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 12:45:16
Hehehe... It coulda been a bug.

I had one:
There's a part where you hafta get a rod piece in the game. Well, a big Beholder is supposed to come and kill you as soon as the two parts are reunited. I put the rod together and saved. *L* No Beholder...
I actually searched the whole place all over again to find the stupid thing. I wound up reloading the game to right before the rod was whole. =)
Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 12:37:40
Yes, it is. Have had the game for quite awhile, but just getting around to it.
Echon Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 19:49:20
Originally posted by Bellua Aeneus Lacerta
Thanks for the timely help!!

Good hunting! Is this your first time through Throne of Bhaal?

Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 16:40:28
Well-I guess I was missing something simple. When I went off the town screen at the top, I couldn't access the other areas. But when I exited from the bottom, no problams. Go figure.

Thanks for the timely help!!
Echon Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 15:52:09
Silly me, I was not paying enough attention.

I do not understand why you cannot travel to Sendai's or Abazigal's Lairs but perhaps I have forgotten something.


Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 15:45:59
I'm in Amkethran-not Saradush.
Echon Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 15:40:05
Try elaborating a little bit and I might be able to help.

HINT: Sewers & key.


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