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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jebeddo Posted - 08 May 2005 : 20:14:01
So, which of the following D&D electronic games do you like best?
(I know I haven't included some of the older ones such as Dungeon Hack and Ravenloft and such, but those weren't the most popular D&D games, at least in my opinion).
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 22:42:14
I personally enjoy both Baldur's Gate games. But I chose the second since I could not pick both.
pdesbois Posted - 31 Dec 2010 : 04:10:32
Oh man - I cannot decide!
BG, NWN or EOB, I loved them equally for different reasons obviously... I have to meditate, I did not esxpect EOB here (leaning towards BG though)...

EDIT: Just had to go with BG 2, though I think we should have option BG 1+2.... EOB and NWN followed pretty close, though.
The Red Walker Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 15:03:26
Hard to beat that feeling you got in Pool of Radience when you finally got your hands on a magic item!

When I got that necklace of magic missles....whoo boy I was so excited I almost missed the fact it only had one missle left
Flak Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 08:56:58
BG2 is my fav, but also the first i played and that may cloud my judgment, anyway id say my top 3 is BG2,IWD2 and NWN1
Cleric Generic Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 09:49:33
Icewind Dale 1 + expansion for me. I've got all the IWD sound tracks playing in the background whenever the game's on. Works a treat!
Zireael Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 09:37:04
Voted for BGII.
No Torment on the list, that would come second. And no NWN2, that would come third.
The above post - yeah, it happened to me too. Those three make for a pretty powerful party and it was enough to make me pick them. And then... wham! They start talking at the worst possible time.
Talwyn Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 09:11:34
Actually my first run through the game was exactly like that, having the 3 women in the party, plus Minsc and Yoshimo. Aerie for her combined mage/cleric ability, Jaheira for her druid fighterness and Viconia for being a kick ass drow cleric. And yeah, why not have a few pretty ladies in the party? Once Yoshimo makes his exit, that gave room for Imoen to join in so it's 4 girls to one paladin and a lunatic with a hampster.

I had no idea at the time that they'd start a bitch fight over the protagonist which made it even funnier!

That is what made BGII exceptional I think. I have yet to see another single player CPRG go into such depth and detail with the NPC's and their relationship with the protagonist and other party members.

That is the underlying appeal to BGII and its where I firmly believe game designers need to go back to and look at closely if they are wanting to produce a game that will stand the test of time like BGII has.
Sill Alias Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 08:53:33
He acts like that if he fails, or so I heard. I wanted to keep Viconia with Keldorn but... sigh. I wonder how much of these incompatible people that will try to kill each other after after some weeks.

What a womanizer, man!
Talwyn Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 08:44:33
Originally posted by Sill Alias

Anomen, priest paladin-wannabe, had some psychic problems with uncontrollable anger. I don't know why cause I never had them both, but *SPOILER*: he kills Aerie in some circumstances.

Who knows: lighting can strike twice if you have a druid or wizard.

Heh, indeed, Call Lightning...very handy.

Hmm...I had no idea that would be part of Anomen character arc.

I knew there was a reason why I kicked him from the party in favour of Viconia. Despite her being a bitchy drow, she was still a sultry firey wench and was the best romance and cleric in the game. What was even more amusing was the by play between her, Aerie and Jhaheira.
Having all 3 romance plots in the party created Interesting Times

Ahh good times....
R0GUE Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 06:06:13
NWN because of the online features.
Sill Alias Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 05:39:09
Anomen, priest paladin-wannabe, had some psychic problems with uncontrollable anger. I don't know why cause I never had them both, but *SPOILER*: he kills Aerie in some circumstances.

Who knows: lighting can strike twice if you have a druid or wizard.
Talwyn Posted - 17 Jun 2010 : 02:55:41
I voted for BGII.

As a follow up to BG, it was simply a leap ahead in both terms of scope, story and re-playability.

The fact that you, as the protagonist, could aquire a stronghold was just fabulous!

The numbers of quests, the little details and lore that were contained in that game make it one of the most important CRPG's of FR IMHO.

Although not quite as much as a "sandbox" that BG was, there were enough maps and such to explore. I think though though that the publishers, Bioware, could have released a lot more content and expansions for the game, as Throne of Bhaal was a little anti-climatic for me. I would have liked to been able to explore more of Amn, meet more NPC's and engage in more lengthy and complicated quests.

The other aspect that made BGII so special was that you had the option of starting a romantic plot line with some of the NPC's. Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia if you were male and that pompous oaf of a helmite who's name I forget if you were female. I think the girls got duded on the romance side and that showed a bais on the designers part which should not have been there.

There are some fan sites around that still produce mods and such for BG & BGII and that can add quite a bit of new fun to the game, especially if you've played it a lot of times before.

NWN 1 & 2 have good graphics and such but the BG series still beats them hands down.

I am hopeful that one day, a game as brilliant as BGII comes along again but we all know that lightning almost never strikes in the same place twice.
Sill Alias Posted - 05 May 2010 : 08:48:32
I wanted to vote for Planescape: Torment. There are many features of gameplay I would gladly enjoy in Baldur's Gate 2, there is a nice plot and great freedom of action and choices. But since it is not here on the list, my vote to the second best game in my long scroll.
Tyranthraxus Posted - 24 Sep 2009 : 00:29:59
Originally posted by Delzounblood

Oh god yeah!!!

Many, many, many hours spent late at night completing Kuto's Well

I wish I could find a fix so the damn thing would work on Vista! last one I tried failed badly the game speed was just too much.

I'm even going to the lenghts of fixing up my V old 486 so I can play it....


Happy gaming days


Did you try DOSBox ? It works for me.
Delzounblood Posted - 22 Sep 2009 : 09:59:51
Originally posted by Brian R. James

The original SSI gold box game "Pool of Radiance" is not listed. Hands down, that is the best Forgotten Realms computer game of them all.

Oh god yeah!!!

Many, many, many hours spent late at night completing Kuto's Well

I wish I could find a fix so the damn thing would work on Vista! last one I tried failed badly the game speed was just too much.

I'm even going to the lenghts of fixing up my V old 486 so I can play it....


Happy gaming days

Kno Posted - 22 Sep 2009 : 07:46:21
Icewind Dale and ToB
bladeinAmn Posted - 22 Aug 2009 : 22:06:51

BGII: SoA + ToB for me.

I love the storyline, and the gameplay in it was enough for me that I haven't played a sports video game since I first loaded BG2 on my computer, 6yrs ago! So yeah, I absolutely love this game, especially w/all the good mods available!

BG1 + TotSC is 2nd for me. Just an amazing series.
slayer Posted - 13 Aug 2009 : 17:53:47
The "most liked" titles would definatly be Baldur's Gate then Planescape Torment, then Neverwinter Nights. These were all great games but the developers are only interested in sheer profit so creating games so in-depth that they would only interest hardcore fans is not an option.
belgarathmth Posted - 05 Jun 2009 : 23:12:46
I voted BG1, based on amount of time playing and restarting. The characters and story are so darned compelling!

I really didn't want to choose between Bg1 and BG2, since I see them as a continuation, i.e. one total story that should be taken as a whole.

I'm also a huge fan of Icewind Dale 1 and 2 and Neverwinter Nights 1 (especially builder content like The Aielund Saga.)

I like NWN2, sort of, but not nearly as much. They dumbed it down and made it so easy, the 'magic' is gone. I have the whole series through Storm of Zehir, but I've never even finished the main OC, much less even started Mask of the Betrayer.

I'll probably play Storm of Zehir before the rest, because it's more like Baldur's Gate, but they messed that up by not including premade npc's with optional (non-game-breaking) dialogue a la BG.
Moonlight Posted - 11 Apr 2009 : 20:19:40
Planescape: Torment
Icewind Dale
AustinOfOsiris Posted - 06 Apr 2009 : 15:58:05
IWD was my vote. BG 2, and NWN were close runners up though.
skychrome Posted - 30 Mar 2009 : 15:54:50
Though I have played quite a lot of fantasy games after BG2, there has never been one that enchanted me as much as this one. I have played it several times and I will probably soon play it again.

Planescape Torment is also a great game, but I never finished it because graphics and handling where just a bit too out of date for my taste.

I also enjoyed Eye of the Beholder a long time ago back on MS-DOS. Loved the intro story in the manual involving Waterdeep.
yargarth Posted - 27 Dec 2008 : 07:58:58
Originally posted by ranger_of_the_unicorn_run

Originally posted by Arion Elenim

BG1 will always have a place in my heart, considering I started playing it just after I was introduced to D&D (ah...the good ol days of 2nd ed...).

Although...Drizzt's overly-accented voice always grated on my nerves: "Dahs the mee-yah mention of drizzt, ah-trrrahct yoah illlk?" :D

I always liked his english accent on Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance for the Gamecube, even though I don't think it's very accurate.

i believe that England is also Menzoberranzan.
ranger_of_the_unicorn_run Posted - 24 Dec 2008 : 00:11:45
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

BG1 will always have a place in my heart, considering I started playing it just after I was introduced to D&D (ah...the good ol days of 2nd ed...).

Although...Drizzt's overly-accented voice always grated on my nerves: "Dahs the mee-yah mention of drizzt, ah-trrrahct yoah illlk?" :D

I always liked his english accent on Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance for the Gamecube, even though I don't think it's very accurate.
Arion Elenim Posted - 23 Dec 2008 : 20:48:30
BG1 will always have a place in my heart, considering I started playing it just after I was introduced to D&D (ah...the good ol days of 2nd ed...).

Although...Drizzt's overly-accented voice always grated on my nerves: "Dahs the mee-yah mention of drizzt, ah-trrrahct yoah illlk?" :D
yargarth Posted - 23 Dec 2008 : 08:01:07
i literally spent all day today playing NWN: SOU today. i really wish my internet was fast enough to engage in the multiplayer activities of NWN.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 06:50:31
Originally posted by coach

nothing and i mean NOTHING comes close to adventuring (with real people around the globe) around user-created Realms areas in a 24/7 persistent world using NWN/NWN2

Sorry coach, no video game has ever topped my imagination, no matter how many people were involved.
coach Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 21:52:10
nothing and i mean NOTHING comes close to adventuring (with real people around the globe) around user-created Realms areas in a 24/7 persistent world using NWN/NWN2
Mais-Cream Posted - 31 Oct 2008 : 18:56:36
The choice was really really hard, as I really like almost all the games. However, I voted Baldurs Gate I, as it was the first FR game I played, and it introduced me to RPG (was playing Point and Clicks before that).
Nanron Posted - 21 Oct 2008 : 00:37:26
Pool of Radiance series from the 90's gets my vote. It has been years since I have thought of those games...doing the save game on my Commador took so long. But the memories of someone referencing the games was great.

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