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 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Xbox)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 23 Dec 2002 : 23:56:49
ARGH!!! After playing this on a friends PS2, I was very impressed, I heard it was coming out on XBOX (which I own) back in the summer and that the game had been completely re-written, made more of a challenge, extra levels, much much better graphics and effects and looked absolutely stunning! WOW!!! I NEED IT!

Then the date was put back to September....then to November....then to January.......then to MARCH!!! ARGH! How can a release date be published only to be so far off the mark!? im sure that the March date will move soon as well! what makes it worse is that the Official Xbox Magazine reviewed the game about 3 months ago........ god knows how they did that, its now listed in the "Xbox Elite" game section every month!!
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BEAST Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 19:55:58
I'm with Thauranil on this one. BG:DA was great fun for an action game. I knew full well that there was a much more elaborate RPG game with a similar name when I started playing BG:DA, but that didn't interfere with me enjoying the console game. I have since gone back and picked up the PC games, but have yet to play them. I'm sure that I will be able to thoroughly enjoy both types of game, though.

There's just something special about being able to spin one's great axe around in a circle like a helicopter rotor.

"Put it in the air--spin it like a helicopter!" --Petey Pablo, "Raise Up (USA Flag Remix)"

The ending was rather abrupt, though. I found that to be a letdown.

And the odd magical spells they gave Drizzt were nutzo. They should've given him his blades, a longbow (Taulmaril, perhaps?), accelerated speed, fairie fire, and globe of darkness. I didn't see the need for them to make stuff up while still using his name and likeness.
Thauranil Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 12:47:33
Maybe thats because they were hugely popular and critically acclaimed.
Light Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 13:54:14
Yep, awful. Sullied the name of Baldur's Gate. Now every time I try talking to someone about Baldur's Gate they always think of the PS2/Xbox games :( it's sad.
Thauranil Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 11:49:26
I was a huge fan myself. Loved this old hack and slash dungeon crawler.
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 22:00:55
Actually, I take that back. I ABHOR that entry into the series of games. It was disgusting.
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 18:03:00
Was not a fan of this all!
Valius Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 17:26:17
Its a over all good game but its not as... scratches head and thinks for the wright word.. entralling I guess. At the beginning I had to run back and forth a bit. I also dont like taht you cant create custom characters. But it wasnt up to me and I can live with it. But it is still a great game to play with a friend. Just single isnt as fum.
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 28 Mar 2003 : 13:21:23
::slaps Rad and disentangled herself::
What was that for?

And you know better! Flattery gets no where with me- It obviously doesn't take much to get you mentally exhausted. The physical part, that can be attributed to old age.

But are the magic FX doing any damage to end bosses?
Strahd Von Zarovich Posted - 25 Mar 2003 : 19:56:42
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

Adrenaline overload... you really do sound like teenagers.

Well we are the biggest 30+ years old teenagers around

As for the magic, it is exactly the same on the Xbox as it was on the PS2 with the exception of better 3D FX for the spells. It looks pretty!! Ahem.....I mean violent and destructive!!

Strahd Von Zarovich
Lord Rad Posted - 25 Mar 2003 : 14:21:45
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

*LMFAO* I hope you were enjoying yourselves. Adrenaline overload... you really do sound like teenagers. I know better, in Rad's case, though. =)
How do they deal with 'magic' this time? Better than the PS2 version?

::clamps hand over Kitiras mouth::

Im not sure about your magic question as i didnt get too involved with the PS2 version of the game...and never used a spellcaster anyway. The game looks very beautiful though (just like you Kitira ) and as I mentioned, ive come across one new effect so far which involves criticial hits to skeletons bursting into flame before crumbling (much like vampire deaths in the Blade II movie)

Yep, myself and Strahd sure had one hell of an adrenaline-pumping time playing the crypt levels..... left me mentally and physically exhausted!
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 25 Mar 2003 : 12:59:52
*LMFAO* I hope you were enjoying yourselves. Adrenaline overload... you really do sound like teenagers. I know better, in Rad's case, though. =)
How do they deal with 'magic' this time? Better than the PS2 version?
Strahd Von Zarovich Posted - 24 Mar 2003 : 23:50:55
Originally posted by Rad
I only played about 3 hours of the PS2 version and havent had much time to dedicate to the XBOX version yet...but I sure intend to.

And boy he sure did!!! We stayed up to some unearthly hour of the morning in multiplayer mode, hacking and slashing away.

Until that is I died near the end of a level just after I uttered the words "There hasn't been anything too difficult on this level so far!".

I left Rad to hack away at hoards of undead pouring at him, while I shouted commands at him to top up his energy levels.

Before I knew it Rad had beat the end of the level then keeled over in a gelatinous nervous mass on the floor, trembling from overload of adrenaline.

Damn Fine Game!!

Strahd Von Zarovich
Lord Rad Posted - 21 Mar 2003 : 22:17:12
Well BG:DA is finally out in the UK and was released TODAY.....which I promptly bought from the store straight away

Fantastic game! Found an extra enhancement in the Crypt levels so far...
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 27 Jan 2003 : 16:40:06
*sigh* If it is tougher, then the mage class has been completely messed over. In PS2 DA, I played with my dad and we used a mage and warrior combo. To put it nicely, I wanted to murder whoever designed the game so that magic has *NO* effect on the end bosses.
- A bugbear chiefitain wouldn't take any damage from magic, but drow would drop dead from a fireball. What in the nine hells were they thinking? It doesn't make sense!
Lord Rad Posted - 27 Jan 2003 : 13:49:20
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon
Rad, do they still have it so that the wizard class can't do any damage to end bosses with magic?

I dont know, I didnt play much of the PS2 version as it was on a friends machine (I never had a console prior to getting an XBOX). I only played about 3 hours of the PS2 version and havent had much time to dedicate to the XBOX version yet...but I sure intend to

All that I know, its that the levels are longer and the game is tougher than the PS2 version.
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 27 Jan 2003 : 13:07:58
Rad, do they still have it so that the wizard class can't do any damage to end bosses with magic?
Echon Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 13:27:57
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal

Recommendations are always welcome, but IM(H)O untill there are powerfull AI's enough, there won't be a game that beats the real thing. Either Table-Top or PbeM.

Having spent a lot of time on different forums one starts noticing particular games that people always mention when discussing really great games. Some of these may be old but great gameplay is never out of date. Here goes:

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The best game I have ever played. A unique fantasy setting, one of the few which are not Middle Earth rip-offs. The best character generation system I have ever tried. Non-linear gameplay, a huge world to explore and a great expansion pack. It's predessesors Arena and Daggerfall both being games of the year.

Planescape: Torment

One of the best AD&D games with respect to true roleplaying. You can play any kind of person and be something more than just a set of numbers within a system of rules. The same goes for the NPCs.
One of the few games where it is actually possible to play an evil character.

Fallout I & II

Same as above. Non-linear gameplay. Not fantasy, however. Still the setting is unique and filled with lore, characters and black humour.
Very good character generation system.

Deus Ex

This game is actually a shooter but still a roleplaying game and according to a lot people, a very good one indeed.

Black & White

Not a roleplaying game is the classical form but another game where it is entirely up to you to decided what kind of person - in this case God - you want to be. Every decision affects your people and your creature - your earthly avatar.
Besides, this game has some of the AI ever.

This is it for now. I might have recommended others, such as Thief - The Dark Project, one of the forces of which is an immense level of immersion.

Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 13:08:37
Recommendations are always welcome, but IM(H)O untill there are powerfull AI's enough, there won't be a game that beats the real thing. Either Table-Top or PbeM.
Echon Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 13:04:19
Would you like recommedations for other CRPGs?

Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 13:00:29
I ran it the first time 'straight', after a while it became boring for me... that's when I started to 'mess' around untill even that got boring.

Mind you, this is just my personal experience in relation to the game, not to bash the game or those who have fun playing it. Its just no longer my cup-a-tea.
Echon Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 12:55:58
Why (ruin the game)?

Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 12:51:15
Pregenerating characters with high ability scores, then running them in multiplayer as a group, finding nice items, exporting the character and import multiple times... tomes which increase ability scores come in multiple versions that way...
Echon Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 12:09:38
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Oh, but I do agree with you. These hack&slash games aren't really my type of game. After 'cheating' with BG + TotSC, I haven't touched these type of games anymore.

Could you elaborate a bit on 'cheating'?

Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 12:24:04
Originally posted by Echon

Certainly (recalling the session from yesterday) but not for hours upon hours with no or little immersion, dialogues or story?

Oh, but I do agree with you. These hack&slash games aren't really my type of game. After 'cheating' with BG + TotSC, I haven't touched these type of games anymore.
Echon Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 12:08:08
Originally posted by Rad
No dont get me wrong As normal D&D\RPG gaming goes, I use quite little combat and base my games on heavy role-playing and interaction. Ive never been a fan of "hack-and-slash". I just mean that its a very good game for a quick relief from games that require more thought such as NWN etc.

I see what you mean and I do it myself at times, although with other games (usually 1st person shooters).

Echon Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 12:03:56
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal

It can sometimes be a nice relief from dreary daily Real Life...

Certainly (recalling the session from yesterday) but not for hours upon hours with no or little immersion, dialogues or story?

Lord Rad Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 12:01:50
Originally posted by Echon
So you enjoy all this hack'n'slash?

No dont get me wrong As normal D&D\RPG gaming goes, I use quite little combat and base my games on heavy role-playing and interaction. Ive never been a fan of "hack-and-slash". I just mean that its a very good game for a quick relief from games that require more thought such as NWN etc.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 11:59:42
It can sometimes be a nice relief from dreary daily Real Life...
Echon Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 11:56:33
Originally posted by Rad

Its not really a true RPG in the way that Neverwinter Nights and the PC Baldur's Gate games etc are. Its more in the style of Diablo. There are some character interactions for conversation but its not indepth and is quite linear.

It is a very good game and highly enjoyable! A pleasant change of pace from the other FR CRPG's out there.

So you enjoy all this hack'n'slash?

Lord Rad Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 11:54:12
Its not really a true RPG in the way that Neverwinter Nights and the PC Baldur's Gate games etc are. Its more in the style of Diablo. There are some character interactions for conversation but its not indepth and is quite linear.

It is a very good game and highly enjoyable! A pleasant change of pace from the other FR CRPG's out there.

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