T O P I C R E V I E W |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 18 Dec 2002 : 17:17:45 It just aint fair Check this out... http://nwn.bioware.com/about/collectors.html
Im fighting with myself not to buy this again just for the extra stuff..... im a sucker for anything with an FR logo on 
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Lina |
Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 22:30:29 I found that even with the minimum system requirements and the settings turned down a notch the game still runs a bit sluggish ie took 2 mins to load a new area and the game didn't run smoothly whilst playing. Well I don't have that problem now with my new pc up and running.  |
Arivia |
Posted - 08 Dec 2003 : 23:27:15 Having just downloaded the 1.32 patch, I say try that. The list of changes includes a fix for(quoted directly): a major frame rate problem. That might be it. |
Bookwyrm |
Posted - 08 Dec 2003 : 21:12:34 Everything's minimum, and it doesn't help. How exactly do I check the existing system specs? |
Yasraena |
Posted - 08 Dec 2003 : 07:14:18 quote: Originally posted by Bookwyrm
Hey, the box on the main game says "over 60 hours of playing time." That means that the people who made the game couldn't finish it in less than 60 hours total. So if you've got the expansion as well . . . 
I wish I could play it right. I started it even with the jerking, but it gets highly annoying when it freezes up. I wish I knew what was wrong with it.
Anyone think they could help a computer-illiterate old wyrm?
I'll play tech support if you want me to Bookwyrm. So we don't take up valuable forum space, email me here Yasraena with the specifics if you're so inclined and I'll see if I can help. Here's a few things to keep in mind in the meantime...
Make sure you have at least the minimum system requirements to run the game. (processor, RAM, Video card, DirectX version) Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. Try turning down the resolution, graphic quality and/or sound quality of the game. (High res sounds are notorious performance eaters) |
Bookwyrm |
Posted - 08 Dec 2003 : 00:34:51 Hey, the box on the main game says "over 60 hours of playing time." That means that the people who made the game couldn't finish it in less than 60 hours total. So if you've got the expansion as well . . . 
I wish I could play it right. I started it even with the jerking, but it gets highly annoying when it freezes up. I wish I knew what was wrong with it.
Anyone think they could help a computer-illiterate old wyrm? |
Lina |
Posted - 07 Dec 2003 : 09:54:54 Oh did I say NWN gold, I meant NWN gold edition including the expansion. So now you know why it'll take me a few weeks, plus I work during the day coz some of us don't have the luxury of sitting infront of the pc 24-7.  |
Lina |
Posted - 07 Dec 2003 : 09:48:45 I just recently got NWN gold off a friend.  Since I haven't started the game yet I'll be looking forward to it esp since I didn't get to finish the first NWN ed. coz my crappy pc wasn't up to standard a year ago. Well if I'm a bit quiet over the next few weeks then you'll all know why.  |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 23:49:33 quote: Originally posted by William of Waterdeep
Just think Rad it will soon be a reality for you. NWNCE, yeah baby.
Wooo hoooooo, well it arrived today, thanks William   The box is HUGE! its gotta be about 3 inches deep, very well presented with embossed cover image and all the contents are laid within sections of a hard felt moulding within the box. The quality is second to none. The long-sleeve shirt is within a silver bag with the NWN stamped upon. Nice quality mousemat. The poster is beautiful and is made of material rather than paper! Once of the best items is the Art Book....WOW!
This is a must have for all NWN and FR fans! A beautifully presented product....I was expecting it to be good.....but this is DAMN GOOD! |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 00:50:56 Oh I didn't know it wasn't FR..but thanks for the links.Looks cool. |
Arivia |
Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 06:26:06 It's not an FR release, but...
http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=571 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=572 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=574 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=575 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=576 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=577 http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=578
For community members: http://go.bioware.com/nsl8/?linkgo=1&linkID=573 |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 03:19:39 Just think Rad it will soon be a reality for you. NWNCE, yeah baby. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 03:16:59 quote: Originally posted by Arivia
No, it isn't out yet. I'll know when the gold version goes off to the distributors...I'm actually more interested in the Jade Empire RPG(also from Bioware) over Hordes of the Underdark, simply because drow are becoming quite boring...
Well,start a new thread and tell us about the Jade Empire because I haven't any idea what its about.
Arivia |
Posted - 21 Oct 2003 : 07:28:11 No, it isn't out yet. I'll know when the gold version goes off to the distributors...I'm actually more interested in the Jade Empire RPG(also from Bioware) over Hordes of the Underdark, simply because drow are becoming quite boring... |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 21 Oct 2003 : 03:26:25 I wonder why they made a mouse pad instead of a Heavyduty wall poster map.I know the cloth map has already been done because I have one but how many people still use a mouse pad? Or should I ask how many people still use a mouse with a ball? Optical is the only way. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 14 Oct 2003 : 21:42:20 quote: Originally posted by Trafaldi
Not only is there the first expansion there is a second one now.
www.neverwinternights.com http://nwn.bioware.com/underdark/
yea we have dicussed it here.. http://www.candlekeep.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1077 But is it out yet?  |
Trafaldi |
Posted - 14 Oct 2003 : 14:45:16 Not only is there the first expansion there is a second one now.
www.neverwinternights.com http://nwn.bioware.com/underdark/ |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 11 Oct 2003 : 16:59:45 quote: Originally posted by Rad
Well not only is there a "Collectors Edition" of NWN, ive just seen an announcement that November 4th 2003 sees the release of "Neverwinter Nights Gold" !! Looks like theyre just cashing in on this big time now! No details to what the "Gold" edition contains but what else can they possibly put in there that the "Collectors Edition" didnt have?! Unless Shadows of Undrentide is uncluded.
I think you're right on the NWN Gold. I have obtained a NWN Collectors edition on ebay.I'll tell you all about how nice it is and how little I paid for it next week. HA,Rad...bloody top that one bloke. Wait put the sword away Rad.
  Rad,if you haven't gotten one yet search ebay thoroughly,I found a buy now at half what it would cost to order.good luck. |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 22:23:36 Well not only is there a "Collectors Edition" of NWN, ive just seen an announcement that November 4th 2003 sees the release of "Neverwinter Nights Gold" !! Looks like theyre just cashing in on this big time now! No details to what the "Gold" edition contains but what else can they possibly put in there that the "Collectors Edition" didnt have?! Unless Shadows of Undrentide is uncluded. |
Zacas |
Posted - 04 Jan 2003 : 00:30:23 well the sale Amazon.com had going is over now |
Zacas |
Posted - 27 Dec 2002 : 16:42:48 Hey if you guys want it, I'd suggest ordering through Amazon.com, they just put it to 50% off ($39.99) as of today, it appears, cause yesterday or the day before it was still $69.99 Just thought i'd let you know... oh and there's also an expansion coming out for it too, if you search for Neverwinter Nights, it'll pop up the name of the expansion |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 20 Dec 2002 : 17:09:28 How dare.......... hmmmm, actually thats quite a good idea  |
Mumadar Ibn Huzal |
Posted - 20 Dec 2002 : 17:04:47 How many are now pinned/glued on the ceiling above your bed?  |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 20 Dec 2002 : 16:56:44 quote: Originally posted by kahonen Worth buying for just for the poster of Lady Aribeth
Welcome back to Candlekeep kahonen, good to hear from you again, its been a long time 
Im not sure if its the same poster but I have a large poster of Lady Aribeth (I think its her anyway), which i picked up from GENCON as a free promotional poster (i actually picked up a handful just incase one got lost, one got damaged, one got....... well you get the idea  |
Hymn |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 21:56:22 I just can't wait to get my hands on one of those. It usally gets to Sweden after a while. All American things do it seems. |
kahonen |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 21:14:00 quote: Originally posted by Rad
Im fighting with myself not to buy this again just for the extra stuff..... im a sucker for anything with an FR logo on 
Worth buying for just for the poster of Lady Aribeth  |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 17:07:37 Just following a couple of links, I ended up at Gamestop. They are charging $20.99 shipping for NWN Collectors edition. Not too bad considering, I suppose! I still shouldnt be necessary though  |
Kitira Gildragon |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 12:36:27 *dumps a bunch of snow on Mumadar*  I think you know what that's for. It's a shame I can't order stuff on my own yet... Rad, thank you for making this post. It looks like I have a new B-day gift to ask for! And as usual, I'm going to tell you that it's not really easy in the US to get stuff either. I still have to go to B&N to get some books- BECAUSE THEY CAN BE FOUND NO WHERE ELSE WITHIN AT LEAST 1 HOUR FROM MY HOUSE! |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 08:37:38 Anyway, if any of you lucky Americans\Canadians buys this new collectors edition..... what do you think of it? is it really worth buying it again? Whats the extra stuff like? I particularly like the sound of the artbook! ::drool:: |
kellinjar |
Posted - 19 Dec 2002 : 04:28:33 A suggestion if you want alot of stuff not available over seas... just get it sent to a trusted person in the states or canada (canada is able to purchase all things available only in the US, generally speaking) Have it shipped to them and for a few bucks maybe 6-10 US you can have it shipped overseas.... or just hoound the companies until they do it themselves ;)
Lord Rad |
Posted - 18 Dec 2002 : 18:19:54 You rant away til your hearts content Mumadar, and ill certainly stand on the front line with you!   
I constantly feel discriminated against for not being American! My ancient rant has been on the availability of D&D material over here, the advertising and distribution is abysmal and really gets my back up! Not just because I cant get my hands on the stuff, but because the publishers just dont seem to care about fans outside the US! And now theres also an issue with UK Dragon subscribers! I certainly wont be renewing!
Back to this issue, id LOVE to get my hands on the collectors edition as theres much other material, other than that actual game which i already have, that would be very useful and enjoyable to me (the soundtrack CD, artbook being the greatest asset IMO). I believe that Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale were both released in collectors editions........which I never saw in stores over here in the UK.
All this finally wears me down so much that I just feel like giving up and abandoning the whole thing! It shouldnt have to be a fight to locate and purchase products of my hobby! Its only my determination, stubborness and love for the Realms that makes me strive to collect it all...... how many other fans havent got the determination and have given up? I know of two of my friends who have only this year.