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 the Tree of Life

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sirkillalotcd Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 03:31:12
I have recenhtly played and beaten Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and was wondering about the tree of life Jon tried to drain. i mean how would it allow him to become a god. And why it would kill the elves of suldanessalar if it were destroyed as well as what it does to help them. /i would really appreciate it thanks.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 09:14:40
Originally posted by Chyron

Jong Irenicus was an uber-power in the game...


But if I recall correctly Jon Irenicus was not draining it to become a god, but rather to restore his elven immortality that was stripped from him by the elves of Suldanessalar.

Also to strike vengeance on Ellisime, whom turned her back on him when he betrayed his elven kind. His original idea, was to attain godship for him and his love. But that was against everything elven.
Kaervok Posted - 06 Jul 2004 : 15:51:08
Lol, he became human!?! Thats it. Well woopdie do, I'd be rather happy about that. Silly Elves, acutally I was watching my freind play the expansion pack and he had to fight this elf lord girl and she was kicking our ass, except for the fact that we had editors and just used ub3r spells on her A$$. Anyways, If you want to be emotional, Jon's story is sad. Poor guy, but he has power, so whatever.
Chyron Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 15:44:11
Originally posted by Sarelle

Maybe - but for a computer game NPC Jon Irenicus was one of those fascinating, screen-holding types.

What made the character so memorable for me was the voice over by David Warner (Tron, various Star Trek films and tons of other fantasy films and games). He really brought his personality to life.
SiriusBlack Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 14:44:14
Originally posted by Winterfox
*blinks* You mean you've never played BG2?

Nope, I thought my questions on here would have given that away. Thank you to everyone who did answer them.
Sarelle Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 12:32:56
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Sarelle
That is correct - he was unhappy about being exiled and turned human by Ellesime and the other elves of Suldanesselar.

This sounds like a very convuluted story.

Maybe - but for a computer game NPC Jon Irenicus was one of those fascinating, screen-holding types.
Winterfox Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 07:45:26
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Sarelle
That is correct - he was unhappy about being exiled and turned human by Ellesime and the other elves of Suldanesselar.

This sounds like a very convuluted story.

*blinks* You mean you've never played BG2? As a matter of fact, Ellesime invoked the Seldarine to turn Irenicus into a human (don't ask) as a punishment -- she didn't execute him because she hoped he would see the errors of his ways and find redemption (and become an elf again).
SiriusBlack Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 04:49:07
Originally posted by Sarelle
That is correct - he was unhappy about being exiled and turned human by Ellesime and the other elves of Suldanesselar.

This sounds like a very convuluted story.
Sarelle Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 00:48:44
Originally posted by Chyron


But if I recall correctly Jon Irenicus was not draining it to become a god, but rather to restore his elven immortality that was stripped from him by the elves of Suldanessalar.

That is correct - he was unhappy about being exiled and turned human by Ellesime and the other elves of Suldanesselar.
Chyron Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 17:55:10
Jong Irenicus was an uber-power in the game...


But if I recall correctly Jon Irenicus was not draining it to become a god, but rather to restore his elven immortality that was stripped from him by the elves of Suldanessalar.
Kaervok Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 13:47:40
And- It would make you a god, not that he needed any more power anyways, :-/, because of all of it's life energy, and how huge it was. With all that energy combined with his ub3r magic skills, he would rock the world.
Thelonius Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 08:36:40
Originally posted by sirkillalotcd

I have recenhtly played and beaten Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and was wondering about the tree of life Jon tried to drain. i mean how would it allow him to become a god. And why it would kill the elves of suldanessalar if it were destroyed as well as what it does to help them. /i would really appreciate it thanks.

The elves of Suldanessalar are "vitaly" tied to the Tree of live, that's why the draining of it's mystical power would destroy the whole Suldanessalar inhabitants.
Winterfox Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 05:24:11
It was the big tree in the area before you fight Irenicus in hell. He was draining power from it via a number of parasites (which you have to kill before confronting him).
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 04:52:21
Originally posted by sirkillalotcd

I have recenhtly played and beaten Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and was wondering about the tree of life Jon tried to drain. i mean how would it allow him to become a god. And why it would kill the elves of suldanessalar if it were destroyed as well as what it does to help them. /i would really appreciate it thanks.

A Tree of Life was in that game? Interesting, I never knew that information.

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