T O P I C R E V I E W |
The Defence Minister |
Posted - 25 Nov 2002 : 19:46:19 I have just got a copy of Torment and it is the CRAPPEST GAME EVER. A complete let down to Black Isle and FR. Character generation was as boring as hell, that skull was pathetic and the whole thing was absolute bollocks.
Anyone agree with me or are my comments unfair?
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 17 Oct 2003 : 00:25:55 quote: Originally posted by Arivia
A list of very good quotes from Torment: http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/Torment/quotes.htm
This is my favorite:Annah: "You like my wee tail? I’ll wag it at ye!" I loved Anna and Fall-from-Grace both. The best real life quote is one I live by even today and Bookwyrm I meant to give it to you earlier since you could relate to it. Dak’kon: "Endure. In enduring, grow strong."   |
Arivia |
Posted - 16 Oct 2003 : 11:40:12 A list of very good quotes from Torment: http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/Torment/quotes.htm |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 25 Sep 2003 : 01:07:14 From what I looked at of the files and what they have written about them,this fixes a few bugs in the game and adds dialog that was left out by Black Isle for what ever reason.No big changes,Hence the name of restoration files. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 24 Sep 2003 : 01:54:35 Check the site from time to time,as will I.They have released some files saying you don't have to start a new game.Looks like Dialog files,I downloaded them but haven't checked them out.I'll try and remember to look at them. |
Thais Paradox |
Posted - 23 Sep 2003 : 10:53:38 "There is no release date, estimated or otherwise, at present. We will announce a release date when PS:V is closer to completion."
Indeed, it *is* vague, but I'm willing to wait. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 21:35:19 There is no release date but not called off.see link to faq. http://www.vengeance.dhosting-pro.com/faq/faq.html 
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 07:43:29 quote: Originally posted by Thais Paradox
Last I heard of this mod it'd been called off, or at least stalled for quite a while.
You may be right! I will find out though. |
Thais Paradox |
Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 05:35:47 Last I heard of this mod it'd been called off, or at least stalled for quite a while. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 04:35:01 For anyone interested.There is a group modding the old PS Torment, I haven't been keeping up with it in a while but I believe its still a ways off. check here...> http://www.vengeance.dhosting-pro.com/forum/ |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 04:23:15 I must agree whole heartily with you Arivia.I hate to admit it but I played it so much I wore the cd out.Its okay,after I was no longer able to buff it out,I found a copy in a bargin bin. |
Arivia |
Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 22:22:23 As will we all. Torment was, I feel, the best conversion of D&D to a computer game, simply because of the true richness of characters, setting and plot. I wish there was more... |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 21:33:00 I certainly look forward to it myself.I must admitt that I became quite attached to the charactors in Torment and will miss them not being in the mod since NWN only has henchmen and not joinable npcs.
The Sage |
Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 06:25:39 I have semi-regular contact with two of the project designers, so I guess that would be me, unless some else here knows them personally, or has regular daily contact?.
I am normally sent details every few days, about work on the module. I used to have the updates posted on my website, but since the cataclysm caused by the uploading of my specially created Drizzt modules, the site no longer works properly. I really must get around to recoding it, when I get the chance...
Thais Paradox |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 13:18:59 Speaking of which, whoever here is closest to the team working on this mod would do well by announcing on the message boards when it is ready for download. I'm not willing to wait any longer than necessary to play. In case you were wondering *yes* I *do* own and love Torment, and will happily throw anyone who disagrees with me through the nearest convenient portal. |
The Sage |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 08:32:52 For those who may not be aware, a Torment-inspired module for NWN is currently under construction. Exact details will follow...
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 06:30:44 Okay,I think I see what you are saying!But on Planescape although I loved the game and its charactors.You are limited to being the Nameless One anyway.You can't choose race,sex,name,voice,well you get the idea.Planescape Torment is an adventure rpg.The story is set and you are the player not the DM.I just enjoyed it and tried to be the Nameless One.I would love to reconfigure Planescape with WeiDU and do a total rebuild so you could choose your charactor.I don't have the skill myself but I have asked japheth at Forgotton Wars if it was possible.No reply as of yet but I think it could be done.
The Cardinal |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 05:42:04 I agree with Trafaldi, While I like picking up the misc NPCs that litter games, I would like to make atleast two PCs with the option of picking up NPCs as I go along... why 2? Gotta keep the balance. On Chaotic good ( an area I hardly touch) and my own favorite Lawful evil. |
Trafaldi |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 04:20:15 the problem with that is you dont always have a well balanced party, if they could make it so you could make as many party members as you want and pick up other characters if you so choose. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 01:22:06 quote: Originally posted by Trafaldi
I find torment to be an enjoyable game it beats BG but not icewind dale main reason party generation it is the one thing that i hated out of BG and Torment you created one character and thats it. Party generation is so much better than single character generation. thats the only real bad thing about torment.
Thats the only thing I hated about Icewind Dale and IWD2.I had rather meet the characters along the journey.It makes it more interesting to me. |
Trafaldi |
Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 22:03:09 I find torment to be an enjoyable game it beats BG but not icewind dale main reason party generation it is the one thing that i hated out of BG and Torment you created one character and thats it. Party generation is so much better than single character generation. thats the only real bad thing about torment. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 08:12:15 http://www.planewalker.com/index.php http://www.city-of-doors.com/index.php
Links for more on the Planes.Yes,I am a planewalker too. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 06:10:13 I loved Torment,Played it through several times to try and get different endings.Still have it and as soon as I can out bid one of those Planscape freaks on ebay for a map set of the planes,then I will play again.Oh, just kidding about the freak part. |
Mournblade |
Posted - 19 Apr 2003 : 01:35:03 Oh man! I have yet to play an RPG as complex as TORMENT. That game has STILL outdone anything Blackisle has done yet! I have been waiting for them to put out a Forgotten Realms Game that good!!!!!
I love BG, NWN, and ID but no way do they compare to Torment!
kahonen |
Posted - 19 Apr 2003 : 01:31:20 quote: Originally posted by The Defence Minister
I have just got a copy of Torment and it is the CRAPPEST GAME EVER. A complete let down to Black Isle and FR. Character generation was as boring as hell, that skull was pathetic and the whole thing was absolute bollocks.
Anyone agree with me or are my comments unfair?
Sorry, TDM, Have to disagree I'm afraid. Torment is one of he best if not the best computer RPG I've played. You just have to give it a chance and don't expect Forgotten Realms type play. It shows Planescape excellently.
I've only finished two of the RPGs, Torment and NWN - the rest I got bored with  |
Edial |
Posted - 19 Apr 2003 : 00:17:56 in my humble opinion 'torment' is amazing. the extraordinarily complex dialogues not to be found in any other rpg game made it one of my absolute favorites. and it will be an absolute _shame_ if they won`t release a second version. |
Feanor_Karnil |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 19:02:50 TORMENT used to be a good game, the best of it's time but I really don't think it can compare to Icewind Dale, maybe to Baldur's gate. Torment just wasn't as enjoyable to play as it used to be. |
Mumadar Ibn Huzal |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 17:06:55 Ehm... Dark Lord... It's okay to disagree with someone, but please refrain from name-calling.
<...mumbles something about respect and politeness...> |
Dark_Lord |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 16:42:58 quote: Originally posted by The Defence Minister
I have just got a copy of Torment and it is the CRAPPEST GAME EVER. A complete let down to Black Isle and FR. Character generation was as boring as hell, that skull was pathetic and the whole thing was absolute bollocks.
Anyone agree with me or are my comments unfair?
I'm really fighting with this one, but......You're an idiot. BG serial and NwN are crap in comparison to Torment..... |
Tyreal Nyquis |
Posted - 08 Dec 2002 : 05:44:21 You surely have mistaken Torment for some other game. Torment is among if not the best RPG I have played in a long time. The storylines of both the Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate series combined are incomparable to Torment. Perhaps the action and hack 'n slash factor is lesser than the others but if you play a game for action you may as well play Diablo 2. Each of the NPCs are very unique and have the most developed backrounds than any others I have seen. As for the character generation I actually prefered PS:T's system to the other bioware game's system. The reason you are so restricted in generation in because Planescape: Torment is built more like an interactive novel (see in game dialogue), you must play as the character created by the author but within the story you determine what exactly your character does. I personally give it two stars up and a permanent place on my C: drive. |
Echon |
Posted - 27 Nov 2002 : 17:07:59 quote: Originally posted by The Defence Minister I dont mean his stats, his voice is just STUPID. He sounds like a bloody cockney!!!
Then throw him out your party and go get yourself a succubus, a githzerai, a tiefling, a ghost warrior, a modron cube or a 'human' consisting nearly of nothing but flames and fire.
-Echon |