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 Any new games coming out

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jarren Longblade Posted - 09 Jun 2004 : 09:31:23
Does anybody know if there are any new D&D games for the PC in development, I dont have a lot of time to look.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chyron Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 18:07:38
My feeling is that they still have a long way to go and we are looking at a few years at least. No release date yet. I remember waiting for NWN when that site first went up and 3E was still 1 year from being released. I wish they would have just made a better D20 engine with Dragon Age, but I guess they want to get away from the flack that fans gave them. I don't think there will be any more NWN expansions. Wondering now if what we will see first D&D Online or Dragon Age.
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 14:20:36
Originally posted by Narad Bladesinger

Weird. Couple of days ago, it didn't work, but now it does.
The mind boggles

If it happens a few more times then it's ready to become the official site of a gaming company.
Narad Bladesinger Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 10:51:55
Weird. Couple of days ago, it didn't work, but now it does.
The mind boggles
SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Jun 2004 : 16:09:06
Originally posted by Narad Bladesinger

Sounds intresting, but the link didn't work.

It's working now for me.
Narad Bladesinger Posted - 12 Jun 2004 : 15:25:27
Sounds intresting, but the link didn't work.
Kaervok Posted - 11 Jun 2004 : 22:51:40
Well. I think I have a word to put in here. Bioware is producing a very interesting looking game named Dragon Age. It's not technically D&D but they claim it's Baldurs Gate "spritual" succesor. It is supposed to have all the best qualities of Baldurs Gate, KotoR, and Neverwinter Nights. The few screen shots look amazing. Let me find the link..
Everyone should take a look. I'm entranced, it looks really amazing, and I do know of Biowares skill. If anyone can do this, it's them. My plan is just to pretend that it is Faerun, not going to be that hard considering how the remenisce of D&D is going to present in many aspects. Although I can't say for sure, I think it's going to be awesome, and I can't wait! ~Kaer~
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Jun 2004 : 17:23:55
Originally posted by kuje31
Demon Stone and it's for the PS2.

Thought so, but wasn't sure. Thanks kuje31.
Kuje Posted - 09 Jun 2004 : 17:05:12
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
I recall there being one game in development that R.A. Salvatore was helping with in the creation process. However, I'm not sure if that was intended for the PC or another source like the X-box.

Demon Stone and it's for the PS2.
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Jun 2004 : 15:40:57
Originally posted by Jarren Longblade

Does anybody know if there are any new D&D games for the PC in development, I dont have a lot of time to look.

I recall there being one game in development that R.A. Salvatore was helping with in the creation process. However, I'm not sure if that was intended for the PC or another source like the X-box.

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