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 weapon maker in NeverWinter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Karesch Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 04:31:09
There is a guy in the basement of the weaponshop in the core district of Neverwinter. He works much the same as Cromwell or Cespanar from BGII you have to collect stuff and he'll use those items to make you newer ones. Although it's a bit more random. Anyhow, my question is, does anyone know and "recipies" for him to make a magical Bastard Sword? I've found recipies for an axe and a greatsword, but nothing for a bastardsword, I was wondering if anyone knew any of the recipies??? could u post them.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mephostophilis Posted - 17 May 2004 : 12:22:16
There are a number of worthwhile bastard swords. Since some of the treasure drops seem to be based on the weapons you have a focus in, you should turn up a disproportionate amount.
Karesch Posted - 27 Apr 2004 : 01:46:01
how very... disappointing... is there any worthwhile bastard swords in the game? where might I come across them?
Bookwyrm Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 09:30:49
I was irritated that he couldn't do anything with crossbows. I was using a wizard at the time, and the only thing he could give my character that he could use was a club.
Arivia Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 08:59:36
He can't do anything with a bastard sword, unfortunately.
Wood Elf Ranger Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 05:24:35
I believe if you ask him he will give you a book with all of the recipies in it. Try talking to him more.

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