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 BG for PS2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 13 Nov 2002 : 14:42:33
Have any of you played the Baldur's Gate game for the PS2? Can anyone explain why *WHY* they had to make the game this way? My father and I played it in 2 player mode and I was mortified! I was playing as the mage-type character (only cuz she's a girl) and he played as the dwarf. Now, I was expecting a halfway decent game, but the bosses couldn't be hurt by her magic at all! So while my dad ran around and killed all of the bosses for XP, the magic user was fighting the lesser monsters and dying every 2 seconds. What were they thinking for the monsters? I have never seen a slime that looks like an ice cube running around the sewers of Baldurs Gate(or heard of one!) and they only gave you a small part of the town to explore the sewers. I have a big beef with that, because the town had a lot more to it than the Elfsong tavern and sewers. After you defeat that boss, the Harpers ask you to join? i would think it would take more than cleaning out sewers to earn the respect of the group and an invitation.
If someone could explain where they got the idea for ice cube slimes/jellies and hwo you get to be a Harper for garbage detail, please tell me. I'm listening
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dodger Posted - 07 Aug 2003 : 00:12:08
Good fun, but not exactly D&D. More like Gauntlet. It's entertaining if you switch your brain off and just run with it. The graphics are really good, especially when they zoom in for conversations.

And, of course, when you finish it you can play as Drizzt.
Fibura Gauntlet Posted - 25 Jun 2003 : 15:04:28
I always freeze the cubes, but I learnt the hard way The bosses immunity to electricity is as pointless as the fact you can Ball Lightning your way through the whole game without effort. I still play it hoping for one of the more amusingly-named random weapons
The Defence Minister Posted - 14 Nov 2002 : 20:04:57
I assume you mean Dark Alliance...

I have not played it personally but a couple of mates of mine are huge fans - especially of the two player mode.

They really enjoy it - they loved the monsters and the challenge the bosses presented.

Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 14 Nov 2002 : 00:44:12
Yes, we captured a gelatinous cube and fed it a steady diet of Vodka. Thought maybe we could entice a dragon into doing jello shots with us.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 13 Nov 2002 : 17:37:48
Having only played BG1+expansion on the PC, I can't really comment much on the game for PS2. However the 'ice cube' you are referring to, is most likely a 'gelatinous cube'. This is an existing D&D monster, who's prime role seems to be to clear dungeons of organic material (read adventurers).

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