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 Neverwinter Nights: Community Expansion Pack

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowlord Posted - 20 Feb 2004 : 16:43:42
The CEP is the result of over two years' community development and contributions and contains a ton of high-quality, custom content for Neverwinter Nights. When it's available, it will be a simple download that takes just minutes to install and inlcudes such things as 450 creatures, 14 new weapons and thousands of components, 324 shields, 1448 new placeables, and more. For more information concerning this expansion, please refer to the official Bioware CEP Website.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Teflon Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 04:37:53
Thanks shadowlord for the link, I been looking foward to this update even though I havent checked the NWN home site lately.
Arivia Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 03:36:11
Originally posted by Rad

Originally posted by Shadowlord

Sorry, I forgot to post this earlier, and I'm way behind, so if you don't know this already, you are too...

The CEP is officially out, and ready for download, free of charge, I might add... Actually, its been out for about a week and a half, but I'm just letting you know...

Wooohoooo! spendid! Heres the link for everyone anyway.

Thank you both.
Lord Rad Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 21:51:23
Originally posted by Shadowlord

Sorry, I forgot to post this earlier, and I'm way behind, so if you don't know this already, you are too...

The CEP is officially out, and ready for download, free of charge, I might add... Actually, its been out for about a week and a half, but I'm just letting you know...

Wooohoooo! spendid! Heres the link for everyone anyway.
Shadowlord Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 20:39:26
Sorry, I forgot to post this earlier, and I'm way behind, so if you don't know this already, you are too...

The CEP is officially out, and ready for download, free of charge, I might add... Actually, its been out for about a week and a half, but I'm just letting you know...
Kaervok Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 20:19:37
Wow, this looks really cool. I wish they would just let us see the screens of the new clothes and the monsters. I can't wait cause this will make it easier for everyone to have new custom content but all in one package, there for a majority of people will dwnld it and have it and we can be one big happy family. yay.
Winterfox Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 10:20:48
It's interesting to see quality contents combined in one neat little package, but don't you find this horribly questionable if they decide to demand money for the CEP? I mean, come on, you can download those contents on NWVault, what about the original creators? Like the portrait artists? And judging from the preview, many of those contents are not the Live Team's. They are from a variety of modders. Yes, I recall vaguely somewhere that the custom contents are considered Bioware's property, but still? Tacky, tacky.
Arivia Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 10:00:55
Sorry, but I've forgotten where I heard it from. Bioware is attempting to keep the Live Team creating new content for download , while the rest of the company focuses on other products. It won't be official patches that will have a cost, but new content.
EcThelion Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 06:03:02
And here's a little something if your into planescape . Sadly not done yet, though... City of Doors
Yasraena Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 04:43:30
Originally posted by Arivia

Well, I didn't know about it until yesterday. It looks good, but I'm hoping that this won't be the beginning of the rumored pay update system Bioware seems to be creating...

Where did you hear that from, Arivia? It's the first I've heard about it.
So long as the content is worthy of a charge (like this CEP), the updates are not mandatory, and said charge is a nominal one, say $10-$15 a year, then I have no problem with that. If they start to charge me for just the bug fixes, or files which are needed to continue to play the game, then they'll lose a customer.
Ezindir the dark Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 09:54:55
Some of those avatars looked pretty pshyco. One of a KObold I think and the other was a man with big horns. But this look really good, I am looking forward to download it.
Arivia Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 09:35:17
Well, I didn't know about it until yesterday. It looks good, but I'm hoping that this won't be the beginning of the rumored pay update system Bioware seems to be creating...
Shadowlord Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 05:47:31
Yes, I've been following it too, but I just recently thought, "Hey, why not tell the scribes at Candlekeep?" That is, if they didn't already know. Personally, I like the drow heads model for the avatars..........
Yasraena Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 05:41:32
I've been following this since it was first mentioned, some time ago now. Looks to be shaping up very nicely. Some of the screenshots of the new items look really good.

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