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 Red Wizards in BG1??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Magmasjtr Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 10:31:18
I was just sitting here, skipping school and thought of something. Here it comes: When first starting a new game you leave Candlekeep (donīt know why anyone would want to do that though?) and come upon some crossroads where your first encounter with Elminster happen. If you return to that same place later in the game, say when your level 6 and feel like exploring to get some more experience, and go right in to the wilderness to the right of the crossroads, lets say two stops. Then you enconter nothing but wood as far as the eye can see, but walking to the center of tha maps you stumbel? upon some sort chanting place for wizards, all dressed in red.

So here is my question: Are they Red Wizards?

Itīs been a really long time since I played the game so I donīt remember. And you will have to excuse my bad english and lack of expressional words.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 09:06:25
Red wizards without a doubt.
Enagonios Posted - 09 Mar 2004 : 05:56:04
if edwin the red wizard was in your party they would say something about his quest then just disappear. i had to reload it and attack them right away so that they'd stay and fight hehe.
Hymn Posted - 28 Feb 2004 : 17:46:44
yepp, I usually used the other red wizard in the game to frie them with fireballs, he he. No conclaves here, no sirey.
EcThelion Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 18:40:52
They were Red Wizards, alright. And they couldn't allow me to live, 'cuz I had seen too much.

It was their last mistake. Good XP, too.
Cherrn Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 22:14:25
Yup as far as I remember, they were red wizards.
The Cardinal Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 14:37:29
It's been awhile, but we think they did mention that they were Red Wizards... We think so anyways...
Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 14:16:51

I dont know as I never whent there, but can you tell us some more about them, could you talk to them? What did they say?

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