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 Civilization V: Faerūn

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Caladan Brood Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 12:56:27
All right, who of you guys is responsible for making me have to dig up my coin for a copy of Civ V.

23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 15:09:24
Alright, my fellow sages you are all making me want this mod. And Civ 5 of course!
Caladan Brood Posted - 06 Dec 2013 : 15:44:06
Yes, Civilization V for the PC - on Steam, the Gold Edition bundles up expansions and DLC and makes it rather easy to get it all. Except the Faerūn mod, in my case.. :D Oh well, I obtained a copy of Knight of the Living Dead (Catacombs FR Solo Adventure) today so I have something to do :p
sleyvas Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 23:27:27
just making sure, this is a pc based version? I haven't played civilization since the original, but I'd be willing to play a Faerun mod.
Caladan Brood Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 20:48:19
Yeah, as far as I understood it, I would not need "Brave New World". Ah, sucks. I tried a normal campaign but I lost interest rather quickly. Maybe when I have a little more time.
Mapolq Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 19:45:00
Yes, Gold Edition includes Gods&Kings (but not Brave New World). As far as I know, Brave New World is not required for any of the Faerūn mods, but I bought it anyway, so that could be an issue... but it's a far shot.
Caladan Brood Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 17:20:41
Thanks for that, Mapolq. I bought the Gold Edition and as far as I know that is included?
Mapolq Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 21:19:20
Caladan, I have to say as well that the "Faerūn for G&K" mod requires the Gods&Kings expansion pack. There's a "Faerūn for Vanilla" version for those who don't have the expansion. Might be pointing out the obvious, but you never know...
Alruane Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 20:39:34
Pardon my off topic conversation everyone! Just cannot resist talking about Baldur's Gate in general so, my apologies!
Alruane Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 20:38:19
Yes, the improvements are quite nice. Everything from Interface, to the new zoom (in and out) feature, added NPC's, quests. It's all like re-discovering a great game you loved, and finding things about it you never knew were there. I'm still finding out new things about the game, places to go and people to talk to. Very much a new adventure for me as well! I like that idea though, playing it as if it were a session with other players and such. Sounds like great fun, I actually just got done with a little play through today. Made it to Beregost and left my party at Feldepost's Inn. figured they deserved a well needed rest after the rigors I put them through.
Caladan Brood Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 20:32:46
Originally posted by Alruane

Originally posted by Caladan Brood

Mapolq, yes I did. I subscribed, the files downloaded, but there's nothing in the modlist :/
Oh well, it's not like I really have time to play games anyway. Most of my gaming experiences the last couple of years can be boiled down to the experience of buying it.
Well, I've put in a few hours of Baldur's Gate:EE.

I've tried to find a solution online but all I've found requires the mod to at least appear in the modlist.

How are you liking Baldur's Gate: EE, Caladan? I bought that myself a while back, about to start playing some more now.

I'm a huge fan of the original Baldur's Gate, so it was a given I'd like this one too. And I like it better because you know, the graphics are updated, the interface is improved.. and it's so nice to revisit old places I had forgotten, and see the sights that I remember again. It's such a brilliant gem of a game :) The music, the sense of discovery and exploration, the dialogue...even though its linear you still have some leeway. I park my party at the inn in Nashkel, then when I reload a game whenever I find time, I send them out to explore a new part of the map, and then head back to the inn until the next time. Gives it a feeling of playing "sessions".
Cards77 Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 19:11:17
I have like 300 hours into Civ 5 great game
Alruane Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 17:25:16
Here here! I'd love to get it myself.
Zireael Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 17:19:58
Omg I would so like to get Civ V now...
Alruane Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 12:30:02
Originally posted by Caladan Brood

Mapolq, yes I did. I subscribed, the files downloaded, but there's nothing in the modlist :/
Oh well, it's not like I really have time to play games anyway. Most of my gaming experiences the last couple of years can be boiled down to the experience of buying it.
Well, I've put in a few hours of Baldur's Gate:EE.

I've tried to find a solution online but all I've found requires the mod to at least appear in the modlist.

How are you liking Baldur's Gate: EE, Caladan? I bought that myself a while back, about to start playing some more now.
Caladan Brood Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 12:21:02
Mapolq, yes I did. I subscribed, the files downloaded, but there's nothing in the modlist :/
Oh well, it's not like I really have time to play games anyway. Most of my gaming experiences the last couple of years can be boiled down to the experience of buying it.
Well, I've put in a few hours of Baldur's Gate:EE.

I've tried to find a solution online but all I've found requires the mod to at least appear in the modlist.
Mapolq Posted - 03 Dec 2013 : 03:11:33
Caladan, did you buy it off Steam? If so, you can use Steam software to "subscribe" to those mods, and they'll be downloaded automatically. It worked like a charm for me. I was just sending a Chondathan relief force to Impiltur to stop the Damarans from conquering it.
Alruane Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 21:04:20
Originally posted by Caladan Brood

Yeah I bought it too - but the mod doesn't want to appear in my mod list...goodbye sweet £9.99

So let's see, I'd be shelling out...mmm $16.33 for the game here. Not TOO bad really.
Caladan Brood Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 20:34:41
Yeah I bought it too - but the mod doesn't want to appear in my mod list...goodbye sweet £9.99
Alruane Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 17:49:36
It appears a few of our sages shall be busy with Civ5
Mapolq Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 17:37:42
Yep, I just bought it!
Caladan Brood Posted - 02 Dec 2013 : 16:16:56
Civilization V Gold Edition is currently on sale on Steam for £9.99 - a bargain
Mapolq Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 22:29:06

I'm suddenly considering buying Civ 5, even though I originally thought it seemed inferior to Civ 4 (though the expansions seem to have adressed some issues I had as well...).

Also, the guy seems to be continually working to improve it, so one can go to the CivFanatics forum and pester him to work more, I mean, give him some cool ideas.
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 20:43:31
Whoa...I would LOVE to have this!

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