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 Salvatore characters build for NWN: Storm of Zehir

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Zulkkarnain Posted - 09 Jun 2013 : 12:52:36
I`m planning to start playing Storm of Zehir. I didn`t like NWN2 Orginal Campaign and I strongly disliked Mask of the Betrayer. However, I really enjoyed Mysteries of Westgate.

In general I`m not a fan of epic battles, I prefer detective plot and social interactiions (like BG-1, BG-2: SoA), rather than being an unstoppable juggernaut of divine wrath (Throne of Bhaal, Mask of the Betrayer)

So, since I`m plotting to create for SoZ a party led by Jarlaxle (Arcane Trixter class?), Artemis Entreri ( shadow dancer or assasin?), Athrogate as a tank (dwarven defender) and Cadderly as a divine spellcaster (Favoured Soul obviously)

How playable such combination will be? I`m not a great fan of maniacally optimizing stats, I just don`t want to be stuck at the very begining unable to kill a bunch of goblins.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mapolq Posted - 10 Jun 2013 : 13:22:04
SoZ is not particularly hard to beat, and you can usually fight random encounters to level up if you find you can't overcome a challenge. I think you'll enjoy playing with your party.

For reference, I've beaten it pretty easily on normal difficulty with a Fighter/Swashbuckler, a Fighter/Bard, a Rogue/Cleric and a Wizard/Eldritch Knight, and I'm not really good at optimization either.

Oh. Before I forget... once you finish the game, if you're up for some online play, check my sig.

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