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 OGL wii U project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 16 Apr 2013 : 08:04:13
So me and about 20 other folks are working on making an game, using 3.5 OGL content, that will do a WII U game, using dungeons and dragons.

It will use the controllers for the TV Screen, and have we are unsure the max amount of players, but already assume the controller will be passed around, and be a turn based dice rolling game.

While the DM control's what is going on, by the wii U touch pad.

We are only about 4 weeks into the project, and will be going slow, but will be using sprites ((to reduce building time and ease up on art construction needs)). We may even get brave enough if we think it comes together, to attempt to make it a indie game and not just a school project.

((Hidden fact, fun thing about Dm controlling the monsters, we don't have to program AI))

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