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 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EcThelion Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 09:18:12
"Drizzt Do'Urden and Artemis Entreri are rumoured to be playable characters in the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 video game, which is now available for the PS2 and Xbox. For further details, click here."

Well. This might be fun. Dibs on the Necromancer!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Rad Posted - 08 May 2004 : 12:37:34
Originally posted by Yoldin

is dark alliance 2 worth the buy? i played dark alliance 1 and liked it but im not sure about the second.

Ive not played it that in depth, but I have enjoyed what bit ive played so far. If you enjoyed the first one then youre sure to enjoy BG:DA2
Yoldin Posted - 08 May 2004 : 02:09:31
is dark alliance 2 worth the buy? i played dark alliance 1 and liked it but im not sure about the second.
Magmasjtr Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 10:12:23
True, true, a touch to easy. The Normal level got my characters to such an high level that even playing Extreme wasnt particulary hard. Just started a Hard game with the two new chracters. Kind of sucky that they start of at level 16.
Valdar Oakensong Posted - 15 Feb 2004 : 13:08:27
I like the shift key option, and the graphics are great. A minor gripe is that it is a touch too easy, I am playing the Necromancer and I am finding it easy going on the normal level
Originally posted by Rad

Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong

Does anyone have it yet, if so what do you think. Think mine is stuck at the Post Office, am going there now.....

Yup! Got mine on Tuesday. Only spent about 30 mins on it so far, but im quite impressed. The graphics and sounds are very nice and the gameplay is as to be expected if youve played the original Dark Alliance. Ive only played the Dark Elf Monk so far to about 3rd level so ive yet to delve into the game properly.

Quite enjoyable

Lord Rad Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 13:51:02
Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong

Does anyone have it yet, if so what do you think. Think mine is stuck at the Post Office, am going there now.....

Yup! Got mine on Tuesday. Only spent about 30 mins on it so far, but im quite impressed. The graphics and sounds are very nice and the gameplay is as to be expected if youve played the original Dark Alliance. Ive only played the Dark Elf Monk so far to about 3rd level so ive yet to delve into the game properly.

Quite enjoyable
Valdar Oakensong Posted - 06 Feb 2004 : 18:28:20
Does anyone have it yet, if so what do you think. Think mine is stuck at the Post Office, am going there now.....
EcThelion Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 20:50:33
You might get a few more replies in 13 days when the game is released. Did I mention it is released in 13 days.

Why did you think I posted the link? For the looks?
Valdar Oakensong Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 21:27:27
Yes despite numerous delays that wonderful day shall soon be here.
Originally posted by Fibura Gauntlet

Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong

You might get a few more replies in 13 days when the game is released. Did I mention it is released in 13 days. The game is out in 13 days,13 days,13 days, only another 13 days to go. (13 days is the countdown on where I have placed my order).

Is it out over here in the UK so soon? *rubs his hands* I feel my hopeless quest for a "Flaming Bastard Sword" may soon be resumed

Fibura Gauntlet Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 14:50:06
Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong

You might get a few more replies in 13 days when the game is released. Did I mention it is released in 13 days. The game is out in 13 days,13 days,13 days, only another 13 days to go. (13 days is the countdown on where I have placed my order).

Is it out over here in the UK so soon? *rubs his hands* I feel my hopeless quest for a "Flaming Bastard Sword" may soon be resumed
Valdar Oakensong Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 23:02:26
You might get a few more replies in 13 days when the game is released. Did I mention it is released in 13 days. The game is out in 13 days,13 days,13 days, only another 13 days to go. (13 days is the countdown on where I have placed my order).

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