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 City of Eshpurta

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
doorknob Posted - 22 Jan 2004 : 21:26:35

i have the Interactive Atlas for the Forgotten Realms and i am going to be running a Campaign based out of Eshpurta. Finally able to use a city map already provided for me instead of making one up, i look at it and see some places labeled. unfortunatly i do not know what they are.

The one that i have a pretty good idea is the Towers of willful Suffering. Obviously this is the quiet templt to Illmater.

But what about the following:

The Towers of the Vengeful Hand
The Roots of the Earth
The Knights Detente
The House of the Iron Rose
Three Roldons
The Hamstrung Giant
The Golden Fortress

I have no problem just making them what i want something that would make sense, but i am interested if there is some prior information that I can not find that would spell out what they should be.

Thanks for you help in advance.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 08:23:51
The 2e FR tome Lands of Intrigue. You can download this tome, and a large number of other 2e FR sourcebooks (for free) from the WotC Dungeons & Dragons Downloads site.

doorknob Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 15:47:12
Sage thanks a bunch that helps alot. I of course have another question. Where might I find such information?
EcThelion Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 08:36:14
Or we could let the Sage Save the Day!
The Sage Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 05:36:28
Originally posted by doorknob


i have the Interactive Atlas for the Forgotten Realms and i am going to be running a Campaign based out of Eshpurta. Finally able to use a city map already provided for me instead of making one up, i look at it and see some places labeled. unfortunatly i do not know what they are.

The one that i have a pretty good idea is the Towers of willful Suffering. Obviously this is the quiet templt to Illmater.

But what about the following:

The Towers of the Vengeful Hand
The Roots of the Earth
The Knights Detente
The House of the Iron Rose
Three Roldons
The Hamstrung Giant
The Golden Fortress

I have no problem just making them what i want something that would make sense, but i am interested if there is some prior information that I can not find that would spell out what they should be.

Thanks for you help in advance.

Here's what I have -

- Towers of Willful Suffering, a subdued abbey and temple dedicated to Ilmater
- The Towers of the Vengeful Hand, a temple to Tempus
- The Roots of the Earth, is a tavern, but also a very unorthodox shrine to Grumbar
- The Knights Detente, a rowdy inn/festhall...for soldiers only
- The House of the Iron Rose, is a boarding house which caters to military officers and 'rich' adventurers
- Three Roldons, a lavish tavern which is well known for it's discretion
- The Hamstrung Giant, an inn/tavern with a warm friendly atmosphere
- The Golden Fortress, acts as the main garrison hold for the Amnian's Council Army in eastern Tethyr

I hope that helps...
Shadowlord Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 01:36:01
Shadowlord gives Forgotten One a stern look. "Or we could get it moved."
EcThelion Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 01:05:45
But, heck! We could allways de-generate it to a Spam-topic!

Oooorrr.... get it moved?
Shadowlord Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 00:50:20
Yes, I do believe so myself. This should be in the Running the Realms folder.
EcThelion Posted - 22 Jan 2004 : 22:06:18
I think that you are in the wrong section of the Forums here, my good... man?

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