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 BG2 Character

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Feawen Posted - 20 Jan 2004 : 10:58:58
i need a new BG2 character....

Im looking for a character i can have fun thinking of using a bard lol

Any ideas?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 16:07:59
I cannot help it! I love that part of the realm, almost as much as I love Waterdeep. Plus I kind of arrived to the party late, finally became a member of the site in November of this year.
Light Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 14:23:38
Alruane mate I love your enthusiasm but come on! The dates man the dates! I come back for hiatus and click on the "active posts since last online" and see tonnes of threads about Baldur's Gate but it's just you making belated posts! Although... that's what I'm doing....
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 21:34:28
Gnomes cannot be Monks, only humans. However, Mage/Kensai is pretty strong. Overrated, but strong. A human monk is very new and fun to play regardless.
Ezindir the dark Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 20:57:28
Mages are more challengin, thats rigth. But I think Sorcerees are a little cooler at some times, but it depends on the character.
EcThelion Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 13:09:45
Mages have the bigger stock of spells, you gumball.
Sorcerers are for the lazy, and unskilled.
Zaknafein Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 03:38:20
mages...i prefer Sorcerers. i think they are more fun since you dont have to learn spells, you earn them as you lvl and have a bigger stock of them.
EcThelion Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 00:32:16
Hmmmm... well. You have already admited to be breaking the rules of the game, so why not me?

I got the ability to cast "Ec'Thelion's Imploding Orb" And the effects of that sepll are somewhat... desicive... Just about 100D100+100 damage, Slay Creature, Death, Disintegrate, and Imprisonment.

If you want a character that only uses legit stuff (), but has cracked the XP-cap, I might as well allways direct you here Just remove some of the spells (I don't think you'll have to remove that many, though) and You've got yourself a genuine SoA-char... with wa-a-a-ay too much XP, ofcourse.

Anyways; I've discovered the power of the Fighter/Mage Dual-Class! Da ûber-ownage 2E-class! Mwe-ha-ha!!!
Ezekil Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 23:37:32
So... EcThelion... Tell me, what power do you posess that I do not? And you did know i was talking about Shadows of Amn, not Throne of Bhaal? And remember a good laugh does not allways make your life longer...
EcThelion Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 10:14:56
W0haha! I laugh at your puny, insignificant, level 20 wizard! "WAHAHAHAHA" Did you hear that? That was me laughing! "WAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Ezekil Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 02:19:20
When i 1st played bg2-soa i used a human wiz and then cracked the game with a exp-cap buster... ended up at 20th lvl. WOW, that's what i call power. when you play wiz you allso open a few cool options in the game such as owning the planar sphere and getting apprentices to make magic items for you...
EcThelion Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 09:49:23
Backstab doesn't even work on the more powerful creatures. In fact it hardly ever works on the creatures you'd want to use it on. Besides; you hardly get any Backstab bonus if u dual-class it, and still have enough XP to reach level 31, and if u Multi-class it... well... that's just taboo

And you'd have to run back and forth and hide, and ****. You'll barely have time to do 3 - 6 attacks during the timestop. Besides; Mages rarely go into melee. It's just *vulgar*

Alcatry/Timestop/Imprisonment ownz that any day. And if ur up against weaker foes you can wack them to death with your walking stick. Who said 3 points in Two-Handed Weapons, and 5 in Quarterstaffs hurt?
Winterfox Posted - 08 Feb 2004 : 08:39:06
Thief/mage can do some pretty crazy damage. Timestop + improved haste + backstab backstab backstab.
EcThelion Posted - 08 Feb 2004 : 02:44:07
The LEvel 8 Fighter / Level 31 Mage ownz u all. HE Can use the Flail too. Not that he'll need to, though. The fighter/Mage stcks with the Staff of the Magi. The Flail is for Vulgar people, that have not the brains to utilize the power of magic to fight for them, rather than fighting themselves.

(Hmmm... I'm starting to turn into Cyric here. )
Winterfox Posted - 06 Feb 2004 : 04:58:21
Originally posted by Cyric

that flail that does cold,fire,acid,poisone and elektrik okey it was a 5+ but still and magic resistance and slow foes. And cleric rules level40 cleric would take level 30 fighter i think max was.

Er, that's stupid. Try cleric vs. fighter of equal level.

As I said, the Flail of Ages is useable by fighters, too. Point?
RaVeN1463 Posted - 06 Feb 2004 : 01:29:20
The Flail of Ages maybe? I find Clerics good versitle medium melee and support casters. Restoring party members is a valueble quality they have.
Shadowlord Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 21:04:14
Originally posted by Winterfox

What flail? Most flails, well, are useable to fighters. Besides, the best weapons are not cleric-usable, anyway. Think Ravager. Think Sarevok with the Ravager or the vorpal sword.

Cleric in ToB == worthless!

The "level 10" spells clerics get are quite awful. Wizards and druids get better summons; wizards get better area-of-affect offensive spells (Dragon's breath, anyone?); druids can take over the healing duties; any melee class can, well, melee better anyway.

Not that the combat in ToB's challenging enough to warrant an ideal, maximized party, though. Most of my fights in that game go something like this---

1. Wizard casts alacrity
2. Wizard casts timestop then proceeds to strip protections from enemy mages, if any. If not, dragon's breath, Abi's horrid wilting, etc
3. Timestop runs out. Enemies that survive get mowed down by the fighters.

I took Anomen along only because of his interaction with Kelsey.

You do know that Kelsey is a mod, so not everyone knows who that is.......
Cyric Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 17:24:34
that flail that does cold,fire,acid,poisone and elektrik okey it was a 5+ but still and magic resistance and slow foes. And cleric rules level40 cleric would take level 30 fighter i think max was.
Ezindir the dark Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 11:20:42
Thats why you should use Aerie, I can see your point, but nothing beats greater restoration. It heals Everyone in the party goddamnit, its freaking good, anyway, you cant proteckt everyone against confusion and thing like that.
You heals everyone from leveldrain too, its freaking good in a battle.
Winterfox Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 08:42:05
That's my point. Dragon's Breath > Storm of Vengeance. Summon Planetar > Summon whatever the cleric gets. By the time you get into ToB, most of your characters are probably decked up in more magical gear than you can shake a stick at. I know my fighters were just about immune to everything, so things like confusion and stun are not a problem. Druids can heal. Jaheira has restoration as one of her spells, so level drain/energy drain doesn't pose a problem. A mage-summoned planetar can cast a number of clerical spells, including Raise Dead and Heal. (Two spells that are the only reason that I'd take a cleric.)
Ezindir the dark Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 07:35:10
Well not all cleric spells are useless, greater researchion(or somting) fully heals everyone in the party+any confusion, feeblemind etc. gets dispelled.
Amd we do also have storm of Venance, and thats just some of it.
Winterfox Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 06:58:43
What flail? Most flails, well, are useable to fighters. Besides, the best weapons are not cleric-usable, anyway. Think Ravager. Think Sarevok with the Ravager or the vorpal sword.

Cleric in ToB == worthless!

The "level 10" spells clerics get are quite awful. Wizards and druids get better summons; wizards get better area-of-affect offensive spells (Dragon's breath, anyone?); druids can take over the healing duties; any melee class can, well, melee better anyway.

Not that the combat in ToB's challenging enough to warrant an ideal, maximized party, though. Most of my fights in that game go something like this---

1. Wizard casts alacrity
2. Wizard casts timestop then proceeds to strip protections from enemy mages, if any. If not, dragon's breath, Abi's horrid wilting, etc
3. Timestop runs out. Enemies that survive get mowed down by the fighters.

I took Anomen along only because of his interaction with Kelsey.
Cyric Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 00:30:16
the cleric rules, he has magic and he gets the uber powerful flail 6+ i think it was.
EcThelion Posted - 31 Jan 2004 : 14:24:21
Hmmmm... didn't know that.
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 31 Jan 2004 : 04:22:50
Carsomyr, the Holy Avenger you find amongst Jierdan Firekragg's horde when you slay him (if you are a paladin this also were your stronghost quest beigns).
EcThelion Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 21:25:12
A incredibly dumb Paladin might also be fun. Then again; paladins are fun nevertheless! It's allway fun to be allowed... no... it is demanded off you that you... kill every single Evil creature that you encounter! My, oh, my!

"You be EVIL! I SLAY YOU!"
: : Chops his head off with my nasty Two-Handed Sword +5 (Whatever it's called. C-something) : :
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 20:18:45
Inquistitor is one of the coolest, and most powerful, kits in Baldur's Gate 2, I had a blast with mine. Also an interesting choice, the kensai/thief. It is tricky to do right, but if you do you have sucessfully broken the game. Also, The barbarian can make a fun choice, but I tend to prefer the berserker.
EcThelion Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 14:49:30
Hmmm... a Half-Dragon Inquisitor? (Or whatever those dudes that hunt dragons, and daemons are called)

Or a Berserker/Mage?

Or a Paladin/Priest of Talos?
Feawen Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 10:40:23
perhaps, but a wizard slayer/mage is likely to kill himself :)
EcThelion Posted - 28 Jan 2004 : 16:18:32
Paladin / Thief.

He'll spend most his time chasing himself.
Feawen Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 02:52:38

no, wizard slayer /mage

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