T O P I C R E V I E W |
EcThelion |
Posted - 18 Jan 2004 : 21:38:25 Wich class is the best? So far I've been sticking with the Mage, mostly 'cuz he can be Dualed with a Fighter, but also out of 'respect' for the fact that mages actually make themselves worthy of what power they have aquired, while Sorcerors just wake up one morning and find them selves to be capable of casting spells.
Anyways; Wich class is the best? Personally I don't se what kind of advantages the mage could possible hold over a Sorceror. Shure he can memorize a few more spells and, perhaps, cast a few more, but the Sorceror is more versatile, and has acess to all of his spells at any time.
Could anybody please tell me why on earth I should keep playing the Mage? I'd really like to know, 'cuz the Mages are much cooler than Sorcerors, but they [Sorcerors] seem so much more versatile, and thus, powerful...
Anybody? |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Alruane |
Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 20:40:31 quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by Alruane
Hard answer. I'd say Mages, mainly because once you use a sorcerer spell ,let's say, level one. It depletes ALL level one spells, where as mage memorized and scroll used spells only get rid of THAT spell for the time being. Mages win that already.
Of course, sorcerers can also use scrolls, so a level one sorcerer is not necessarily a one-shot caster.
Tis true, I just always favored a mage. Mainly any of the specializations, NOT ALL, but most.  |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 14:08:50 quote: Originally posted by Alruane
Hard answer. I'd say Mages, mainly because once you use a sorcerer spell ,let's say, level one. It depletes ALL level one spells, where as mage memorized and scroll used spells only get rid of THAT spell for the time being. Mages win that already.
Of course, sorcerers can also use scrolls, so a level one sorcerer is not necessarily a one-shot caster. |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 14:07:03 Much like any X vs Y debate, it's all about the scenario.
A wizard who is prepped with a bunch of combat spells will take a sorcerer of identical level, easily, simply by having more spells.
A wizard who is not prepped solely for combat, though, will likely be at a disadvantage when compared to the sorcerer, because the sorcerer can always cast his combat spells, even if he planned on spending the entire day in the library or having a night out with his lady.
It's been argued here somewhat recently, but I will never accept the premise that every single wizard wakes up every single day and makes sure he's got a full load-out of combat spells, regardless of his actual plans for the day. That's like saying a mechanic on his day off is going to lug around his entire toolchest, just in case he finds himself unexpectedly needing to fix a car.
The strength of the wizard is that properly prepared, a wizard of sufficient level can handle just about any scenario, and could outcast a sorcerer in the same scenario. The weakness of the wizard is the need to prepare his spells; the wizard who expects to spend all day doing research or crafting magical items is in trouble if anything else happens.
The sorcerer's strength is versatility. He is always prepared for any scenario, since he can pick and choose his spells whenever he needs to. The weakness of the sorcerer is that if they don't resolve a particular scenario rather quickly, they may find themselves out of spells.
It's all about preference. Do you think it's better to be able to handle anything, decisively, so long as you make the appropriate preparations, or do you think it's better to be able to react to anything and at least get yourself out of trouble?
My preference is being able to react without preparation, but arguments can be made for the increased spell load-out of a wizard. |
Alruane |
Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:50:39 Hard answer. I'd say Mages, mainly because once you use a sorcerer spell ,let's say, level one. It depletes ALL level one spells, where as mage memorized and scroll used spells only get rid of THAT spell for the time being. Mages win that already. |
EcThelion |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 10:04:16 I played with a level 31 sorc. He didn't have above 90 Hitpoints. Power Word: Kill = Dead Sorcerer.
And why on earth did you think that I empathised that one of the primary benifits of dualing a Fighter is the Hitpoints?
quote: If the characters' levels are both maxxed, yes.
Not like that matters. The F/M jsut needs a little bit of protection while he reaches level 9. And mages level really fast early on, so that'll not be a problem. And with a mere 124000XP 'drain' from the Fighter-Part You'll not even notice it. Any level +9 the F/M will own the Sorcerer. Mw0h4h4h4h4h4h4!!1 |
Winterfox |
Posted - 08 Feb 2004 : 08:43:23 If the characters' levels are both maxxed, yes.
quote: Dude. The Fighter/Mage ownz the Sorcerer any day. Hell! The F/M can kill-off the Sorcerer with a simple Power Word: Kill!
...inane much?
Power Word: Kill can be, you know, resisted. And not as if sorcerers can't cast it or anything. |
EcThelion |
Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 23:43:49 Dude. The Fighter/Mage ownz the Sorcerer any day. Hell! The F/M can kill-off the Sorcerer with a simple Power Word: Kill! 8 levels of Fighter is hardly any XP at all. It actaully allows you to reach Level 31 with the mage. (Max level, even if you are single classed). And I'd just like to say that I'll take 124 HP, the ability to use any kinds of weapons and armour, and a bunch of extra profency points over the sorcerers ability to cast spells, without having to memorize them, any day.
quote: Can the mage/fighter cast Timestop and other ToB-only spells? If not, he's in to have his behind kicked really badly. If you haven't removed the level cap, a mage/fighter will have a rather limited arsenal of spells. If the sorcerer, for instance, utilizes the summon-multiple-planetars cheese, the mage/fighter is as good as dead.
What on earth is that supposed to mean? OFcourse a level 31 Mage can use all the spells in the book. |
Winterfox |
Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 05:13:37 BG2 has no feats, so that's not really relevant. In any case, BG2 uses a somewhat butchered set of rules, anyway, not that I mind. I prefer sorcerer generally, since I hate having to select spells to memorize to prepare for the next fight.
Mage/fighter is a combo that screams for cheese. Anyone that's ever tried it can attest to that; anyone that's tried, say, the Solaufien mod can further attest to the pure cheese, as Solaufien comes with some very... interesting equipment. However, in a duel of equivalent level...
Can the mage/fighter cast Timestop and other ToB-only spells? If not, he's in to have his behind kicked really badly. If you haven't removed the level cap, a mage/fighter will have a rather limited arsenal of spells. If the sorcerer, for instance, utilizes the summon-multiple-planetars cheese, the mage/fighter is as good as dead. |
Sourcemaster2 |
Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 04:16:54 It's generally agreed that mages and sorcerers are equal. Obviously one would have an advantage in certain situations over the other, but their respective abilities pretty much cancel each other out. A wizard that wasn't expecting to battle today would be destroyed by the sorcerer that is always prepared, just as the mage who had observed and accounted for all of the spells a sorc knows would crush him. Even the feats match up. A mage can craft any magical item(with enough research), while a sorc is limited to the few spells he has, and a sorc can spontaneously metamagic his spells(despite the added time cost) |
Kaervok |
Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 01:30:31 A vhaerunite? Hmm. I forgot, who is my diety? Well I think I gave up on dieties and gods when I became a learned archmage. I forgot the gods and looked for power within myself and the weave. So I am powerful now with my own magics and hellballs and dragon breaths spells. I also have a huge mage tower and know that I will always be better than clerics because I don't haev to get my magic from the gods. Praying.. Pshh. Although I think I would like bhaal or... Kossuth .....? |
EcThelion |
Posted - 23 Jan 2004 : 21:11:12 Yes I heard about that. |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 20 Jan 2004 : 00:06:17 Hmmm, I was nearly sacrificed to Lolth, but instead risked jumping through an open gate. I was then sent to the Demonweb, where I met the avatar of my god, Vhaeraun. It was then that I became a Vhaeraunite. |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:53:19 Yes. Was a rather nasty incident, really. With a planar shpere, and the need of a Demon heart. And quite a rewarding one, I might add! I gout out alive, and with 2 hearts! 1 for the Sphere, and 1 for further... experiments... |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:51:29 Really? You too?  |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:47:52 Been there. Done that. |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:38:39 Bah, burn in the Abyss....... |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:35:15 We shall see.
Remember that I could allways change the spells I have choosen  |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:17:58 I shall, but i can't seem to find my BG2 disc.... As soon as I do, I can begin to gloat over your fighter/mage. |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:06:57 *akward silence...*
So... where are the stats for your famed Sorceror, then? I'd like to see he who can defeat my nice little Fighter/Mage. (Post them in the appropriate topic, mind me) |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:04:43 Truly.... |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:03:49 It seems that I shall either have to find a better CD-rom, or that I will be forced to buy a new copy of the game! Ahh... what a shame! |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:02:32 It does sound rather silly, and I assure you I am not a dancer, .
Oh, nasty lines, that doesn't sound good..... |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:00:01 You would fail, miserably, my good Dancer. (Sounds silly when you remove Shadow, doesn't it?) I am allways protected by a handy Stoneskin you see, rendering me immune to any devious plots of backstabbing.
On that other note: No the udnerside isn't 'scratched'. It's bloody, frekin' cut! I don't know what has happened to it, but a long line has formed on it. And one of those 'nasty' lines, not one of the 'annoying' lines. (Annoying ones are the ones going from the center and aou, and the nasty ones are the ones forming a circle.) |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:56:37 I highly doubt that I would fail, and on another note, would the Underside be scratched? |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:43:13 You mistake my confidence for arrogance, my good Shadowdancer. I am mearely informing you that if you were to be foolish enough to attempt to arrange an... untimely departure by my side, you would, likely, fail.
On a different Note: WHAT, THE BLOODY FU*K IS WRONG WITH MY ToB CD!?!?!? It's completely *ucked-up! I can't install ToB! What am I goign to do now!?!?!?!?!? The HORROR!!! |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:38:59 Why do I even bother to post when half of the scribes here are so arrogant that they think the Realms revolve around them? Myself, of course, included.  |
EcThelion |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:35:24 You may master the art of the SHadows, but no creature can hide itself from my all-seeing True Sight! |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:00:47 Wow, a fellow shadowdancer, and here I thought that this brother of the shadows stood alone..... |
Ezindir the dark |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:58:47 I'm not either a mage, I'm a Bard/Shadowdancer. |
Shadowlord |
Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:56:04 Whilst you are *cough cough* ploting, mayhaps you will think of a deity to worship...... |