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 BG1 NPCs in SoA

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Smiling Imp Posted - 25 Jul 2012 : 22:39:02
Hey guys, Smiling Imp here. Just wanted to let you know that my mod, which introduces the majority of NPCs from BG1 into Baldur's Gate 2 SoA and the expansion ToB has a new forum and download link. If you love Baldur's Gate 2 and want a new challenge, please check it out.

BG1 NPCs for SoA forum

Download Link;sa=view;down=177

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 20 Nov 2013 : 02:50:23
I DEFINITELY want to try this out, going to wait till I get Enhanced Edition.
Smiling Imp Posted - 05 Oct 2013 : 08:33:58
Version 9 now up, with playable Dynaheir included!
Smiling Imp Posted - 06 Jun 2013 : 00:01:24
Hey Guys, Smiling Imp here. Just wanted to let you know that a new version of the mod , version 8, has just been released. It introduces enhanced NPC character scripts and new area scripts for the Water Gardens.;sa=downfile&id=177

As far as compatibility with BG2:EE, I guess we will have to wait and see. If it is not too complicated, I don't see why not.
Zireael Posted - 17 Dec 2012 : 19:25:32
I will definitely consider it when BG2: EE comes out.

I'm afraid mods for BG1 don't work with BG:EE, so I think all mods will need updating for BG2:EE too.
Light Posted - 16 Dec 2012 : 13:05:39
Ah, just the person I need. Do you know whether the mods for BG are compatible with BG:EE? What I am getting at is: will your mod be able to be played with BG2:EE and if not would you consider remaking it?
Zireael Posted - 15 Dec 2012 : 19:09:02
Nice to see it wasn't abandoned :)
Smiling Imp Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 07:32:25
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that a new edition of this mod is out. I also began working on a new Montaron Romance. Let me know what you guys think!!;sa=downfile&id=177
Smiling Imp Posted - 28 Jul 2012 : 18:14:32
Originally posted by Light

I am very glad that I just found this mod. I can finally do what I should have been able to do in the vanilla game! I can revive Ajantis!

Thanks for giving it a go, Light. Be sure to drop by the forums some time and tell me what you think. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Light Posted - 26 Jul 2012 : 05:31:09
I am very glad that I just found this mod. I can finally do what I should have been able to do in the vanilla game! I can revive Ajantis!

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